Dont waste your money on a name brand system.
(5) walmart 27g tough totes $50
15Ft 1" poly tubing ($5)
(15) 1" barbed bulkheads ($40)
(5) 1" barbed elbows $3
(1) 1" barbed tee $0.50
(1) 600-1000gph pump $40-60
(4) 1x1/2" barbed reducing tees ($3)
(1) 1" barbed cap $0.50
(4) 1/2" barbed elbows ($2)
5ft 1/2" poly tubing ($1)
$145-$165 depending on,size,of,pump
And if you dont have a stepped drillbit they sell a two pack at harbor freight for $15-$20. Its the bigger one I think its 1-3/8" and a deburring tool works well and can be had for less than $10 the HDX home depot brand, grey and orange.
Its simple to put together and dirt cheap. This is,only a 4,site so if you wanted more,its about $22 per site. So a 12 site would be like $350. Compare that to a current culture xxl 12 site thats $2,000