upside down trial


Well-Known Member
maybe next time veg a couple weeks so you can hang a fishing weight off of it...I don't know, I'm just guessing...COOL!
ok so i just got back from store and i found a 68watt cfl, so this will beat the 42watter i had originally planned on but it is 2700k, so for now i still have my 27 watt 6500k cfl on it and i also added an older 6500k 17watt fluor. trying to get it ready. my ion bulb should be here in 2 days as i should have my uv bulb tomorrow. the ion bulb is 2700k, its just not enough blue for me so i am gonna keep looking to see what i can come up with along the lines of strong blue cfl that i can get locally, i get tired of waiting on shipping and the extra $ is killing me, to bad i dont have a local hydro shop
maybe next time veg a couple weeks so you can hang a fishing weight off of it...I don't know, I'm just guessing...COOL!
i agree already that this may be the best way to do this, or a clone thats done rooting... like i posted earlier tho i want to start it young so it never really new the tru way, but alas i am losing that battle...
Do you have an HPS light? Maybe you should use an LED lighgt, sine you an put the light closer to the plant.
i agree that other lights may work better, but i am simply making the same conditions i use on my big grow, except for this i am subbing my fluoros with cfls. i use fluoros, 6500k, 2700k, uv-b and i use negative ion cfls in addition. so basically sticking to what i know works so well for me. maybe a ufo led above it could help. fun trial... mh or hps are bound to do better (in my mind) because of the penetration powers.


Well-Known Member
sticken with T-5s until I flower when I'll switch to a 1000 W HPS. I may switch to a 250 MH but I am worried about the amount of rising heat.
sticken with T-5s until I flower when I'll switch to a 1000 W HPS. I may switch to a 250 MH but I am worried about the amount of rising heat.
the heat is a major issue with this especially right now for me because i have the lights close enough that the bag with the soil is heating up. i am using a therm to keep track uf my root temps, which are sitting right at 84F where as the temp at the plants height is 72F. i have the plant close to the ground to let the heat rise way above it and i leave the door open all day. the bag creates a mini greenhouse around the soil, its a worry of mine since i will be using sponges and and fungus would be shitty
the tube has been in place for the night and still no bending back to the light, i will try it for a while longer if no new change i think i will consider adding something to help, i just dont know what would work best,the plant is about >2" with the third set of leaves starting
end of day 5 and i have noticed the leaves follow the 27 watt 6500k bulb rather than point down toward the 68 watt 2700k bulb. i am trying to use this somewhat to my advantage and see it i can train it straight back down. so until morning the 27 watt 6500k bulb will be opposite the bend instead of see how much impact this has on her bend. she is looking better today, not great but better, bottom set of leaves are big enough that they are folding back into themselves, tips meeting base. this is what has happened with other grows of this type that i researched before doing this, i am not sure if there is a way to counter this or not, i will sleep on it and update tomorrow
so im closing it on a week, thought i would post a new picture. got a pic from side of container but its head on with the top of the plant, i also have a side view of the plant showing its "j" shape. so far i can get the leaves to bend in certain directions using light direction but i am havng trouble getting the tip to point straight down. bout time to try some weight. also i added my 27 watt negative ion 2700k bulb to the mix. i recieved the uv bulb but they sent me the wrong one. i am lookin around i am not pressed about the uv bulb at the moment. as both my 68 watt cfl and 27 watt negative ion cfl are both 2700k i still have my extra 27 watt 6500k cfl on it also, as it responds most to this light. i want to throw more blue in the mix but i am not impressed enough with the grow to try that yet, i wanna work out this "j". although since the plant is responding most to the 6500k bulb the problem i am having is not enough "blue" light to pull it down. i am think on this maybe someone out there will read this and offer suggestion.


where did you get the UV light? how is it the wrong one? I am trying to get UV B light.
the pure uvb fluoros are what i use with my big grows so i was scaling it down for this experiment and i ordered their handheld model, but instead they sent me a 2 footer. i will try to post a link if you are interested. NOTE: some places require you to have a prescription... Canada sometimes ships to US without prescription... Search for used ones. they are expensive but i wouldnt grow without them.
so its the end of week 1. my thoughts on this grow are not good so far. i have a good size plant with 3 sets of fan leaves, the middle set have 3 leaves already. at the end of day 6 (last night) i mixed up plain(tap) water allowed to sit out 24 hrs and superthrive. this was her first feeding and just in 12 hours since feeding i can tell a noticable difference in leaf size. i will still wait another week before giving her any real nutes. she seems large enough to be able to tie a small string around... about ready to... just seeing the "J" shape makes me wonder what are all my options to try and fix this and which one will work best and cause least amount of stress on her. any suggestions would be appreciated


thanks for everyones support... so a few things i have done are... i also have a plant in day 2 of its life of the same strain (came from same bag) growing upright in a four inch pot. i havent focused any of the light on it it just gets what it gets, also the three other seeds i had popped for this that i didnt end up using were left in the paper towel in the baggie and forgotten about til this morning, when i saw them they had all sprouted and had a good root and were all white except for the very faintest green on the leaves, as i thought these were dead i threw them into the top of the tomato planter and alas they are growing, i havent provided any light sorce for them, all they have is the light shining thru the planter bag at the top and yet this seems to be enough for growth. hmm... just thought someone might be interested. i will post pics later
ok so i have thought alot about it and i have a temporary solution to my curvature. i took a fishing pole line and lightly looped it around the stem just under the newest set of leaves, and slowly reeled it down and into position. this didnt fix all the bend of it ( i didnt want to over do it) but that along with some more light direction training, i think it will help. my fingers are crossed. i am posting pictures but i dont know if you can see the fishing line or not.

