Trump's obvious troll of the day.

Who is pulling posts from its thread into another and calling the other a troll? That's ridiculous dude.
It sucks how hard Russia is attacking our minority communities with propaganda about Biden in the hopes to get people to not vote if they won't vote for Trump.

We know that the Russian military has been spreading disinformation about the Covid virus and that they have been attacking minorities with pinpoint accuracy using troll accounts cat fishing as black people on their forums. So what you are saying about what you are hearing people say about Biden is not surprising, although is it still just nonsense that is being spread by trolls online.

Just tell them to watch entire interviews of Biden and not the propaganda edited clips of him being a old white guy. Outside of that I have eno idea how to wake people up from mimicking trolls in real life.
This isn’t nonsense to me. It’s straight from Ice Cubes mouth and he explains it quite clearly. Is he being fed nonsense by trolls ? Possibly . He said he is tired of both parties not doing enough for Slave Black Americans , like when are the reparations ever going to start ? I see his point and the frustration and what I was hearing was that Bidens past with the crime bill really sits deeply with a lot of Black People And they Simplydon’t trust him, That’s all. And then I just find This Photo which is why I wish Ice Cube would Would have waited just a little bit longer to unveil his contract .
Not sure how long this picture circulated before it was removed . This is starting to get very very fishy .
This isn’t nonsense to me. It’s straight from Ice Cubes mouth and he explains it quite clearly. Is he being fed nonsense by trolls ? Possibly . He said he is tired of both parties not doing enough for Slave Black Americans , like when are the reparations ever going to start ? I see his point and the frustration and what I was hearing was that Bidens past with the crime bill really sits deeply with a lot of Black People And they Simplydon’t trust him, That’s all. And then I just find This Photo which is why I wish Ice Cube would Would have waited just a little bit longer to unveil his contract .
Not sure how long this picture circulated before it was removed . This is starting to get very very fishy .
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I just posted about that somewhere, it was in the AP that it was a fake picture.

And you read it wrong, I was calling the lame attempt that the trolls are doing to build this up like it is some kind of conspiracy about Ice Cube is the nonsense. Also their lies about the crime bill that has been pushed to paint Biden as a racist.

I don't dispute that the feelings that these trolls using Trump's propaganda stir up in our different communities are very real.

But the narratives they push are mostly amplified nonsense mixed in with a few out of context facts.
A thread about Hunter bidens laptop is a "troll thread". You wish to discuss its contents and the rest of the story, just not in its appropriate thread.

The appropriate thread is the one pushing the story that Trump and the Russians worked so hard to plant in a tabloid that was so suspect that the writer didn't want to put his own name on it? Yeah I disagree. I also find it suspect that you even care where you post being a person who is not sold on Trump.

Good luck sir, not playing.
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It came from China. However And where ever , I do not give a fuck. They should Not be able to have those wild animal markets open selling that shit . I don’t know what the hell is going on Over there but some communist shit and its all very shady and they keep eating wild diseased animals and creating Human virus diseases. It’s bullshit and needs to be stopped.
I have no argument with that. The wet markets are unsanitary, inhumane and have long been predicted to be where an outbreak like that would originate. Also, fuck the Chinese government. Cutting trade ties with China is about the only policy I can agree upon with Republicans.
I just posted about that somewhere, it was in the AP that it was a fake picture.

And you read it wrong, I was calling the lame attempt that the trolls are doing to build this up like it is some kind of conspiracy about Ice Cube is the nonsense. Also their lies about the crime bill that has been pushed to paint Biden as a racist.

I don't dispute that the feelings that these trolls using Trump's propaganda stir up in our different communities are very real.

But the narratives they push are mostly amplified nonsense mixed in with a few out of context facts.
Yeah . Your posts are too long and complex . I get overwhelmed. My feelings at this point are that social media will be a thing of the past real soon. Just a passing phase. Hopefully not this site though. I like the vibe here and it has a really nice family like atmosphere !
I have no argument with that. The wet markets are unsanitary, inhumane and have long been predicted to be where an outbreak like that would originate. Also, fuck the Chinese government. Cutting trade ties with China is about the only policy I can agree upon with Republicans.
Fuck the Chinese government. They are a serious problem on so many levels and issues .
I wouldn’t bet on that and I’m a guy who still hasn’t opened up a Facebook account.
I don’t have a Facebook account either. I opened one once for a couple hours like 10 years ago and saw how pathetic it was and deleted it immediately. I think People are going to get fed up with all the Bullshit and censoring and trolls and misinformation it’s going to get so annoying and boring And intolerable.
I have no argument with that. The wet markets are unsanitary, inhumane and have long been predicted to be where an outbreak like that would originate. Also, fuck the Chinese government. Cutting trade ties with China is about the only policy I can agree upon with Republicans.
Dealing with China will need to be done with allies, we share the same problems and concerns. However China should be seen more as a competitor and rival than an enemy. China is doing quite well with the statues quo and is steadily gaining power in it's region and moving to firm up it's trade routes and foreign influence while providing work for it's companies. It's military power is in alignment with it's growing economic power and commitments overseas.

However manufacturing, particularly in electronics is now highly automated and labor is becoming less of a factor and labor costs in China are increasing. Manufacturing is being spread out to other Asian countries now, by both global and Chinese companies. A revived TPP is the fasted way to deal with China and America joining up again will help a lot.
Dealing with China will need to be done with allies, we share the same problems and concerns. However China should be seen more as a competitor and rival than an enemy. China is doing quite well with the statues quo and is steadily gaining power in it's region and moving to firm up it's trade routes and foreign influence while providing work for it's companies. It's military power is in alignment with it's growing economic power and commitments overseas.

However manufacturing, particularly in electronics is now highly automated and labor is becoming less of a factor and labor costs in China are increasing. Manufacturing is being spread out to other Asian countries now, by both global and Chinese companies. A revived TPP is the fasted way to deal with China and America joining up again will help a lot.
nope. That government is evil. The people of China are afflicted by a corrupt totalitarian government run by an oligarchy established by the children of revolutionary leaders. I see no prospect in dealing with that government. They are a pox on humanity.

We should take our business elsewhere.
nope. That government is evil. The people of China are afflicted by a corrupt totalitarian government run by an oligarchy established by the children of revolutionary leaders. I see no prospect in dealing with that government. They are a pox on humanity.

We should take our business elsewhere.
Their middle class is too big and they have seen too much for China to not grow out of their not having voices in their country IMO.

It is too much pressure and people make too many poor decisions to get away with their mistakes anymore. They are trying like hell to not let their citizens educate themselves with actual non-cherry picked facts, but it is too late to think they can hold back information enough for it to be worth trying to maintain power.

My guess is that they will fall back onto the other democracies examples eventually.
nope. That government is evil. The people of China are afflicted by a corrupt totalitarian government run by an oligarchy established by the children of revolutionary leaders. I see no prospect in dealing with that government. They are a pox on humanity.

We should take our business elsewhere.
If you can take it elsewhere, I'm no fan of the CPC, but united action is required to meet the challenge and the challenge is coming from the initiative of the people themselves unleashed by capitalism and backed by mercantilist policy. They are more an economic threat than a military one, they have little interest in military conquest, that road lies in economic dominance.

They are not a liberal democracy and are a threat to it, but of a different kind. In the end their own corruption will bring them down, it's bad enough here with a free press and elections to act as a check.
If you can take it elsewhere, I'm no fan of the CPC, but united action is required to meet the challenge and the challenge is coming from the initiative of the people themselves unleashed by capitalism and backed by mercantilist policy. They are more an economic threat than a military one, they have little interest in military conquest, that road lies in economic dominance.

They are not a liberal democracy and are a threat to it, but of a different kind. In the end their own corruption will bring them down, it's bad enough here with a free press and elections to act as a check.
There really is no reason for anyone to be a threat to anyone else. Life is too short and there is too much for anyone and everyone to do before our time is up to worry about needing more space to take care of. There are always going to be people who do harm to others. All the way up to governments, so I am not saying we ever allow ourselves to become a soft target to anyone, but we are more economic allies with everyone in the world than enemies, and there is not any good reason that we should harm each other in any aspect.

There is not any reason humanity needs to struggle anymore, we just need to get through this last bit of kicking and screaming from the last millennium or ten way's of thinking and humanity will be all set to do some great things on this planet.
nope. That government is evil. The people of China are afflicted by a corrupt totalitarian government run by an oligarchy established by the children of revolutionary leaders. I see no prospect in dealing with that government. They are a pox on humanity.

We should take our business elsewhere.
In the future I would expect China to make the same kind of trouble for Russia that Russia made for America and seek to grab all those time zones of virgin forest and mineral wealth just to the north. Divide the Russians, foment and support a civil war and sedition, then eventually take over some of the Siberian the territory. I'm sure there are people thinking along those lines in China, Russia has few friends and many enemies, they are also weak, economically and politically. Perhaps America might make conditions worse in Russia in the coming years and China could take advantage. Vlad did start grabbing land after all and violating borders.
There really is no reason for anyone to be a threat to anyone else. Life is too short and there is too much for anyone and everyone to do before our time is up to worry about needing more space to take care of. There are always going to be people who do harm to others. All the way up to governments, so I am not saying we ever allow ourselves to become a soft target to anyone, but we are more economic allies with everyone in the world than enemies, and there is not any good reason that we should harm each other in any aspect.

There is not any reason humanity needs to struggle anymore, we just need to get through this last bit of kicking and screaming from the last millennium or ten way's of thinking and humanity will be all set to do some great things on this planet.
We are also a statues seeking species, both personally and vicariously through our nation states, this is an instinctive trait that has many negative aspects, but positive ones too. We need to trade with each other, not fight with each other, but just like greed, hate and fear fuck up the more perfect union, they screw this up too.
Their middle class is too big and they have seen too much for China to not grow out of their not having voices in their country IMO.

It is too much pressure and people make too many poor decisions to get away with their mistakes anymore. They are trying like hell to not let their citizens educate themselves with actual non-cherry picked facts, but it is too late to think they can hold back information enough for it to be worth trying to maintain power.

My guess is that they will fall back onto the other democracies examples eventually.
One does not appease Nazis.