Trump's destruction of family during the Holidays.

If a politician either domestic or foreign was able to "fuck" with you in any way, then it's not their fault, but your game was weak in the first place. Those who succeed in life never got ahead from blaming others, and instead examine their own faults, and improve from there.

That is literally the way Trump got elected.

First this:

Toussaint's successor, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, was filled with an immense, unappeasable bitterness. He drove out the rest of the French forces, and on January 1, 1804, proclaimed independence in terms that evoked the crimes of the past and promised more blood to come: "Citizens, look about you for your wives, husbands, brothers, sisters. Look for your children, your nursing babies. Where have they gone?" And then Dessalines personally led a massacre of every remaining French man, woman, and child in the country, excepting only a handful of doctors and clergy.

Then this happened:

But Dessalines needed sugar, because sugar was money and money was needed to pay for those forts and inland towns (away from the vulnerable coast) and a standing army consisting of up to ten percent of the population. So, in what was surely one of the most ironic betrayals in history, within two weeks of exhorting the Haitian people "to accept death in preference to the yoke," Dessalines proposed to open his ports to slave ships that would bring adult males for purchase by the Haitian government.

History always repeats. Except UB isn't a doctor, and he's also an atheist. So he's screwed when his plan comes to fruition.
Hard to believe your wife has to support such an inspired and competent writer like yourself
explain to me this "insulation" you have to be immune to the effects of political decisions? you don't have to pay more taxes if they raise taxes? you don't have to follow the same rules the rest of us are supposed to follow? they sent you a pass?
some of those who succeed in life do get there without blaming anyone...and then you have people like trump, who has attained the office of the president of the united states of america by doing nothing but blaming others for their own faults....

Of course there's effects, but worrying about them doesn't solve them.

Trump was a success way before becoming president.

It's called adapting (evolution). Did I ever say it was easy? It's damn hard, but you just grin and bear it.
Sending thugs to Portland to cause riots is something that causes hard feelings from the people who live there.
Trump did that?
I thought it was anarchists.

From CNN : 11/11/19 On November 10, 2016, three days of protests in Portland, Oregon, turned into a riot, when a group of anarchists broke off from a larger group of peaceful protesters who were opposed to the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States.

He is a pretty amazing guy. How do you think he got that protest organized against him so quickly?
Trump did that?
I thought it was anarchists.

From CNN : 11/11/19 On November 10, 2016, three days of protests in Portland, Oregon, turned into a riot, when a group of anarchists broke off from a larger group of peaceful protesters who were opposed to the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States.

He is a pretty amazing guy. How do you think he got that protest organized against him so quickly?
Yep, his racist rhetoric, his calls for violence against those who oppose his thugs and his promises of political cover for those white assholes did just that.

Now, before you get all hot and bothered about antifa, it is the white supremacists thugs who have been found guilty of starting violence. Two of his racist thugs were found guilty and sentenced for rioting this year. Trump's support doesn't mean Oregon will just let them come in and riot but that's the message he gives. The thugs cried at their sentencing. LOL

Why do you want your right to vote taken away?
Yep, his racist rhetoric, his calls for violence against those who oppose his thugs and his promises of political cover for those white assholes did just that.

Now, before you get all hot and bothered about antifa, it is the white supremacists thugs who have been found guilty of starting violence. Two of his racist thugs were found guilty and sentenced for rioting this year. Trump's support doesn't mean Oregon will just let them come in and riot but that's the message he gives. The thugs cried at their sentencing. LOL

Why do you want your right to vote taken away?
Dude you really need to look into this shit more. None of the shit you state is even remotely accurate . do a little research homie and don't believe everything you see on any news channel.
Geesh lol
Dude you really need to look into this shit more. None of the shit you state is even remotely accurate . do a little research homie and don't believe everything you see on any news channel.
Geesh lol
OK, so instead of denials, post a link to something that informs using facts.

It's not as if thugs were coming to Portland to raise all hell BEFORE Donald Trump took office. There are many examples of the times Trump has cited white supremacists as being the victims. Well, not in Portland they aren't. The only people cited and sentenced for rioting during the last few summers when those thugs came to town were white supremacists. Not antifa. Proud Boys and Patriots Prayer were the ones who were sentenced.

Trump's attempt to equate white supremacist violence with actions taken by people who oppose their brand of racist violence is completely transparent. For example:

Trump has never spontaneously spoken out against white supremacist or racist groups or individuals — even though the Department of Justice detailed a number of examples of deadly violence committed on behalf of those ideologies.

Trump reiterated his antifa-as-terrorists line last weekend as the threat of violence hung over Portland, Ore., as antifa prepared to confront a demonstration in that city. Trump didn’t condemn the group antifa was preparing to confront, though: the Proud Boys, a group that the FBI has linked to white-nationalist extremism.
OK, so instead of denials, post a link to something that informs using facts.

It's not as if thugs were coming to Portland to raise all hell BEFORE Donald Trump took office. There are many examples of the times Trump has cited white supremacists as being the victims. Well, not in Portland they aren't. The only people cited and sentenced for rioting during the last few summers when those thugs came to town were white supremacists. Not antifa. Proud Boys and Patriots Prayer were the ones who were sentenced.

Trump's attempt to equate white supremacist violence with actions taken by people who oppose their brand of racist violence is completely transparent. For example:

Trump has never spontaneously spoken out against white supremacist or racist groups or individuals — even though the Department of Justice detailed a number of examples of deadly violence committed on behalf of those ideologies.

Trump reiterated his antifa-as-terrorists line last weekend as the threat of violence hung over Portland, Ore., as antifa prepared to confront a demonstration in that city. Trump didn’t condemn the group antifa was preparing to confront, though: the Proud Boys, a group that the FBI has linked to white-nationalist extremism.
Did you seriously link the Washington post ? Lol give me a break. You know minorities kill more minorities than white people.... And it's not even close. Trump has spoke out against racism on many occasions . so antifa is righteous but the other groups are the bad guys? Ok got it. I really get a kick out of you guys . or girls or girlboys or whatever the fuck
Did you seriously link the Washington post ? Lol give me a break. You know minorities kill more minorities than white people.... And it's not even close. Trump has spoke out against racism on many occasions . so antifa is righteous but the other groups are the bad guys? Ok got it. I really get a kick out of you guys . or girls or girlboys or whatever the fuck
View attachment 4444343

Yes, I post links to facts-based news reporting media sites. Do you have a problem with facts-based reporting?

Do you really just post cherry-picked images? That Time article you cherry picked Trump's statement from was far from a vindication of Trump. In fact, Trump comes off looking like the white supremacist leader that he is. As in the following lines extracted from that article:

Trump’s personal silence on the subject had grown deafening, especially as the President’s initial even-handed critique drew plaudits from so-called alt-Right and neo-Nazi corners. Other Administration officials, including Ivanka Trump and Vice President Mike Pence had been explicitly critical of the extremist ideologies in their comments on Charlottesville, where Trump had been silent.

Trump’s comments Monday afternoon followed a meeting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Chris Wray, which was added to his schedule Monday morning. The Department of Justice launched a civil rights investigation into Saturday’s violence.

So, yes, I post from Washington post and Time is a good site too. Where you cut and paste to obfuscate, I post to illuminate. Fucking Nazis. Go back to where you came from.
Trump loves the flames of white supremacist terrorism.

'No Blame?' ABC News finds 36 cases invoking 'Trump' in connection with violence, threats, alleged assaults.

President Donald Trump insists he deserves no blame for divisions in America.

a nationwide review conducted by ABC News has identified at least 36 criminal cases where Trump was invoked in direct connection with violent acts, threats of violence or allegations of assault.

In nine cases, perpetrators hailed Trump in the midst or immediate aftermath of physically attacking innocent victims. In another 10 cases, perpetrators cheered or defended Trump while taunting or threatening others. And in another 10 cases, Trump and his rhetoric were cited in court to explain a defendant's violent or threatening behavior.

Yes, I post links to facts-based news reporting media sites. Do you have a problem with facts-based reporting?

Do you really just post cherry-picked images? That Time article you cherry picked Trump's statement from was far from a vindication of Trump. In fact, Trump comes off looking like the white supremacist leader that he is. As in the following lines extracted from that article:

Trump’s personal silence on the subject had grown deafening, especially as the President’s initial even-handed critique drew plaudits from so-called alt-Right and neo-Nazi corners. Other Administration officials, including Ivanka Trump and Vice President Mike Pence had been explicitly critical of the extremist ideologies in their comments on Charlottesville, where Trump had been silent.

Trump’s comments Monday afternoon followed a meeting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Chris Wray, which was added to his schedule Monday morning. The Department of Justice launched a civil rights investigation into Saturday’s violence.

So, yes, I post from Washington post and Time is a good site too. Where you cut and paste to obfuscate, I post to illuminate. Fucking Nazis. Go back to where you came from.
You do realize that the socialist democrats are far closer to Nazis than conservatives ? Do you guys have jobs or d
View attachment 4444368
Trump loves the flames of white supremacist terrorism.

'No Blame?' ABC News finds 36 cases invoking 'Trump' in connection with violence, threats, alleged assaults.

President Donald Trump insists he deserves no blame for divisions in America.

a nationwide review conducted by ABC News has identified at least 36 criminal cases where Trump was invoked in direct connection with violent acts, threats of violence or allegations of assault.

In nine cases, perpetrators hailed Trump in the midst or immediate aftermath of physically attacking innocent victims. In another 10 cases, perpetrators cheered or defended Trump while taunting or threatening others. And in another 10 cases, Trump and his rhetoric were cited in court to explain a defendant's violent or threatening behavior.
Should I post all the assaults that have occurred because innocent people were wearing MAGA hats ? Lol your not too bright are ya lol
Did you seriously link the Washington post ? Lol give me a break. You know minorities kill more minorities than white people.... And it's not even close. Trump has spoke out against racism on many occasions . so antifa is righteous but the other groups are the bad guys? Ok got it. I really get a kick out of you guys . or girls or girlboys or whatever the fuck
View attachment 4444343
Maybe if we didn't have red lining for so long leaving huge numbers or people in these minority communities stuck living in a small area it would be different huh?
You do realize that the socialist democrats are far closer to Nazis than conservatives ? Do you guys have jobs or d
Should I post all the assaults that have occurred because innocent people were wearing MAGA hats ? Lol your not too bright are ya lol

That's because the self proclaimed fake socialist just call themselves that without any real knowledge what the word means.

What they really believe is called dirigisme.

Dirigisme or dirigism (from French diriger, meaning ‘to direct’) is an economic system where the state exerts a strong directive influence over investment. It designates a capitalist economy in which the state plays a strong directive role, as opposed to a merely regulatory one.

Not socialism.

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole; (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

So we can clearly see they're definitely not socialists. They just redefine private companies and corporations as being the state. That way it's much harder for the people to petition the government about greedy capitalists, and they can do what they've wanted all along, the return of child labor.
You do realize that the socialist democrats are far closer to Nazis than conservatives ? Do you guys have jobs or d
Should I post all the assaults that have occurred because innocent people were wearing MAGA hats ? Lol your not too bright are ya lol
I realize that you only read the headlines and not the facts. I am talking about Trump's statements to encourage violence from white supremacists, of which there are many and some are detailed in that article. You talk about how Trump supporters are victims. Yes, I get that you white power types are all about feeling like victims.

So, post up quotes from Democratic leaders that are anywhere near as inflammatory as Trump when he invited his supporters to beat the hell out of protesters and he'd cover the legal fees. There were more than a hundred people murdered by white supremacists last year. Boo hoo for the MAGA hat guy who stuck it in the face of somebody and got his nose bloodied for it. Not the same thing as a political leader inciting that kind of behavior.