After spending the night not watching the debates I'm sticking to my opinion that we are still screwed, regardless of who wins.
There are times I wish I could run. Put my entire life open for the world to see. I've never made much money, I don't come from wealth or influence. I smoke pot, I've tried other drugs, I believe they should be legal as long as you don't effect others for it. Guns, hell yeah lets all carry, in fact you must be carrying to come to my party. I hang out with freaks that spend months in the desert all for the sake of a one week at festival party.these crazy fucks would bee the ones I appoint, not lawyers, career politicians and other swindlers. Cut federal offices and give power back to the people.
Sorry, I shouldn't ramble as such and I shant go on. It just bothers me that the government has been taken away from a regular citizen.