Up to 8 black eyewitnesses corroborate the statements of the police officer


Well-Known Member
According to the St. Louis post dispatch.

Yes, lets talk about this shall we?? How many do we have for the side of Michael Brown? I think it was less than 8.

And why havent they come out and talked? Because they are afraid of the mob like I said.

If there are even 4 people backing up the story of the police officer then this case is never going to trial.
Are they somehow moar credible in this instance purely cos they're black?

Cos that's literally racist.

I didnt say it, the post said it. And it goes to credibility.

Example, if it was 6 white cops sitting at a donut shop across the street, nobody would believe them.
I didnt say it, the post said it. And it goes to credibility.

Example, if it was 6 white cops sitting at a donut shop across the street, nobody would believe them.


Cuz 6 cops testimony in a police shooting is worthless...

Tell that to Oscar Grant

If there was 1 white cop 4 blocks away who said he rushed to the scene just in time, his testimony would be held in higher regard than 100 black witnesses on the scene.

That's how the blue code of silence works in the land of the free

Cuz 6 cops testimony in a police shooting is worthless...

Tell that to Oscar Grant

If there was 1 white cop 4 blocks away who said he rushed to the scene just in time, his testimony would be held in higher regard than 100 black witnesses on the scene.

That's how the blue code of silence works in the land of the free

So you agree that 8 black eyewitnesses have more credibility in this situation than 100 cops. Thank you for your support!!
According to the St. Louis post dispatch.

is this kinda like the one witness who was heard on tape saying one thing that you racists took to mean charging the officer, when his actual eyewitness testimony was actually the exact opposite?
is this kinda like the one witness who was heard on tape saying one thing that you racists took to mean charging the officer, when his actual eyewitness testimony was actually the exact opposite?

I guess you would have to ask the post :P
So you agree that 8 black eyewitnesses have more credibility in this situation than 100 cops. Thank you for your support!!

8 black eyewitnesses would absolutely not have more credibility than 100 cops

8 blue cops would have more credibility over 100 black or white eyewitnesses

The hierarchy goes 'blue' > 'white' > 'black' in America, numbers mean almost shit
Lets review...

When we had physical evidence there were people here saying that eye-witness testimony trumps that.

Now we have eye witnesses and physical evidence.

What is your next excuse?

When the cop is acquitted there will be riots... Because the black community will accept nothing less than a conviction and lifetime prison sentence for the cop.

End of story.


Cuz 6 cops testimony in a police shooting is worthless...

Tell that to Oscar Grant

If there was 1 white cop 4 blocks away who said he rushed to the scene just in time, his testimony would be held in higher regard than 100 black witnesses on the scene.

That's how the blue code of silence works in the land of the free
Court of law says any exculpory testimony from a cop on your behalf is to be treated as hearsay.\
Yet any testimony by a cop that would incriminate you is allowable evidence