Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
Thanks dizzle, I'll go hijack your thread with that later. I should have searched for a container store while in town. I probably need the deeper one but then I'd have even less space for plants. I'll probably just get the tote as a catch pan for water drainage.
I up potted the last two roms into prty cups and adjusted the lights.


Well-Known Member
Id pay for an android app that let me post messages without making me want to smash my phone to pieces


Well-Known Member
I haven't watered them in days and the coco is still wet.

Thanks, for the look. Guess I'm just nervous . They seem so far behind the others.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I haven't watered them in days and the coco is still wet.

Thanks, for the look. Guess I'm just nervous . They seem so far behind the others.
Its still soaked cuz they dont have a root system to drink it all down yet....i usualy put a seedling heating matt on for the first 2 weeks so i dotn get moisture issues.


Well-Known Member
Well I went outside and got the heating mat that was used by one of the dogs last winter. Plugged it in to see if it heats up, it won't go to high for some reason. I don't have a seedling mat, but fortunately this is one of the old style heating pads that don't auto shut off. I'll put it under the plants if it works. Not sure what heat setting it needs though


Well-Known Member
The heating pad only heats a very small area of itself :(

I raised the lights just a touch to see if that helps those plants.

something something something I'm remembering why I quit taking pain pills last year

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Oh man it would be so much easier with potting soil, but if you stick with coco you'll eventually get the hang of it and be growing super plants.

As far as watering seedlings for the first week or two I make their roots search for the moisture ie a tiny tiny bit of water at first and increasing in small incriments. After a couple of weeks the root system has filled up the party cup.

Talk to ya buddy, gotta go wake the girls up now


Well-Known Member
@hc maybe so but I have no soil or compost :( I do have several small tubs plus two compressed blocks of coco and two bags of perilite. I added much larger holes in the last two cups that seem to help. Pretty sure only 4 are going to make it.. should I go ahead and sprout more of the roms or should I just go with the 4?


Active Member

  • I can put locks on to it but not sure how to explain that​

Don,t put locks on it, and make it so inconspicuous that nobody would bother investigating.


Well-Known Member
Locks don't have to be conspicuous, they could be hidden like the childproof magnetic locks. So far though, I've got nothing on there.

@HC I'll prep some more cups in a little bit and start the seeds. I'm thinking this time I'll put them straight into the party cups rather than the small ones. Do you think that would be better or worse? I definitely plan on keeping them more dry on top and bottom feeding trying to encourage the roots to go down.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I would prolly go straight into the party cups and bottom feeding sounds like a good idea. I have a little turkey baster that I use to water my seedlings. Once they pop up I water with a very small amount, a ring around the stalk so the water isn't touching it and makes the roots have to reach out to the water. Try and make the roots work a little bit for their water once they have been up for a day or two. Good luck buddy!


Well-Known Member
Thanks HC. I started making airpot party cups last night. Made it through 3 of them with a candle and paper clip before the pain pill made me too out of it to do any more.

I swore I had 18 rom seeds. I did 10 originally and down to 4 plants, not good on my part. Went to drop the rest of them and only have 7, so I'm missing one. They'll probably be going in cups tonight and set in the cab.


Well-Known Member
Germ them all man! More beans are just a fairy away!

there you go voidling .. cant get a better reply than that lol !

i only got 2 rom seeds so hopefully i have one of each and can make some more lol ... its a strain i really wanted to try because of the great colors in the leaves but i have yet had chance to germ them , after this scrog there deffo on the list though :)