vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

I'm in the Roaring Fork Valley. The rec prices are through the roof. I kept my medical registration for that reason.
Hello folks, just looking for some reliable information, and if what I am asking was already posted, please excuse me and maybe answer again for me. There are too many posts to read thru. My hubby is a medical user. We have made Ricks oil many times, and my husband uses it when we have it. I would like for my hubby to be able to use an e-cig system to get his medicine, but not sure what is the best way to do this. I would ask Rick personally, but he's out of the country at the moment, so that option is closed. I have checked into VG and PG, but I'm not a chemist, or even close to one, so most of that information is over my head. I would like to be able to make my own mix for the e-cig, for him to vape, but just need a recipe to mix up for him. Any serious answers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Hello folks, just looking for some reliable information, and if what I am asking was already posted, please excuse me and maybe answer again for me. There are too many posts to read thru. My hubby is a medical user. We have made Ricks oil many times, and my husband uses it when we have it. I would like for my hubby to be able to use an e-cig system to get his medicine, but not sure what is the best way to do this. I would ask Rick personally, but he's out of the country at the moment, so that option is closed. I have checked into VG and PG, but I'm not a chemist, or even close to one, so most of that information is over my head. I would like to be able to make my own mix for the e-cig, for him to vape, but just need a recipe to mix up for him. Any serious answers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I will do my best to help.

Using the oil in an e-cigarette will not make up for ingesting the oil medicinally speaking. Ingesting the oil processes through the body differently than when smoking or vaporizing.

If your husband is using the oil for minor health issues, like arthritis or back pain, or simply wishes to vaporize along with ingesting RSO, you don't have to be a chemist to make it work with e-ciggs.

You can use RSO or nondecarbed concentrated cannabis oil like QWISO hash. The taste and buzz is a little different. You can taste decarbed oil vs. nondecarbed oil. A personal preference as to which is preferred.

It is possible to ask Rick Simpson, but not sure he could help. He is on FaceBook.

It is really easy to make e-cannabis oil. I kind of prefer to make mine with QWISO, but RSO has the same quality and uses the same process to convert to e-cannabis oil.

Simply melt the concentrate with minimal heat, like with a coffee mug warmer, remove from heat, add in some PG USP medical/food grade here is a link to where you can get some and mix well. You may need to put it back onto the mug warmer, but not for too long, the PG USP will evaporate quickly. Suck up the solution into a syringe and inject into your favorite e-cigarette device and you are good to go.

I recommend the eGo C Twist VV pen battery and the KangerTech AeroTank Mini. I also recommend a quality MOD/APV vape like the innokin SVD with the KangerTech AeroTank Mega. Best rigs I have used yet.
Thank you for your help. I have just a few more questions if you don't mind answering them. Do you recommend the regular feeder, or the bottom feeder? Do the wicks gum up? If they do, what do you clean them with? My hubby ingests a small amount of RSO, or smokes it in a bong. We also collect crystal or THC in a kiff box, and I make cooking oil with it, and bake with it, substituting it for butter in banana bread. His concern is that it's not always convenient to smoke a joint, so that is why the interest in the concentrate for the e-cigs.
Thanks for your help, it is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your help. I have just a few more questions if you don't mind answering them. Do you recommend the regular feeder, or the bottom feeder? Do the wicks gum up? If they do, what do you clean them with? My hubby ingests a small amount of RSO, or smokes it in a bong. We also collect crystal or THC in a kiff box, and I make cooking oil with it, and bake with it, substituting it for butter in banana bread. His concern is that it's not always convenient to smoke a joint, so that is why the interest in the concentrate for the e-cigs.
Thanks for your help, it is greatly appreciated.

As far as what type of coils to use, that depends on the manufacturer really. There are good top fed units as well as good bottom fed units. I am a fan of the new KangerTech AeroTank products. The AeroTank Mini for a pen is the best I have seen so far, hands down. Same goes for the AeroTank Mega. The Mega is the best of them all as far as I am concerned. My favorite vaporizer to attach the Mega to is the innokin SVD, full kit that comes with 2 clearomizers. Just the SVD with no accessories I have found to be imitations. AT least the ones I came across. Always purchase from a reputable seller. I have links to all of the products I have tested and use in my blogs at MMMA.

When using the top fed units, the wicks can and do gum up. I simply clean them with 100 proof vodka or 151 everclear.

With my AeroTank Mega (bottom fed), one fill of 3.8 grams, I vape until the tank is empty, and I just throw out the coil. The oil is too valuable to put a half clean coil back in with a refill. The replacement coils are cheap enough anyway, just a little over $2.00 each.

Recently I have been starting to experiment with reclaim. Cleaning the coils and parts and get as much reclaim as I can. Clean up the oil and see what it might be good for. At the least it will be good for topicals.
I have been playing with vegetable glycerin tincture for a while now. Yes you can smoke it but to truly work best in the ecig type products if you use a mix of Vegetable AND Propylene Glycerin.
However while I testing for purposes of a smokable product I personally used sublingually works best For Migraines, Pain management, insomnia, and anxiety.
My method
- 4 oz High Grade Buds, maybe some close trim as well, ground and decarbed.
- Roughly 2 cups vegi glyc..
- Crock pot
-mason jar
-cheesecloth or some filter material.

I put all my ground pot into MAson jar and fill with glycerin so it just covers are the weed. Screw the lid on very tight then I put into crock pit which is half full of water And place a towel in bottom so the jar doest comin into hard contact with ceramic . I turn on low for 3-5 days Removing jar to shake at least once a day. I then turn to warm setting for another week. I think it takes a while to extract into glycerin.
Then just strain through cheesecloth.

"secret migraine cure"
Brush teeth and gums vigoursly. use 3-5 ml onto gums and try not to swallow just soak. ( eventually you will and the stuff taste like candy anyway)

I also put in my coffee


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Sorry to start up a kind of dead post now but I do have a question. I am using 503 ejuce with no nicotine in it and according to there website the liquid is a mix of PG and VG which from what I have gathered from trying to read all 8 pages both should mix fine with the oil. But when I try to mix under low heat in a little glass dish on a mug warmer it does not mix at all. The oil will break down and look like it is mixing but then once it starts cooling all the oil gathers into little balls and separates. How do I get it to mix properly?
There is no perfect way and many trying to find one. My experience... anything with VG does not hold. PEG seems to work better from what I have heard, but have not tried yet.

I find if i use RSO and PG I get the best results with no extreme separation
Sorry to start up a kind of dead post now but I do have a question. I am using 503 ejuce with no nicotine in it and according to there website the liquid is a mix of PG and VG which from what I have gathered from trying to read all 8 pages both should mix fine with the oil. But when I try to mix under low heat in a little glass dish on a mug warmer it does not mix at all. The oil will break down and look like it is mixing but then once it starts cooling all the oil gathers into little balls and separates. How do I get it to mix properly?

i use a sealable crock pot half full of water, VG only poured over product in mason jar. put on low heat for 35 days shaking jar once a day. i only add the PG before use in e cigs. i have had a jar of VG tincture sitting around for 3 months and still perfect consistancy and has not seperated one bit. works great as sublingual in that form or can must add some PG and have great stuff for vapor pen.
good luck, also just a thought but that 503 e juice i have never heard of, maybe it has something else in it? i would go wtih food grade Vegetabel gylcerim, avail at health food stores or online and get the PG seperate.
Thanks yeah the 503 is a local dealer out here in nor-cal and I can order straight VG or PG flavored or unflavored from him. When you are making the VG your using plant matter right not the RSO? I am using what I before reading this and a couple other things as ISO oil but I have heard that's not the right term? I just want to be able to smoke the oil I have on the go easily lol I guess I will have to do different after this croptober to make it e cig worthy. I am a prop 215 patient and I'm not concerned with the smell or anything else just the ease of use on the go not having to fill the little cup with oil every time I have to take a hit.
I dont think this has been asked, Can bubble hash-cold water extraction be used? If so how?
I have just started vaping to help quit smoking & have been enjoying it, I am upgrading to an iStick by eleaf with dual coil kanger tanks. They just released a Turbo model with 2 dual coil atomizers, 4 coils, looking forward to trying that one. any advice on voltage,wattage settings & ohms? Thanks for this thread!!
Ok so i registered here because someone recommended isopropyl alcohol.
this is a terrible idea- the stuff is extremely toxic to your liver. (to give credit where it's due the idea to decarb at way lower temperatures due to oven temp fluctuations is dead on)

if you want to make green dragon or any alcohol based thc extract use ethanol, some grain alcohol stuff (eg everclear). the reason ethanol works at all is because it's slightly longer (CH3CH2OH) and has fewer oxygens than H20, therefore preventing hydrogen bonds from forming with other polar things in the mixture. hence avoid any dilution of h20 possible (95% or better), esp as the boiling point is much higher than ETOH. Also, using something which doesn't have a flame at all to heat might allow you to drive the shit out of the reaction and concentrate the product quite well :D

second. THC doesn't 'bind' to your pg/vg. thc is a lipid, so you need some sort of lipid-type solvent. so you want something ideally with a lot of carbons and not too many nitrogens and oxygens on it. ideally you want something like butane which is why BHO extraction works so well. your pg/vg mixture is working as a solvent. i can't explain in chemical terms why this seems this way (because VG and PG are isomers) but vg is more 'oily' so at least in theory should work better as a solvent. we need some experimentation here. think of this as making tea with something which is not water-soluble.

aside: if pg is really polyethylene glycol (which is the opposite of what it says on my e liquid in front of me) it would make a terrible solvent for THC due to the amount of oxygens in it- would probably be quite polar.

third. when decarboxylating THC, lechatlier's principle applies- the product of the reaction includes water. so you can safely decarboxylate in any situation where water will be leaving your mixture- which will always occur above the BP of water. I see no reason why 9 minutes at 190F won't work ;-). THC decarboxylates spontaneously as it dries out over time due to the same reason.

just like any reaction, boiling for a longer period of time will give you better results as you drive the reaction forward. i see no reason not to boil with a thermometer for as long as possible at some temperature well below the combustion of THC.

aside no 2: if you do get separation, the THC will be in the less dense layer (iirc on top)/the one which is more 'oily' and less water like. separation in this sense is a good thing, just remove that layer
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I dont think this has been asked, Can bubble hash-cold water extraction be used? If so how?
I have just started vaping to help quit smoking & have been enjoying it, I am upgrading to an iStick by eleaf with dual coil kanger tanks. They just released a Turbo model with 2 dual coil atomizers, 4 coils, looking forward to trying that one. any advice on voltage,wattage settings & ohms? Thanks for this thread!!

We routinely extract kif and bubble in a Terpenator using a 1 1/2 X 6" column on a Mk III. I typically use four 10 second floods and change the pot after every column. Here is what it looks like when no heat is used on the lower pot during recovery, except an occasional de-ice.


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We routinely extract kif and bubble in a Terpenator using a 1 1/2 X 6" column on a Mk III. I typically use four 10 second floods and change the pot after every column. Here is what it looks like when no heat is used on the lower pot during recovery, except an occasional de-ice.

What kind of yield are you getting with the 6" column GW? I am guessing it holds about 120g of kif.

I have been running my mk iii since August and freaking love it!

Thanks for all your help and info brother.
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I have been playing with vegetable glycerin tincture for a while now. Yes you can smoke it but to truly work best in the ecig type products if you use a mix of Vegetable AND Propylene Glycerin.
However while I testing for purposes of a smokable product I personally used sublingually works best For Migraines, Pain management, insomnia, and anxiety.
My method
- 4 oz High Grade Buds, maybe some close trim as well, ground and decarbed.
- Roughly 2 cups vegi glyc..
- Crock pot
-mason jar
-cheesecloth or some filter material.

I put all my ground pot into MAson jar and fill with glycerin so it just covers are the weed. Screw the lid on very tight then I put into crock pit which is half full of water And place a towel in bottom so the jar doest comin into hard contact with ceramic . I turn on low for 3-5 days Removing jar to shake at least once a day. I then turn to warm setting for another week. I think it takes a while to extract into glycerin.
Then just strain through cheesecloth.

"secret migraine cure"
Brush teeth and gums vigoursly. use 3-5 ml onto gums and try not to swallow just soak. ( eventually you will and the stuff taste like candy anyway)

I also put in my coffee
is this tincture able to be vaped?
I've been getting this stuff from the dispensary called liquid sunshine. I suspected it to be shatter mixed with vg so I attempted to make some. I heated the vg up first to around 140 then added the shatter. the shatter just turned into a gooey ball and wrapped around anything I mixed it with and seperated from the start. how do I get wax and vg to mix?
I've been getting this stuff from the dispensary called liquid sunshine. I suspected it to be shatter mixed with vg so I attempted to make some. I heated the vg up first to around 140 then added the shatter. the shatter just turned into a gooey ball and wrapped around anything I mixed it with and seperated from the start. how do I get wax and vg to mix?
VG and wax or shatter don't mix. PEG or PG do mix with a gentle heating. I find 1:1 seems to be a good ratio with PG. The PEG has a flavor many don't like.
yeah i learned it doesnt mix the hard way by wasting a bunch. I dont know how people on other forums got it to mix though. The stuff i get for my vape from the dispensary is like a golden brown color and real thick. Like i can hold the stuff upside down and it takes awhile before it even moves. What do you suspect this to be? and if you know do you know how i could make it? also i read somewhere that someone mixed green dragon with VG and vaped it. Is this possible? Is it safe to vape alcohol?
yeah i learned it doesnt mix the hard way by wasting a bunch. I dont know how people on other forums got it to mix though. The stuff i get for my vape from the dispensary is like a golden brown color and real thick. Like i can hold the stuff upside down and it takes awhile before it even moves. What do you suspect this to be? and if you know do you know how i could make it? also i read somewhere that someone mixed green dragon with VG and vaped it. Is this possible? Is it safe to vape alcohol?
You can get Kosher food grade PG from High Desert Vapes,
It mixes well 1:1 with wax/shatter at 120-140°, makes a viscous liquid, color depends on how fresh the starting material was. Goes yellow to brown over time. Don't vape any alcohol unless its from liquor, food grade ethanol.