I'm germ'n some new mothers. Got 4 reserva privada tangie regs seedlings going about 4-5 days ago. Just looking for females, then will grow them in a few months after the house move.
Plus doing Blimburn Cindy99, Brothers Grimm C'99. I have an Afghan x Hash Plant (Grimmidica) mother too from brothers Grimm.
I should have so much cbd weed for the next lot of rso, apparently cbd is particularly effective against estrogen driver breast cancer.
Still I rate thc so much, so that cbd ain't instead of thc, that's aswell as..!

If she gets stoned, she gets stoned. I ain't removing thc from the oil.
Here's an interesting fact for you! She takes the oil before bed about 8pm, it takes 1-2 hours to fully work, then she goes to bed. She doesn't take it in the day as it gets her so wasted she cannot function! When she wakes up in the night and goes to the toilet, she says she is just obliterated and holds on to the walls!

For me that just says to me, keep the oil coming! It's nice strong organic effective medicine!
What's interesting is this...
In the morning she is so wasted! She suffers with severe herbover! Right until she takes her hemp oil drops x 5, then minutes later she comes round and feels much more normal and able to function!
So I got myself some of this hemp oil. I find that if I do a vape high in thc I get slightly anxious. However if I do a vape with high thc, then have 5 drops under my tongue of the hemp cbd oil, all the anxiety goes and get the perfect buzz! That's like cbd vegetable oil lol