Vagina scented perfume....


...................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This guys actually was or is a pittsburg steeler
I've been told by women that the fishy thing occurs when they sweat and don't wash.

Is this true? dont sweat and not wash. if i sweat, i wash. even if i dont sweat i wash! haha. but i dont think it smells like fish at all...i dont think it really smells like anything at all actually... but i would definitely know if it smelled like fish...i hate hate hate hate hate the smell of fish! and im entirely serious when i say i would sew it shut if it smelled like that, my goodness. that would make me cry...if a part of my body smelled like fish...:spew: dont sweat and not wash. if i sweat, i wash. even if i dont sweat i wash! haha. but i dont think it smells like fish at all...i dont think it really smells like anything at all actually... but i would definitely know if it smelled like fish...i hate hate hate hate hate the smell of fish! and im entirely serious when i say i would sew it shut if it smelled like that, my goodness. that would make me cry...if a part of my body smelled like fish...:spew:
Yes but you wash, so you wouldn't smell it yourself.

The whole women smelling fishy thing has been around for hundreds of years, so there must be some element of truth to it, don't you think? Like back in day when women weren't so clean?

Also, since seeing this thread, have you smelled yourself, due to feelings of self-consciousness? Tell the truth!
Yes but you wash, so you wouldn't smell it yourself.

The whole women smelling fishy thing has been around for hundreds of years, so there must be some element of truth to it, don't you think? Like back in day when women weren't so clean?

Also, since seeing this thread, have you smelled yourself, due to feelings of self-consciousness? Tell the truth!
hahaha no actually i havent, but maybe i should!
hahaha no actually i havent, but maybe i should!
I remember I saw a Oprah a long long time ago where the women on the show had some type of problem where there vigina smell wass so strong that ppl could smell it from 20 feet away. The smell actually seaped out of their pores.. Now that would suck.... :spew:
Sounds like it could be too much of a good thing. Lol, imagine walking past a chick with that scent on. You'd be like "wait a minute...I know that smell from somewhere!"
The scent of Vagina I have locked in my head, smells like your armpit after a long sweaty day out in the sun. Like a musty/sweaty type smell, not bad, but not pleasant either. Clean Vag has basically the same smell, only not as strong/rank, at least all the chicks I have been with anyway. Either way, not a scent I would wanna smell on a woman all the time. I foresee this product failing. :spew:
This was created for shock value so them dickheads can just say Hey look I got pussy scented perfume/cologne.They know some people will buy it just because of that.