Wanted to try a grow, so here we go... C99


Active Member
Day 28 sees progress in the flower development. I don't seem to be developing large colas, the stretch between nodes was pretty big. There are a lot of flowers as you can see and I'm going to have small nugs out my ass. I fed again yesterday with 1/2 strength nutes ( GH FloraGro, FloraMicro, and FloraBloom ). Thinking about feeding for the last time on day 38 and then just cal/mag until the end. I am using cal/mag with every in-between feeding watering at 5 ml per gallon. I watered yesterday with 76 oz per plant and got back maybe 2 oz of runoff. Ph'd it just to see and it was between 6.5 and 6.8. I had to tie the four largest colas down a little as they were getting too close to the light and burned a bit on a couple of leaves. Gently pulling them back and away from being directly under the light has helped prevent any further damage. It opened up more of the undergrowth and that has filled in quite a bit. I noticed today that some of the pistils are turning red/brown on about 4 or 5 of the buds; seems a bit early, but I'll keep an eye on it. Again, comments, questions and advise are welcome. This is the farthest that I have ever gotten before and each day that they are green makes me happy. Here are some photos:


Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
I wonder if that might be too much ca/mag. looks like there is a little bit of clawing starting to happen with some leaves. I generally only use 1ml a gallon. Besides the stretch, they look great.

I didn't take note on when I first noticed hairs turning color. but i think it was between day 29-32 of flower


Active Member
I wonder if that might be too much ca/mag. looks like there is a little bit of clawing starting to happen with some leaves. I generally only use 1ml a gallon. Besides the stretch, they look great.

I didn't take note on when I first noticed hairs turning color. but i think it was between day 29-32 of flower
Hey Adam, I was going by the amount on the bottle which said 5 ml per gallon. I noticed later today that they aren't just turning brown, but they are shriveling up. From nice long white pistils to pistils that are gone and what is left is brown and dry looking. It's only like 8 small buds right now, but I'm at a loss. I did feed yesterday but 1/2 strength. Temps and humidity are not a problem, 73-75 degrees and 40-43% lights on. Lights off I run a dehumidifier and temps go to 66-68 degrees and humidity into the 30's. I hope that it's nothing serious and I will cut back on the cal/mag as you suggest. Always learning. I hope to do a better job on the stretch next time too. I'll post a couple of photos of the buds I'm talking about tomorrow.


Active Member
Here are a couple of photos that I took when the lights came on. They haven't gotten any worse and out of the numerous buds growing, it has only affected 10 at the most that I can see. I checked very closely for signs of hermie and maybe fertilization and saw nothing. I am going with phosphoric acid burn from the bloom nutes and am not going to use those again. (Thanks Kite). Looking at the FloraGro, I see that it has P at 1% but it's not derived from phosphoric acid. The FloraBloom has P at 5% and it contains phosphoric acid. I am going to go with FloraGro, FloraMicro, and Cal/Mag for the rest of this grow. I am going to use BioBizz next time I do believe.

Adam, I have been thinking about your advise to use 1ml of cal/mag per gallon and am not sure that I need to reduce that much. I use rain water for every feeding and watering and it has absolutely nothing in it. I'm wanting to keep the calcium and magnesium up and don't know if 5ml is too much in soil. Also, if I remember, you're in DWC and I'm wondering if that wouldn't be different than soil. I would be curious to hear any others opinions on the subject.

I think that my next grow will be done entirely with a nicely amended soil with dolomite lime, N,K, and Cal/Mag. Any time I've added any P other than the small amount in the FloraGro has gotten me either burned leaf tips or this pistil burn. Maybe the organic P wouldn't do that but if it's not necessary, why use it in the first place. :???:

I couldn't get focused very well on the close ups. I hope that you can see these o.k.



Active Member
Looks like heat or maybe something spilled onto them?
IMO the P contributed to the stretch
There are numerous flowers that are closer to the bulb with no problems at all. I've got three fans going and the temps stay between 73-75 degrees. Also, when I water, I have access to the pots from the bottom so nothing gets spilled on them. It happened within one day after I fed and I am thinking that through the transpiration process, they got burnt. As far as the P goes, I used a mix that gave me 1% P for the first two weeks after flip and fed once with a mix of 6% P before Saturday which was day 28. They stretched like crazy as you can see even with the low ratios. Maybe I'll cut it out entirely next time and try to get the 3 hours lights on temps down as you say and see what happens. I'm still happy with where they are at and watching them frost up more every day is very satisfying. bongsmilie

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Adam, I have been thinking about your advise to use 1ml of cal/mag per gallon and am not sure that I need to reduce that much. I use rain water for every feeding and watering and it has absolutely nothing in it. I'm wanting to keep the calcium and magnesium up and don't know if 5ml is too much in soil. Also, if I remember, you're in DWC and I'm wondering if that wouldn't be different than soil. I would be curious to hear any others opinions on the subject.
Good observation GD. I haven't done any soil grows so I that might not be the best advice. You should ask Thundercat, he Grows in Soil with FFOF.. and only uses cal/mag to supplement the soil. nothing else. I'm sure he can give you specifics on how much cal/mag to use per gallon of water.

Bro, I love your avatar.. For now on, i'm keeping my beer on the bottom shelf.


Well-Known Member
Good observation GD. I haven't done any soil grows so I that might not be the best advice. You should ask Thundercat, he Grows in Soil with FFOF.. and only uses cal/mag to supplement the soil. nothing else. I'm sure he can give you specifics on how much cal/mag to use per gallon of water.

Bro, I love your avatar.. For now on, i'm keeping my beer on the bottom shelf.
Sorry man you got me confused with someone else. I've been running a hydro garden for over 3 years now.


Active Member
And another C'99 grow is off and running. Keep me posted Kite; are you going to run a journal? If not, I would like to see progress from time to time. :)


Active Member
Good observation GD. I haven't done any soil grows so I that might not be the best advice. You should ask Thundercat, he Grows in Soil with FFOF.. and only uses cal/mag to supplement the soil. nothing else. I'm sure he can give you specifics on how much cal/mag to use per gallon of water.

Bro, I love your avatar.. For now on, i'm keeping my beer on the bottom shelf.
Hey Adam, yeah with absolutely no minerals in the rain water, I think I'll stick with a higher ratio. Plus the 2% N will help with the green. TC uses hydro as you can see from his reply. As for the avatar, well, what can I say... :D

Kite High

Well-Known Member
And another C'99 grow is off and running. Keep me posted Kite; are you going to run a journal? If not, I would like to see progress from time to time. :)
no journaling here ....but will post updates from time to time here on your thread if thats ok


Active Member
Just a little update. Yesterday was day 35 and things are changing a little bit. I have noticed that the fruity smell (sometimes it was strong grapefruit and sometimes it was more pineapple) has really disappeared and it is more just green smelling when you open the door. Hardly any odor at all. Just smells like a garden. If you rub the stems with your fingers they still smell fruity. This is the least smelling stuff I have ever seen, or should I say smelled. LOL. It seemed to be more fragrant earlier in flower than now. I am keeping the humidity between 36-42% with a dehumidifier and 3 fans moving lots of air around. Did a thorough bud check and see no issues at all. Fed with 2ml FloraGro and 2ml FloraMicro; N-P-K of 7-1-7. Eliminated the Bloom food altogether. I am going to try and go the rest of the way with water and Cal/Mag. Hopefully the 2% N in the Cal/Mag will keep them green for me. Two weeks until lights out. :smile: One bud photo that I tried to adjust the color on; sorry for the quality, I wasn't in the mood to move her away from the HPS.



Well-Known Member
Nice man she is budding up real well now.

Thought I'd drop these in here for some more Cindy porn.

Thats my Cindy which is obviously flowering now very pleased!