Trump's first military raid: "Almost everything went wrong". 2 Americans dead

If you want to see a complete hypocrite, watch the 700 club.
Pat Robertson has lost his damn mind. He had a vision of Trump standing next to god!
Yea. I agree on that.

Did you know Pat is pro medical mj?

A women wrote into the show about her friend using medical mj. Pat told.her that she needed to mind her own business, that if a person used it in faith that it was OK then they were fine.
Sorry to hear that. Religion often does more harm than good.
They currently believe that one with the tendency toward it might be influenced by stress at a critical age. My brother didn't have a chance. Dad got sick. Mom got crazy. All in the course of a year. Somehow a Japanese women and Moby Dick were involved. It gets mixed up a lot this long after. Still, I have never done acid. I know why.
I wonder how many people recognize your avatar. That was my absolute favorite show when I was a kid. WAY too violent for young-uns these days.
Everything is. We turned on some Loony tunes because my kid was showing some pro-Tweety tendencies. Holy crap-snacks.

There is nothing good in those cartoons. I realize that some darkness is critical at a certain time but those cartoons are showing symptoms of societal PTSD caused by WWII and hydrogen bombs.
apparently he invited kushner and bannon to be involved, but not military commanders.
He does not respect the military. Surprised he did not get Beevis and Butthead in there too. They must be so jealous. "We want to kill humans too Daddy!" But Trump knows he needs to wait until he can get the press to shut up before he can let that happen. Checks and Balances.
Here is an early example of what happens when vulgar TRUMP! culture gets a hold of something venerable in society. The sad story of the Chicago Tribune. Won by billionaire Sam Zell at a who-can-pee-the-furthest contest, the Tribune quickly descended into a morass of Trumpdom that left it worthless and irrelevant. This is the story of 21st Century America.

"The new management did transform the work culture, however. Based on interviews with more than 20 employees and former employees of Tribune, Mr. Michaels’s and his executives’ use of sexual innuendo, poisonous workplace banter and profane invective shocked and offended people throughout the company. Tribune Tower, the architectural symbol of the staid company, came to resemble a frat house, complete with poker parties, juke boxes and pervasive sex talk."