Vacuum Trap Or Cold Trap?

Holly shit @Fadedawg.....

@OldMedUser i jus have THIS i use to get back my everclear, will it work?

That link made me sign in on my computer and then get a security link on my phone to Approve first then sign-in and still didn't show me what you were linking to. You need to have the page with what it is and not be signed in when you get the link so I can go to it without logging in to my account. I do my shopping on the Canadian amazon sites.

Sorry @OldMedUser here is a Canadian link

That's the same one I got a couple years ago and it'll work fine. As soon as you plug it in run the temp down to 78C and it should run until the tank is near dry. If just a bit left toss that out then run it again. I used it for ISO oil and set it at 80 then check it and might bump it up to 82 to remove more iso before sucking the oil out with a syringe.


I put some tubing on the spout so I can distill straight into a bottle.


@OldMedUser @Fadedawg what is the recipe for making the everclear? How is it made, I read u make a mash or something and let it ferment with yeast then strain and run through distiller? What kind of yeast would i need, there is so many questions... Lol im making it, it would be so much cheaper! I pay $38 usd for 1/2 gallon here.
G-d f'n dammit! Had a post all ready to go then 'Server Maintenance' and it's all gone.

Check out for all things like recipes, methods, DIY stills etc

Always good stuff here for oils and all things cannabis.

All sorts of stuff out there when you search for 'distilling'/ Probably find good e-books about it and they have lots of pot books too.

@OldMedUser I ordered yeast and its food and a 6.5 gallon bucket and a bubbler thing... Oh and check this deal out... There is a company that does an auction with returned goods from Amazon new and used high scored this vacuum kit for $51and it wasnt even opened.... A few weeks ago I scored a gorilla 5x5 $120 bucks not opened, and I don't even need it I just got an AC infinity a few months prior I couldn't just pass up the deal.


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@OldMedUser I ordered yeast and its food and a 6.5 gallon bucket and a bubbler thing... Oh and check this deal out... There is a company that does an auction with returned goods from Amazon new and used high scored this vacuum kit for $51and it wasnt even opened.... A few weeks ago I scored a gorilla 5x5 $120 bucks not opened, and I don't even need it I just got an AC infinity a few months prior I couldn't just pass up the deal.

So where's the link for this deals site? If amazon . com I probably won't be able to get the deals in Canaduh tho.

I could really use a vac unit like that!

It's a website and an Android app. It's only in the states and it's in my area. Also they don't ship. You have to go pick it up. They're like big warehouses.
@OldMedUser @Fadedawg what is the recipe for making the everclear? How is it made, I read u make a mash or something and let it ferment with yeast then strain and run through distiller? What kind of yeast would i need, there is so many questions... Lol im making it, it would be so much cheaper! I pay $38 usd for 1/2 gallon here.
I use 17 lbs of corn sugar, 5 gallons of water, and one packet of classical Turbo Yeast, for a 20% ethanol wash. I tweak the Ph to optimize it with citric acid.

I purchase the supples at F.H. Steinbart, 234 SE 12th Ave, Portland, OR 97214. Fermintation takes about a week.

I strip the wash using a vacuum assisted pot still and refine it from 130 proof to 190 proof using a refluxing column on the still.
@OldMedUser I have a mash going and when its done i planned on running through the "Red" distiller that I posted earlier (same one you have,). My question is I made a 6gallon batch and obviously him won't all fit inside that so I have to do it in a little runs. Do I have to worry about this heads and tails thing? I really don't even know what that is to Be honest....
@OldMedUser I have a mash going and when its done i planned on running through the "Red" distiller that I posted earlier (same one you have,). My question is I made a 6gallon batch and obviously him won't all fit inside that so I have to do it in a little runs. Do I have to worry about this heads and tails thing? I really don't even know what that is to Be honest....

I think I mentioned before that I put my mash in milk jugs then froze them. Then I inverted them over a pail and let them thaw a bit so most of the alcohol ran out. The jugs are still full of the frozen water and you can see the colour change from a light tan to white as the alcohol runs out. This reduces the amount you need to run through the still by more than half. I luckily had a 5gal pail from a wine-making kit that had a hole in the lid for an airlock that the top of the milk jug fit in snugly so it was easy to do.

The 'heads' will contain any lighter alcohols like methanol that boils at a lower temp than ethanol so you discard the first bit, 50 - 100ml, that comes off a batch. The 'tails' will have any heavier alcohols like propanol, butanol so should be left in the still. Stuff like that is produced in trace amounts during normal fermentation and not good for you to drink.

If you want to skip the freezing part then just run it through in batches then on the 3rd or last run do the discard part.

Im probably not going to freeze i just dont have the room. So the last part you wrote...
run it through in batches then on the 3rd or last run do the discard part.

When I'm getting here is you're saying run everything as many times as I need to to get to 190 proof. Then on that last pass disregard some?
@OldMedUser I ordered yeast and its food and a 6.5 gallon bucket and a bubbler thing... Oh and check this deal out... There is a company that does an auction with returned goods from Amazon new and used high scored this vacuum kit for $51and it wasnt even opened.... A few weeks ago I scored a gorilla 5x5 $120 bucks not opened, and I don't even need it I just got an AC infinity a few months prior I couldn't just pass up the deal.
do the returned goods from amazon, they dont check returns, i baught a guitar from them half price, it was ment to be scratched, i thaught , wow, a pre disastered guitar, i dont have to worry asbout scratching it myself, when i got it in the post, i opened the box up, and there was a 2 mm scratch on the back, so i saved 50 quid by buying it.
great idea oldmeduser .

have you got an alcahol hydrometer? you realy need one to test the alcahol your getting back,
you leave the dregs in the flask, as it will have yeast that the finnings left behind and other crap, you just want the best of the alcahol
Ye i bought a Triple Scale Hydrometer and a 200 proof Hydrometer Alcohol Meter.

The Amazon thing your talking about is the "warehouse" section which is returned new/used goods at a fraction of the cost... I have trued that as well it saves some $$$
Im probably not going to freeze i just dont have the room. So the last part you wrote...

When I'm getting here is you're saying run everything as many times as I need to get to 190 proof. Then on that last pass disregard some?

Starting from mash it will probably take at least 3 runs, tho I'd do 4, to get it good enough to do extractions with. May not even be 190 proof but will be good enough. Charcoal filtering would be good to remove any odour or taste from the fermentation process. I used a separatory funnel filled with activated carbon and let the drips from the still run through that on the final pass but you probably don't have one of those.

Do you have the charcoal pads that came with your still? On the very last pass I'd run off a couple ounces of heads then install the pad for the rest of the run. That should do it well enough.

Just test after each run to see how it's doing then the next time you'll know how many passes to get it where you want it.

I can just hit the liquor store for Everclear if I need to do a little batch of something. The wife makes vanilla extract out of it.
