Winterization Gone Wrong?


Active Member
Hey Guys,

So I recently undertook the adventure of attempting to make my own vape cartridges from scratch. The most difficult part of my journey, winterization, was just completed but I am a bit worried about my results.

A bit of back story, my idea to make the vape carts were as follows:

1. Extract THC using bubble bags to make bubble hash
2. Freeze bubble hash and grate into a fine powder
3. Dissolve the powder in warm isopropyl alcohol
4. Chill alcohol to -20 C to precipitate fats
5. Strain mixture through a single coffee filter (while at -20 C)
6. Strain the previously strained mixture through two coffee filters (while at -20C)
7. Purge strained mixture in an oil bath at 250F
8. Evaporate leftover water with a fan at room temp
9. Mix Shatter with MCT and vape.

I just completed step 7 which I got from Gray Wolf on another forum. This is where my issue arrived.

My mixture ended up being in an oil bath at 280F as opposed to 250F; fortunately, the cannabinoid iso cocktail never got above 250F. Towards the end, the large iso bubbles decreased and I began to get smaller decarbonation bubbles and a bit of visible vapor (Could have been steam or Cannabinoids) yet I still smelt some ISo when inhaling the fumes - this went on for around 5 minutes (total time is around 35-45 minutes).

I believe this vapor might have been leftover from condensate on the sides of the container I was using (wide mouth mason jar) and may have accounted for the extra ISO fumes I received.

I continued to leave the mixture on heat until I smelt almost no remaining alcohol - at this point, I could smell the cannabis. The mixture became more viscous than before and I decided to plate it up as shown in the pictures attached.

The final result is far darker than what I had hoped for and I'm wondering if that might have been from excessive heating. I'm also wondering if perhaps I lost a lot of THC through not filtering the precipitate and also potential vaporization of THC (although that should only occur at 315F but there could have been hot spots in the jar).

If anyone knows how to clean up my final result it would be duely appreciated.


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