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Gabbard is trying to resurrect her political career by joining the Republican MAGA Qanon party. Lulz. It fits her better. I'll say that.
Tulsi Gabbard to Speak at CPAC, Joining Its ‘Great Un-Wokening’
Gabbard, who ran for president as a Democrat in 2020, once called Trump "unfit to serve." Now she's building buzz for the 45th president along with Marjorie Taylor Greene
In her 20-minute speech, Gabbard attempted to balance two opposing viewpoints: the idea of a “common foundation” in the American public, and the idea of a “powerful elite” aimed at canceling and silencing those who speak out against the government.
She touched on multiple themes prevalent throughout the 2022 gathering—free speech, an “authoritarian” Canada, and the idea that President Joe Biden views those who push back on him as “domestic terrorists.”
“What they’re telling us is you are an enemy of the state,” she said. “If you dare to oppose or even question the president, his administration, or his policies, ‘shut up, step back fall in line, or we’re coming after you.’ This isn’t some theory. This is reality.”
Her full speech at CPAC can be found here:
Toward the very beginning of her speech, she went right to the heart of Republican Christianity:
"this kind of tribalism is dangerous and is emblematic of an erosion of a spiritual foundation in this country. It's emblematic of this lack of recognition that we are all God's children. That we are one nation under God. and knowing that inspires us.
Our freedom comes from God. Not from any other person, not from anyone in government, our freedom comes from God and to recognize others as children of God is to appreciate we belong to God and no one else."
Then she connected God-speak to what MAGA GOP believe about Democrats:
Unfortunately we have too many Americans, including leaders in positions of great power in this country who are not at all committed to upholding the Constitution. We have too many Americans who don't even know what the Bill of Right are
This is the biggest threat to our country.
She goes on about how Democrats are trying mute "information" by labeling false Q bullshit and false conspiracy theories as "misinformation". Read between the lines -- she's saying the Big Lie about the 2020 election is true.
"Because they know their propaganda will not hold up to scrutiny"
This is just ten minutes into her speech. I'll stop quoting her.
We can expect to hear more from her. The ancient Greeks saw her brand of politics and named it -- demagogue.

‘Right At Home’: Tulsi Stakes Her Claim at CPAC
Gabbard spoke to a friendly crowd at the 2022 event, one more than eager to welcome a Democrat to their ranks.
Tulsi Gabbard to Speak at CPAC, Joining Its ‘Great Un-Wokening’
Gabbard, who ran for president as a Democrat in 2020, once called Trump "unfit to serve." Now she's building buzz for the 45th president along with Marjorie Taylor Greene
In her 20-minute speech, Gabbard attempted to balance two opposing viewpoints: the idea of a “common foundation” in the American public, and the idea of a “powerful elite” aimed at canceling and silencing those who speak out against the government.
She touched on multiple themes prevalent throughout the 2022 gathering—free speech, an “authoritarian” Canada, and the idea that President Joe Biden views those who push back on him as “domestic terrorists.”
“What they’re telling us is you are an enemy of the state,” she said. “If you dare to oppose or even question the president, his administration, or his policies, ‘shut up, step back fall in line, or we’re coming after you.’ This isn’t some theory. This is reality.”
Her full speech at CPAC can be found here:
Toward the very beginning of her speech, she went right to the heart of Republican Christianity:
"this kind of tribalism is dangerous and is emblematic of an erosion of a spiritual foundation in this country. It's emblematic of this lack of recognition that we are all God's children. That we are one nation under God. and knowing that inspires us.
Our freedom comes from God. Not from any other person, not from anyone in government, our freedom comes from God and to recognize others as children of God is to appreciate we belong to God and no one else."
Then she connected God-speak to what MAGA GOP believe about Democrats:
Unfortunately we have too many Americans, including leaders in positions of great power in this country who are not at all committed to upholding the Constitution. We have too many Americans who don't even know what the Bill of Right are
This is the biggest threat to our country.
She goes on about how Democrats are trying mute "information" by labeling false Q bullshit and false conspiracy theories as "misinformation". Read between the lines -- she's saying the Big Lie about the 2020 election is true.
"Because they know their propaganda will not hold up to scrutiny"
This is just ten minutes into her speech. I'll stop quoting her.
We can expect to hear more from her. The ancient Greeks saw her brand of politics and named it -- demagogue.