upside down trial

ok so my girl got fim'd yesterday by the fishing line(accident), and the leaves are becoming kinda crispy, just as an update. i will try to post pictures tomorrow....


Well-Known Member
Would it be a idea to put a cain at the side of the plant and tie it to that to keep it staright, like a splint when you break your leg. That way you could get rid of the weights and just tie every inch or so.
ok so here is an update, she is growing still some leaves are suffering but since being fimmed there has been no more curving up, the fan leaves try to but the tips always make their way down to the light.



Well-Known Member
Stuart6060, Have you upgraded to the BIGGER lights yet??

I'd put money on it that it would grow alot better under higher watts, maby a 150 HPS.

How close are the lights to the plant ??

Right side up the plant potter for a week, until the roots are deeper in the pot.

Let gravity work for you for a week, to help it get some decent legs.

Then throw that sucker back upside-down and let it grow.

I bet this method increases growth substantially.

this is a grow that fdd did and in the end it worked, but he didnt like how small the plant was. in his journal, he stakes the plant to a stick to make the main stem grow down. that might help your problem with it curving up. and yes, the side branches will still curve up, but they will encircle the pot. good luck with the grow :)
ahh yes i actually liked this one, this was one i saw during my research on it. well the girl is not looking so good she is still growing but not nearly as much, her stem is about as round as a pencil between nodes, the leaves are showing some nute burn( from soil i was using in other grow) but she is still trying. i will update pictures soon when i have more time