Under A Cabin In The Woods of AK - AUH#2, White Rhino, Carolina, and MTU.


Well-Known Member
Hey Sticky!

Yeah, there are tones of purple, almost blue. I am not sure what to contribute that too...
Which plant are you seeing color on? (Ill take more photos for you)


Well-Known Member
That sure is a beautiful scenery you have my friend.plants look very healthy. You may have mentioned before, but what size light do you have for your scrog setup? Just put a bend on the main stem today like you suggested,hope to set the screen in place first week of july.


Active Member
I was talkin about the carolinas :weed: woodsman. But either way i can tell the carolinas are real healthy, look at those beautiful leaves just standin tall and pointin upwards, very impressive!


New Member
Sounds sweet and your grow looks great! I've been bugging my wife for ten years to move up there, but she won't budge. :lol: We compromised and bought some land in Nova Scotia.

One of these days tho......

Looks great!!

Cap K

Well-Known Member
I was actually just trying to read and get caught up with your thread, but you are right I should say something. I'm kinda in awe and as a newb about half way through my first grow, i'm really impressed with how your plants look. I was actually talking with someone else on another thread about your Matanuska strain.


Well-Known Member
That sure is a beautiful scenery you have my friend.plants look very healthy. You may have mentioned before, but what size light do you have for your scrog setup? Just put a bend on the main stem today like you suggested,hope to set the screen in place first week of july.
Hello there Boulder,
Thanks lovin the scenery myself. ;-)
There is two 400 watt lamps in the flowering room, one directly over the scrog.

I hope things turn out well for you with your scrog. Lets see that plant! POST

Whats your set up going to look like?


Well-Known Member
I was talkin about the carolinas :weed: woodsman. But either way i can tell the carolinas are real healthy, look at those beautiful leaves just standin tall and pointin upwards, very impressive!
:lol: !
Thanks! I wish I was up like that in the morning too!

Yeah, I don’t think they will finish with those tones. The stem color will stay, but I would bet that they will not show true purple in the flower during final stages (could be wrong). I will be lowering the temperature about a week (given this is all a guess run) prior to harvest and that should be a spectacle of color but not necessarily genetic. I am looking to produce a photo worthy finish; I think that this plant has proven why it was used as an entire crop down there in South Carolina already but I want to show off a bit to one of the old timers that had a hand in it. I hope you guys can now understand why I would have taken on such a project. ;-) We always knew it was special, just not always did it get to flourish. Someone spoke with me a while back about getting some of this genetic on seed bay. If more folks are interested in something like that, I do have a friend that deals with that site. I have no interest in selling seeds however; I would do a seeding project here for the journal. I could then send over a package to him and he could get them to you who would like to try this strain out. I do ask that you at least send me one picture when they are growing! :bigjoint:

PS: "Carolina" one plant.


Well-Known Member
Sounds sweet and your grow looks great! I've been bugging my wife for ten years to move up there, but she won't budge. :lol: We compromised and bought some land in Nova Scotia.

One of these days tho......

Looks great!!
Nova Scotia, well that’s quite the compromise I must say! I wouldn’t be complaining ether :-P

Thanks for the "stop by"! Come on by any time! Glad to have ya /hear from ya!


Well-Known Member
I was actually just trying to read and get caught up with your thread, but you are right I should say something. I'm kinda in awe and as a newb about half way through my first grow, i'm really impressed with how your plants look. I was actually talking with someone else on another thread about your Matanuska strain.
Neat! Well glad to hear your making an effort to join the club in growing. Go ahead and invite your friend over for a chat, we can all talk MTU.