Well-Known Member
I don't use bulkheads, I use uniseals, which are cheaper than even the 1" bulkheads here, so the only difference in cost is between 1" and 2" pipe which is $5 at most. I'm running close 600gph through a ~20gal system which results in fast flow through the pipe.
I built a 1" system originally based on what I read on forums and from other people, and I wished I would've started with the 2" system. I am able to pump much more water now, and recycle my entire loop roughly once every 2 minutes. If it works for you, nothing wrong with that. But I can't personally recommend it to others based on my experiences.
And thats all that matters is that it works for the person using it. When I pH it stabilizes quickly so that tells me its circulating just fine. Id need to do a dye test to accurately say how long it takes, but for me its fast enough. Im moving a lot more water than you since my system is quadruple the size.
I went bulkheads cause I didnt wanna be bothered by all the leaky uniseal stories ive heard over the years.
Aside for placing the gasket on the wrong side like a bonehead I havent had one leak. To me thats worth every penny.