uh oh......a "re-vote" on medical MJ in michigan in 2013???? WTF...


Well-Known Member
Can we get a Legalize vote on that same ballot :?:


Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I've read somewhere before that to pass a new law like the MMMP you need a majority vote meaning 51% or better but to overturn an existing law you need at least two thirds meaning 66.6% or better, can anyone confirm if this is true or not?

Either way, this is a prime example of how crucial it is for each and every one of us to get out and vote!


Well-Known Member
That lady is hard to listen to! Too much political rhetoric gives me a headache :neutral:
I can understand that, perhaps to view as social/political commentary of what's happening in Michigan. I can't say that I watch or follow her program (I try to avoid "main-stream" media all together) still I thought this story had real merit.


Well-Known Member
I say make Rick Jones hit the street and start collecting signatures, just like the people did, if he thinks it's such a problem. Correct me if I'm wrong, Jones=retired LEO? It's no surprise he takes issue...

Rare D MI

New Member
Won't ever even get on the ballot. It was a voter initiative. 75% super majority is for the house and senate. Not public votes. But it doesn't matter cause this won't even go anywhere. And if it did I bet we win with an even bigger % than the 63 we got in'08


Well-Known Member
Been medicating since before medical, and if need be after. Honestly though I think its stupid of him to think less people would approve of it now then before. Seems like everyday more people are realizing the lies. Now that I think of it I wasn't even here when the law passed, so me and my wife are two more votes. Plus I have met a whole slew of people moving here from Colorado and California just to grow..... let us vote again, dumbasses!


Well-Known Member
There may be a majority of right wingers in our legislation today, but he won't get support from the libertarian bent.


Active Member
"Instead he argues, teenagers ended up buying
grass at stores just blocks away from the school

What a fuckin douche bag. I hope the general public
isnt stupid enough to believe this type of bullshit.



Well-Known Member
Hopefully everyone in his district pro mmj or not will see what a lunatic this guy is and vote him out of office! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
"Instead he argues, teenagers ended up buying
grass at stores just blocks away from the school

What a fuckin douche bag. I hope the general public
isnt stupid enough to believe this type of bullshit.

I hate to say it but this was the reason that the guy who used to be mayor in Ft.Collins Colorado was able to sway people to vote overwhelmingly against the Medical Marijuana law that protected all the dispensaries and even card carriers. We need to take this very seriously and spread the word and make sure that if it does hit the ballet and becomes a item to be voted on that we are prepared to to fight it. If not as usual they'll win by no one giving a crap. I hope I'm wrong, I really do but to be honest there's not much left of our country that hasn't been taken from us and we are on the verge of complete socialism. Sorry I just get pissed when I think of how we are robbed and left for dead by the elected leaders. Both left and right are full of evil.

Edit: and yes, the general public will believe that yellow is red if the news or politicians tell them it is. Ok, I'm done :mrgreen: