Gonna take 8 years but here we go!he will get there. Don't worry.
Gonna take 8 years but here we go!he will get there. Don't worry.
That comment may have been in poor taste.
Or it may have just been more truth than safe spaces allow.
What a miserable, detestable creature you are. Spiritually and morally bankrupt, lacking any empathy whatsoever, I can well believe you to be an informer, a breaker of trust, a liar.
Tell me what's really bothering you.
Tell me what's really bothering you.
It's quite simple, I find you an offensive goon. So far you haven't disputed that.
Proof or it didn't happen.Lets take a trip down memory lane to Jimmy Carter and american captives in Iran. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_hostage_crisis
The rTards were so intent on electing Reagan that they sabotaged the mission. If you don't think the libTards are just as dastardly, you are dummer that you act.. The game is so much bigger(and sicker) than any of you know
Politics is theater= distraction from the real shit they're doing to us and our planet
Rip William Ryan Owen Navy Seal killed in the Yemen Raid. Such a good looking young man.
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Trump and Ivanka are pictured visiting the plane with his body to give respect to the fallen soldier. This picture is quite disturbing. His daughter acts like his wife. Where is Melania? Is she an embarrassment to the family?
I know when I hear her talk I just cringe.
no, no, noholy shit. he is going to get many, many americans killed.
no, no, no
It was a successful raid. That's what Breitbart and WSJ are saying:
President Trump authorized the operation, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) learned from an anonymous defense official.
“In a successful raid against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) headquarters, brave US forces were instrumental in killing an estimated 14 AQAP members and capturing important intelligence that will assist the US in preventing terrorism against its citizens and people around the world,” the commander-in-chief said in a statement.
The article mentions no children killed. That must be dishonest media making fake news again.
And they promise more of the same:
“This is one in a series of aggressive moves against terrorist planners in Yemen and worldwide,” notes CENTCOM, referring to the January 28 operation. “Similar operations have produced intelligence on al-Qa’ida logistics, recruiting and financing efforts.”
I mean, 'cuz, you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. The Navy SEAL died serving his country. That's a good thing, isn't it?
Dying for your country is a good thing when a Republican is president.BENGHAZI
Republican spokesman says it's dumb to criticize president for doing what he said he would do. Kill their families he said. Rednicks love it.
RIP Chief Petty Officer William Ryan Owens, dead due to trump's incompetence.
let the years and years of congressional investigations begin.