Vacuum Trap Or Cold Trap?

I'm still trying to get one and a vigreux distillation column in 24/40. I have a PO box and many of the places won't ship here as they use Purolator or FedEx so I got fed up and gave up for a bit. Hard to contact the actual shipper to find out which they use so I can use the addy for the drop-off point with my name at the top and go pick it up. I'm using amazon . ca for most of my shopping for stuff like this. Got most of what I need but could also use another condenser for faster straight distillation.

Naphtha is hard on seals. It's a silicon seal on my countertop distiller that works fine for ethanol and ISO but seems to absorb the naphtha then swell up and blow the seal. My 12L pot still had the same problem with its silicon seals for the outlet and thermometer seal so I made gaskets with automotive gasket paper and that fixed that up.

I have a good aerator pump for my dugout and it can be used as a vac pump but I'm concerned about naphtha wrecking its diaphragms so will need to make sure I have some sort of absorbent in the tubing leading to it or get a pump that won't be affected and already spent more money on stuff like this than I originally planned to.

I'll get it all together eventually.


I'm trying to set up a lab myself...I tried making oil with a water distiller, and it worked, but not good enough quality to vape.

Next I did buy a basic distillation set, with a Vigreux column. Just tried doing a simple distillation yesterday as this is all new to me. Gotta say it was cool as hell !! Next I'll try the Vigreux column, then ultimately I want to use that under vacuum to separate the ethanol from my wash, and then finish the oil in my home made vacuum chamber. I'm hoping the low heat vacuum distillation will produce quality oil.

I have one of these type vacuum pumps and it seems to works well, and Vevor has cheap lab equipment, as well as I bought rosin press plates from them.

cheap lab glass....I think they are on Amazon too. Customer service sucks, but good prices.

I'm trying to set up a lab myself...I tried making oil with a water distiller, and it worked, but not good enough quality to vape.

Next I did buy a basic distillation set, with a Vigreux column. Just tried doing a simple distillation yesterday as this is all new to me. Gotta say it was cool as hell !! Next I'll try the Vigreux column, then ultimately I want to use that under vacuum to separate the ethanol from my wash, and then finish the oil in my home made vacuum chamber. I'm hoping the low heat vacuum distillation will produce quality oil.

I have one of these type vacuum pumps and it seems to works well, and Vevor has cheap lab equipment, as well as I bought rosin press plates from them.

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No ship to Canaduh tho eh. Bummer. Getting stuff from across the line makes it not cheap for me.

I'm going to use my buddy's addy in a town down the road and order off amazon . ca. He gets Fedex etc to his door. I'll just use my aerator pump for vac and don't vac purge my oils as they are for edibles so get decarbed once extracted and that will get rid of the last tiny traces of solvent.

I'll get the 300mm Vigreux column, straight vac take-off fitting and a spare condenser. Probably going to want to make my own everclear and with just a still head on the 2L boiling ball I can run 2 condensers inline for fast distilling the mash. 2 or 3 passes like that then the Vigreux column to get around 95%.

I'll get there. :)

No ship to Canaduh tho eh. Bummer. Getting stuff from across the line makes it not cheap for me.

I'm going to use my buddy's addy in a town down the road and order off amazon . ca. He gets Fedex etc to his door. I'll just use my aerator pump for vac and don't vac purge my oils as they are for edibles so get decarbed once extracted and that will get rid of the last tiny traces of solvent.

I'll get the 300mm Vigreux column, straight vac take-off fitting and a spare condenser. Probably going to want to make my own everclear and with just a still head on the 2L boiling ball I can run 2 condensers inline for fast distilling the mash. 2 or 3 passes like that then the Vigreux column to get around 95%.

I'll get there. :)

if you want to realy get your own alcahol, these super starter kits for making a starting alcahol for distilling are great. TURBO YEAT AND FOOD FOR THE YEAST, all come in the kit, just need some suger, the multdextrone is the best suger to use. it only takes 3 days or so to brew up[ a batch of 30% alcohol, so just distill it from that, cheap distilled alcahol in a week. plus it gives you a refresher on distilling, so you can dial your skill back in and ready for the extraction.
I skipped the cold wash and bought a Levo C then carbon scrubbed the finished material with 1.8g carbon in each 400ml batch and this is the result. I also tested the before and after with a tcheck and didnt loose any THC.

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I got one of those too! 103g of dry sift kief in there.


I used a bunch of bud and sugar trim to end up with 114g of RSO. Full plant extract that could be smoked but is made for edible medicines.


I have a lot more pot than used in that to turn into RSO too. Some h-CBD pot and some THC pot so two different batches that I'll send samples to a lab in Vancouver to get real numbers to work with.

if you want to realy get your own alcahol, these super starter kits for making a starting alcahol for distilling are great. TURBO YEAT AND FOOD FOR THE YEAST, all come in the kit, just need some suger, the multdextrone is the best suger to use. it only takes 3 days or so to brew up[ a batch of 30% alcohol, so just distill it from that, cheap distilled alcahol in a week. plus it gives you a refresher on distilling, so you can dial your skill back in and ready for the extraction.

I just use turbo yeast and table sugar. Once fermentation is done in my 6gal glass carboy I siphon it off into clean milk jugs, freeze them then invert to let the alcohol drain off and start my distilling with a lot less volume to deal with. If I just use a little yeast food the fermentation lasts a lot longer sitting in the corner of my grow room feeding my plants CO2 for 3 or more weeks. Ended up with 5L of shine pretty close to Everclear levels if not just as good.

For all the pot I have saved up to do I'll be using ISO for the dry stuff and naphtha for a lot of it that I froze fresh off the plants.

I'm trying to set up a lab myself...I tried making oil with a water distiller, and it worked, but not good enough quality to vape.

Next I did buy a basic distillation set, with a Vigreux column. Just tried doing a simple distillation yesterday as this is all new to me. Gotta say it was cool as hell !! Next I'll try the Vigreux column, then ultimately I want to use that under vacuum to separate the ethanol from my wash, and then finish the oil in my home made vacuum chamber. I'm hoping the low heat vacuum distillation will produce quality oil.

I have one of these type vacuum pumps and it seems to works well, and Vevor has cheap lab equipment, as well as I bought rosin press plates from them.

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I was able to get my distillates in a cart a couple years ago. I tried doing a simple distillation under a vac a few times, did not like what was going on lol. Went to just a simple dist. with one more step on a wax warmer to cook off any leftover ethanol. It pulled nice, tasted very floral but get a ccell from hamilton devices. They are rugged enough to draw just about any oil/distillate. Mine was very thick.
I skipped the cold wash and bought a Levo C then carbon scrubbed the finished material with 1.8g carbon in each 400ml batch and this is the result. I also tested the before and after with a tcheck and didnt loose any THC.

View attachment 5269832
Nice. I've thought about running ethanol thru my levo. I'm assuming you did that with the everclear?
I just use turbo yeast and table sugar. Once fermentation is done in my 6gal glass carboy I siphon it off into clean milk jugs, freeze them then invert to let the alcohol drain off and start my distilling with a lot less volume to deal with. If I just use a little yeast food the fermentation lasts a lot longer sitting in the corner of my grow room feeding my plants CO2 for 3 or more weeks. Ended up with 5L of shine pretty close to Everclear levels if not just as good.

For all the pot I have saved up to do I'll be using ISO for the dry stuff and naphtha for a lot of it that I froze fresh off the plants.

yeah, the plants love it, .
thats interesting, ive offten wondered if you need to use all that sachet of food/nutrients to do a full brew, or to see it to 6the end, its quite a sizeable packet. allways seemed like a waste to me.
you can buy all the stuff "wine food/nutrient" seperatly, the turbo yeast restarter packs or just the plane turbo yeast packs and carbon, so i might just see what % i get from useing wine nutrient next run.
yeah, the plants love it, .
thats interesting, ive offten wondered if you need to use all that sachet of food/nutrients to do a full brew, or to see it to 6the end, its quite a sizeable packet. allways seemed like a waste to me.
you can buy all the stuff "wine food/nutrient" seperatly, the turbo yeast restarter packs or just the plane turbo yeast packs and carbon, so i might just see what % i get from useing wine nutrient next run.

The last time I made some quite a few years ago I used distiller's yeast that was good to 22% I believe and just some generic yeast nutrient with something like 12lbs of white sugar. The pH seemed to get too low so every time I added a little baking soda the bubbling would go faster for a few days then slow to a bubble every few minutes.

I bought a brewer pack like you're talking about. It says distillers yeast on it too. Called, Pure Brewers Extreme Alcobase and has two packs of stuff joined as one. Supposed to make 23% ABV and the instructions say nothing about distilling but once it's all done and filtered etc you just add the flavouring you want. I guess because it's illegal to distill your own alcohol they don't mention that on the package. Pack A is all the yeast etc and the smaller Pack B says Liquid Activated Carbon. Both get added at the same time to 18L of water. Then you need sulphite to clear it for 3 days and then a Clearing Pack for 3 more days and if you want it polished you need charcoal filters. Fack! I got a knob they could polish before I buy that stuff again. :D

As a non-practising alcoholic it's not a hobby I should get into again. :)

@OldMedUser I would love to make my own alcohol instead of buying Everclear... I bought a distiller to get back some of the alcohol. Is it easy to make Everclear? Not looking for drinking it, Heck I don't know who could be in 190 proof. Im Looking to make it for tinctures to save a little and have fun doing it, Me myself I dont drink and as for cannabis I do everything for my wife I dont really use that as well, only for the severe migraines I get I just enjoy making the stuff...
@OldMedUser I would love to make my own alcohol instead of buying Everclear... I bought a distiller to get back some of the alcohol. Is it easy to make Everclear? Not looking for drinking it, Heck I don't know who could be in 190 proof. Im Looking to make it for tinctures to save a little and have fun doing it, Me myself I dont drink and as for cannabis I do everything for my wife I dont really use that as well, only for the severe migraines I get I just enjoy making the stuff...

You can make 190 proof with a pot still but it takes a few passes. Not that expensive to get a hydrometer to test your alcohol content as you produce it. I actually found one at a thrift store of all places. I find a lot of useful things at thrift stores. :)

What kind of still did you get? I made a still years ago but a bit unwieldy so now have a countertop water still that holds 4L and has a temp control so it works great for ISO washes too. For larger batches or purifying naphtha out of Coleman's Camp Stove fuel I got a 12L still off amazon that works well. Then a glass lab still I'll use for reclaiming ISO safely or even purifying ethanol tho I'm not sure I trust myself to have that around without being tempted to drink it. The wife has been buying everclear to make vanilla extract from fresh beans and I haven't touched that so I might get away with it but ISO is actually a better solvent for extraction.

I wouldn't use an alcoholic tincture myself but can make good tinctures with vegetable glycerine and other non-alcoholic things if I want a tincture. I would make the oil first then just blend it in with the liquid of choice.

I bought a lot of stuff to make gummies with and now think it's easier to just make the oil I would use for gummies, dilute it with MCT oil and put it in caps. Using the gummie molds for chocolates is easy enough tho and the damn molds cost me $150 by the time I had them shipped up from the states. One for CBD and the other with the Canadian THC symbol used on legal products here. 6kg of jello powders and all the other stuff for gummies too. Typical of me to jump in feet first before thinking it all out. :)


192 - 4ml cavities in each of them so can make big batches.


I make my own ethanol from corn sugar and classical Turbo yeast. I use a vacuum still and reach 130 proof with the first pass and add a reflux column to reach 190 proof on the second pass.

I've reached 190 proof without the reflux column, but had to make five runs and use mol sieve.

Here is the vacuum still that I built:
Vacuum still 2.jpgVacuum still.jpg