vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

Yes this is true?
Coincidentally about the same temp as a lighter.. coils run a fair bit hotter than that and can often burn vg, especially if used incorrectly
Yes this is true?
Coincidentally about the same temp as a lighter.. coils run a fair bit hotter than that and can often burn vg, especially if used incorrectly

Sorry, but I must disagree.
They do not run that hot when used correctly. Unless it is some total piece of junk. I have not seen a coil of mine red hot yet.
If you are using an e-cigg for e-cannabis or e-cigg oil and your coils are glowing, something is very wrong. You will know if your VG is burning, it will taste very bad.

I looked into it and the only VG that I could find that would convert to acrolein after heating to and over 554 deg F is the synthetic form of VG.

VG like PG USP is used in many food and beverage applications as well as medications.
There have been several studies done concerning this. Check out some of the Ecig forums, lots of info there. When atomizers coils are coated in a vaping solution the temps are drastically reduced.
If its glowing its not 500 degrees lol
And I specifically said "when used incorrectly" like people new to them.
So your saying only if the compound came from man will acrolein be produced? Well that's not true at all lol..
And yes I know how hot they run. I've posted several studies and measured my kangertech protank

But I'm not gonna argue this. Everyone that's ever used one has had a hot hit
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Not looking to argue, looking to learn. The articles I came across only mentioned the synthetic form of VG converting to acrolein.

What were the temperatures you measured? What type of measuring device did you use for your KangerTech unit? I am curious, I wouldn't mind knowing the exact temperatures mine is running. Been considering investing into a quality laser thermometer for many uses. Not sure if it will work for measuring the coil temps though, but willing to give it a try.

So far with the new KangerTech bottom coils I have not gotten a hot hit yet. Not even close. I believe it is because the coils are at the bottom submerged.

With the top fed units, yes I would get a hot hit now and then. Lack of patience waiting for the wicking to absorb more oil I suppose. Also, most would eventually leak out the mouthpiece, this is with e-cigg oil.

Lately for my e-ciggs I have been using the Aspire CE5 BDC. I don't care for this one as much for e-cannabis, but I do like it for my e-cigg oils. I don't get any leakage out the tip, it is sealed.
See, no issue with using VG here. I only use PG USP in my e-cannabis mix! :)

I just tried the KangerTech Aerotank Mega and AeroTank Mini.

I can say they have offered the best vaping experience I have ever had. Still just a first impression, but, they seem to be superior. Really have a medical quality feel to them. Especially the Mega on the SVD

KangerTech AeroTank Mega with 3.5 grams of oil.
KangerTech Mega 6-6-14 029.jpg

Left: KangerTech AeroTank Mega on SVD. Right: KangerTech AeroTank Mini on eGo C Twist 650 VV pen.
KangerTech Mega and Mini 6-6-14 023.jpg

The AeroTank Mega and Mini comes with a glass tank and a full metal tank. Pretty cool!
The O.pen Vape cartridges(OrganaLabs and Bakked) contain co2 oil mixed with propylene glycol for consistency. Some DIY ecig juice bases(targeted to nic and thc users) conatin a mix of PG and different grades of PEG. there is nothing wrong with vaping PG and saying that it is only PEG used and not PG is misinformation
The O.pen Vape cartridges I've seen claim to use Poly-Ethylene Glycol, not Poly-Propylene Glycol. Someone said the PEG mixture is less likely to separate in time. I developed an allergy to PEG after three month usage in cannabis vaping, and switched to PG only. I don't need a long shelf life for my mixtures. Mostly I vape qwiso straight in an e-vaping device. I like the Seego V-Hit B, and their Glacier model.

Testing of VG at temperatures well above normal operating limits revealed no detectable Acrolein...
As stated here before there are several other articles and testing around the web to support this...

Note 280c = 536f thats really hot for any coil used properly and they did testing up to 300c...

As with PG you need to be sure you are using medical grade (as in USP for PG) and not just something listed as food grade if you intend to vape safely... =]
Grow Goddess:

I've really been enjoying your threads and responses; your knowledge on this subject is amazing! Thank you.

I have been using a similar mixture as you with some purchased "Red Dragon Oil" and actually my normal vaping e-liquid with hints of caramel and vanilla in an Aspire Nautilus BDC (bottom dual coil) tank and have been loving it! Have you ever seen those? One thing I like about them, is that the bottom coil has around 4 tiny holes and it vapes extremely well. Their Vivi Nova-S tanks are also nice, but unfortunately have a plastic inner tube instead of a glass like the Nautilus tank has. The BDCs on the Novas have a convenient little ring on the inside of the atomizer, which really helps prevent leakage.

I've been wanting to make my own e-liquid since everything I've seen on the market is ridiculously expensive. I can't wait to experiment using your methods!
Youre right, they are now using PEG. I checked out their web page and they had a whole spiel on PEG v PPG. I even checked my most recent containers the carts came in and they said PEG. Im wondering when they switched. And why. If you go back far enough you will see that at one point they used PG over PEG. If i happen to run across an original package for an Open cart I will upload a pic to show that they used PG before they switched to PEG. I bet they changed when they changed their packaging. or maybe when rec laws went into action. i dunno

How much qwiso can you load/how many hits can you get per load out of that seego? i still like the tanks over skillet type vapes, when trying to be discrete i wouldnt want to have to be loading my vape all night. id like how with enclosed tanks you can fill then vape for days. except for straight co2 oil i dont know how to load oil into a cart w/o having to cut it w something like PG to keep it fluid

The O.pen Vape cartridges I've seen claim to use Poly-Ethylene Glycol, not Poly-Propylene Glycol. Someone said the PEG mixture is less likely to separate in time. I developed an allergy to PEG after three month usage in cannabis vaping, and switched to PG only. I don't need a long shelf life for my mixtures. Mostly I vape qwiso straight in an e-vaping device. I like the Seego V-Hit B, and their Glacier model.
So i dont know what is wrong with me. I used the wayback machine to check out Open Vape's older website and as far as I can tell from their FAQ(as of 7/13) they have been using PEG since the beginning. I could have sworn they used PG at some point. Maybe it was the generic open cart i got from garden of the gods in denver a couple years ago that had the PG. I dunno im confused now.

Anyway when i need to make my oil more viscous for vaping out of a tank/clearomizer i use PG USp like GG
Youre right, they are now using PEG. I checked out their web page and they had a whole spiel on PEG v PPG. I even checked my most recent containers the carts came in and they said PEG. Im wondering when they switched. And why. If you go back far enough you will see that at one point they used PG over PEG. If i happen to run across an original package for an Open cart I will upload a pic to show that they used PG before they switched to PEG. I bet they changed when they changed their packaging. or maybe when rec laws went into action. i dunno

How much qwiso can you load/how many hits can you get per load out of that seego? i still like the tanks over skillet type vapes, when trying to be discrete i wouldnt want to have to be loading my vape all night. id like how with enclosed tanks you can fill then vape for days. except for straight co2 oil i dont know how to load oil into a cart w/o having to cut it w something like PG to keep it fluid
With the V-hit B one can get a good 4-6 hits, with the Glacier; 8-12 ridiculous hits, for under $20... I found the PEG in the O.pen Vape catridges last August, that was post-rec in CO, but no availability until this year.
With the V-hit B one can get a good 4-6 hits, with the Glacier; 8-12 ridiculous hits, for under $20... I found the PEG in the O.pen Vape catridges last August, that was post-rec in CO, but no availability until this year.

opens have been around for around 2yrs at least. i dont understand your comment on availability
Simply that rec was legalized, but no legal outlet could sell it for a year.
evergreen apothecaries on broadway in denver has been selling open vapes to rec customers since day 1. others too. most the places that were selling them before rec went into effect and now offer rec sales sell them to the public as well
I wouldn't waste my money on an O-Pen.

Going by the looks, it appears to be an outdated e-cigg. It basically drips to an automizer.

I would prefer the KangerTech AeroTank Mini with a pen battery. It is capable of operating with a 1.5ohm coil on a standard 510 eGo pen battery. I prefer the variable voltage pen batteries, but sometimes I do like the small standard pen for stealth and convenience.

The mini is high quality stainless steel, you can use the glass or stainless steel tank, has a 510 drip tip, eGo threads, and you can get 1.5 ohm and 2.0 ohm coils that are interchangeable with other KangerTech products. The tank is kind of heavy. It is really nice that it has adjustable air flow. With the adjustable airflow and VV battery you can tune it in just right for the best taste.

I have a very high tolerance and this is the first pen attachment that gets me as baked as the larger tank units on an APV vape. It is a little expensive, but you get a quality rig with cool options.

Of course I only use PG USP medical/food grade with my QWISO oil. Typically my mix is about 30% PG USP and 70% concentrate.

Left: SVD with KangerTech AeroTank Mega. Right: eGo C Twist with KangerTech AeroTank Mini
KangerTech Mega and Mini 6-14-14 029.jpg

KangerTech AeroTank Mini - Standard size lighter
KangerTech mini 6-14-14 042.jpg

KangerTech AeroTank Mini with standard 650mAh 510 eGo battery
KT mini 1.5ohm coil Std 510 batt 6-14-14 039.jpg
GG i agree w you. the opens were a nice novelty when they were first released, but ecig technology def wasnt where it is today. I use a kanger protank3 mini for my nic juices and the atmos nano for my oils. both on a vv ego twist
We had no recreational shops nor sales available on the western slope until well into 2014, although rec went legal
January 2013. I did not know Denver has had rec available for a year and a half now.
We had no recreational shops nor sales available on the western slope until well into 2014, although rec went legal
January 2013. I did not know Denver has had rec available for a year and a half now.
amendment 64 passed on 11/6/12 but rec stores were not allowed to open until 1/1/14. i live on the western slope. there are rec shops in cb, durango, ridgeway, and telluride i think. otherwise youre right the western slope is pretty dry as far as stores go. im not sure when they were allowed to sell rec but i do know the stores in cb have been open as medical shops way before amendment 64 even passed.

rec shops can carry some very very nice product if you know where to look but always going to cost you an arm and a leg, and your first born