
Fuck Heineken...that's enough for me to start a word of mouth campaign...EVERYONE i know drinks beer, and hates russia....even the magats here aren't the putin loving variety, communist is still a dirty word here.

You must have some Silent still alive who remember and tell the story. It was up to Boomer this time (with dead parents that's not happening); so now it's up to me, Gen X to carry on, tell the stories and encourage knowledge/learning. READ. Never stop.
The wives of the fallen Russian soldiers were honored on the holiday. The head of the municipality personally congratulated the women who were left without a breadwinner. Women were left with children without spouses, but they now had candy and flowers.

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They're is an old saying in Russia,"the back of the Russian is broad",and obviously Putin and his gov. have no problem adding weight on the back of these poor widows.
A permanent drone "air park" where qualified and licensed pilots could experiment would be a nice reward for the service the hobby and industry provide and a good recruiting and development ground for skilled pilots and technology. After the war it will be mostly veterans making up the drone and RC hobby community in Ukraine and they will not just have war stories, they will have video too, most will also still be in the reserves! Have the Ukrainian air force manage the place for public use, though not for any member of the public. A lot of this tech has been adapted from the hobby world, shielding and military grade communications kits need to be developed to convert a wide range of consumer drones for military use easily and cheaply.

Testing Ukraіnian-Made Military Drones and UAVs. Drone Hackathon Report. Army of Drones Gathering

2,565 views Mar 8, 2023
The Army of Drones is a project by United24 and the Ministry of Digital Transformation aimed at expanding Ukraine’s drone warfare capacity. One of the goals of this initiative is to boost the military tech industry by discovering new startups specializing in drone production. Watch the high-tech innovations being tested.
God fearing white Christians fighting against big government and a traditional enemy with guts and guns is deeply appealing to many republicans, no matter how hard Trump and Tucker try, the war divides the GOP from top to bottom. Who else has hundreds of nukes pointed at you?

The point isn't to convince you, it's to mind fuck you with a torrent of bullshit, so you don't know if yer own arsehole is punched or bored.