Vagina scented perfume....


Active Member
Yea, your right it does look like a hibiscus. I gonna edit that post and remove that one. The others seem to look real?


New Member
That's true.... there's no point asking Dr. G about vaginas...he's never seen one up close.

Both are real...but both are not part of each other... photoshopped.

In latin it is photonius bulshittium


Active Member your posts on growing on other threads its easy to see that your career is botany. Your always spot-on with questions from new growers and advice. It is MUCH appreciated bro. Without people like you we would be floundering in the wind. Shit, some of the new people, you watch them come in and start out kinda blind. And by the end of thier first grow they have some healthy girls.

Thank You Much


Active Member
Dr geenhorn, you ain't too shabby either! Like I said, without the help and input from you guys we just be spitting in the wind!


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
peace back at ya! and I'm just shooting the shit about Cracker. I'm bored and feeling fiesty. Crackers always game for some verbal warfare


New Member
Yes... and U are welcome.

Actually I try and help everyone in ALL threads...botanical and political.

There is a difference however. Not in my helpfulness or accuracy.... but in the reception (by a small but vocal minority).

In the grow sections... ppl are willing to listen. Their minds are OPEN...they want help. That's good, very.

In the political section...ppl hardly listen, if it doesn't already fit their world view. And unfortunately...the more accurate I am... the more hysterical they become. I'm pretty sure at least 4 ppl wet their pants today yelling at me. :lol:

Both areas.... same accuracy. Completely different responses.

I enjoy them both however.

Edit: hahaha dr. G


Active Member
yea..I'm going to browse some spiritual threads right now. I do believe I have an open mind. And I am willing to look at all aspects of things as long as it doesn't involve hate.


New Member
Oh... hate? You better stay away from the politic threads.... it's a free for all in there...:lol:

Just realize that a lot of them are basically very young and life hasn't been able to teach them the ways and means of the real world. It's not their fault. Now anyone on there over 30 or so...well...what can I say....some never get it.

Cmon G... you know me... no hate here. I always start out polite...but after 4 rounds of short bus... I get ticked off. I can't wipe their arse for them.