Trump's pardons, what it means for them

So I see yer sneaking in late at night and leaving bullshit on the threads, great! Trumpers have been so rare around here we are beginning to cherish them. Us liberals just fight among ourselves unless we have something useful to set our minds against.

BTW: Liberal means those who promote and defend liberty, liberty means freedom under the constitution and the rule of law. Liberals defend the constitution from traitors and moral failures such as yourself. :wink:
Which part of the constitution are you defending? Please enlighten me!
I would call it being an American.
Clearly we have different views on that LOL
No you are traitor to America anybody who voted for Trump and the republicans is, he ran against the constitution of the United States and tried to illegally steal the election in a conspiracy with some republicans.

You are a racist traitor, nothing more, racism and fear are jerking your chain so badly it took yer head clean off. It made you stupid, such things always do, your fear and conditioned hate have shut down whole sections of your brain and cause you to filter reality and seek those sources the confirm your biases. You have a pathological condition, that means you fuck yourself and others.
No you are traitor to America anybody who voted for Trump and the republicans is, he ran against the constitution of the United States and tried to illegally steal the election in a conspiracy with some republicans.

You are a racist traitor, nothing more, racism and fear are jerking your chain so badly it took yer head clean off. It made you stupid, such things always do, your fear and conditioned hate have shut down whole sections of your brain and cause you to filter reality and seek those sources the confirm your biases. You have a pathological condition, that means you fuck yourself and others.
Voting for the party that is trying to keep America great isn't a traitor lol
Taking money for influence is being a traitor; leaving our men overseas to die while laughing at a dinner party is being a fucking traitor lol
You cleary have zero knowlage of america and it's inner workings lol. Gonna be a long and sad 4 more years you guys.
You should see when I started my account made it way more than 3 days boss. Let's go again!
I see it didn't take you long to end up in politics newbie, or is it old sock? This place is way better than the parlor, they censor the liberals there cause they're such fucking snowflakes. Yep they are running for the ratholes where they will be isolated, most are banned on other platforms. We don't have MODS on RIU, we have ADMINS, so say something useful and productive, your intentions are pretty obvious though, there's not much depth to you.
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LMFAO when have I said anything racist?
I'm just all of asudden rascist cause I voted right? Lol your logic makes perfectly clear sense.
I'll be sure to tell my 50 mixed employees I'm racist tomorrow.
There isn't any fear here buddy; we are standing back and standing by. READY TO TAKE AMERICA BACK!
Only racists support Trump, he had no platform, he had a dog whistle and a bullhorn though. There was no other reason to support the miscreant. Also I don't believe a word you say, you are by your own admission a moral failure. Who are you going to take America back from? Democrats are taking it back from criminals and traitors, they have a cause bigger than yours, you are a racist, it's what's jerking your chain and making you stupid.
I originally just asked what Trump has done that's so illegal? Lol
Your the one who stated I was a racist and a tritor. It was just a question libtard. Sorry it hurt your little Liberal feelings! Sucks to have someone have banter with and not agree with your commie ways lol
You don't need to, your lack of character shines brightly through your posts. Tell ya what, stick around and see what other folks think, but I figure yer just here to shit on the threads when no one is around and won't be back. Bed time for me, I don't feel like wasting my time on scum.
Lmaoo your delusional
Typical libtard.
Don't worry Harris can't FUCK up too much in 4 years. We still got the Senate.
Keep calling me Racist thou lol I fucking LOVE it. You argue just like a typical libtard. Someone doesn't agree so all of a sudden they are racist and have poor IQ's. LOL
Go watch CNN. See you Jan 6th. Hope your ready for an upset. :blsmoke: :blsmoke: :blsmoke: :blsmoke: :blsmoke: :blsmoke: :blsmoke: :blsmoke: :peace:
See, I read ya right.
I originally just asked what Trump has done that's so illegal? Lol
Your the one who stated I was a racist and a tritor. It was just a question libtard. Sorry it hurt your little Liberal feelings! Sucks to have someone have banter with and not agree with your commie ways lol
You Trumpers make it all so very complicated. It's not complicated. Not at all. So, here is the real unvarnished and uncomplicated truth of it:

Donald Trump lost the election because he was a terrible president.
Which is fine; why can't we signture match all ballots and call it then? Be really simple then and would settle all the fraud claims.......yet for some reason Dems don't want that to happen......why?
What state are you talking about? Is there in fact a large discrepancy? What evidence is there to support your claim?