Trump's destruction of family during the Holidays.

How many wars has Trump started? None, because democracy does work. Why, because he can't start one without congressional approval, and because the American people voted in a Democratic wave in 2018 to keep him in check as much as possible with the Republicans being too much in the pocket of the Russian funding and their constituents in the bubble created by foreign trolls like yourself.

You're right, Trump hasn't started any wars, he's just done more friendly drone bomb drops than Obama did in his first term, as a way to persuade his enemies to do the correct actions.
Trump people are so low iq it hurts. Trump has delivered none of his reactionary promises. No mexican paid wall, less deportations than Obama, he hasn't drained the swamp, locked Hillary up, his entire administration is filled with neocons. He hasn't pulled out of the middle east, just switched troops around. Manufacturing not brought back, no coal jobs saved.

He has however given himself and his mates massive tax breaks. He is just grifting dumb people. And I understand the anger that got people to vote for trump, but fuck me anyone who still thinks he is anything but a nightmare for their own interests is just a dummy.
I really hope Brad Parscale goes to jail too. He is the worst.
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i wish one of these motherfucker would try this shit with me....i don't even have to stop to consider my replies, this is all old, rehashed, bullshit...that these idiots think these are "winning" arguments just shows how pathetic and desperate they are, and how pathetic and ignorant they think we are....
You must be a real downer to get high with, since you can't even take a break for Christmas morning.
did trump take a break from racist, misogynist, hateful tweets on christmas? did mitch mcconnel take a break from being a hateful old fuck set to screw the entire country over so he doesn't have to admit his party made a horrible perhaps fatal mistake backing this piece of filth, on christmas?
did trump's army of homophobic white supremacist proud boys take the day off from plotting violence on christmas?
there's no magic that happens on any holiday that makes evil foul fuckers stop being evil foul fuckers, even for one day....
What are you trying to say now UncleBitch?
Take that dick outta ur mouth when you talk to me boy

First this:

Toussaint's successor, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, was filled with an immense, unappeasable bitterness. He drove out the rest of the French forces, and on January 1, 1804, proclaimed independence in terms that evoked the crimes of the past and promised more blood to come: "Citizens, look about you for your wives, husbands, brothers, sisters. Look for your children, your nursing babies. Where have they gone?" And then Dessalines personally led a massacre of every remaining French man, woman, and child in the country, excepting only a handful of doctors and clergy.

Then this happened:

But Dessalines needed sugar, because sugar was money and money was needed to pay for those forts and inland towns (away from the vulnerable coast) and a standing army consisting of up to ten percent of the population. So, in what was surely one of the most ironic betrayals in history, within two weeks of exhorting the Haitian people "to accept death in preference to the yoke," Dessalines proposed to open his ports to slave ships that would bring adult males for purchase by the Haitian government.

History always repeats. Except UB isn't a doctor, and he's also an atheist. So he's screwed when his plan comes to fruition.
did trump take a break from racist, misogynist, hateful tweets on christmas? did mitch mcconnel take a break from being a hateful old fuck set to screw the entire country over so he doesn't have to admit his party made a horrible perhaps fatal mistake backing this piece of filth, on christmas?
did trump's army of homophobic white supremacist proud boys take the day off from plotting violence on christmas?
there's no magic that happens on any holiday that makes evil foul fuckers stop being evil foul fuckers, even for one day....
Nope, he sure didnt. Trump* cried like bitch all day on social media. It was pathetic.

You guys do persecute Christians, especially the male versions. I got sympathy for them because the demon Yahweh had his claws in me for 13 years. I realized it wasn't my fault, since my grandparents forced that garbage down my throat. It wasn't their fault, because their parents did the same. Apparently brainwashing isn't an easy thing to get over, just like you still haven't learned Democracy doesn't work, after getting Trump. You're still under the delusion too many people voted wrongly.

The truth is Democracy doesn't work. Just like the Christian wrongly believes the whole garbage of sin and how Jesus is the only one who can take it away, even though Dog is the one who made them born with sin. Which they even pray about and praise him saying, "forgive me father, for being a weak person born of sin."

You aren't born with sin, the same as Democracy gives you a choice. They're both illusions. But just because both you guys were duped, doesn't give your side the right to spew the hate you do. The same goes for Christians who then hate on gay and trans, using their religion as an excuse.
look schmendrick...people CANNOT be trusted to do the right thing. so you HAVE to have some kind of system to keep them from doing incredibly stupid shit and fucking things up for EVERYONE around them.
people talk about a "revolution" like things will be different afterwards....
can you stage a global revolution? because if we change things in America, that changes fuck all in the rest of the world, where the establishment is still in control, and who ever we pick to lead us into the "brave new world" will have to deal with the establishment of the rest of the world. how long do you think it will be till the corruption creeps back into our pristine paradise? probably worse than it is now, because we will have broken up all those institutions that protect us now, like the f.b.i., the c.i.a., military intelligence.....
so, you get a good group of people started up in each country in the world, get them armed, organized, and coordinated, then get back to me about revolution....
look schmendrick...people CANNOT be trusted to do the right thing. so you HAVE to have some kind of system to keep them from doing incredibly stupid shit and fucking things up for EVERYONE around them.
people talk about a "revolution" like things will be different afterwards....
can you stage a global revolution? because if we change things in America, that changes fuck all in the rest of the world, where the establishment is still in control, and who ever we pick to lead us into the "brave new world" will have to deal with the establishment of the rest of the world. how long do you think it will be till the corruption creeps back into our pristine paradise? probably worse than it is now, because we will have broken up all those institutions that protect us now, like the f.b.i., the c.i.a., military intelligence.....
so, you get a good group of people started up in each country in the world, get them armed, organized, and coordinated, then get back to me about revolution....

Hence why the Dreamer portion of my handle. But the closer we can get to utopia the better. Us fighting with each other is what they want, while those who started the fight get to laugh at us. We've been duped. Everything from the media we consume, to the position of the candy bar at the grocery store is strategically placed to brainwash us through operant conditioning.

The Russians aren't doing this, our very own government has since Edward Bernays in 1921 got approached by Big Tobacco to attempt to eliminate the social taboo against women smoking in public and decided to pay women to smoke their “torches of freedom” as they walked in the Easter Sunday Parade in New York.

People like to pretend they're "woke" but they're all still asleep and believe the lie, but we're actually all just dreaming.
He hasn't slowed Putin down from fucking with my freedom.

If a politician either domestic or foreign was able to "fuck" with you in any way, then it's not their fault, but your game was weak in the first place. Those who succeed in life never got ahead from blaming others, and instead examine their own faults, and improve from there.
If a politician either domestic or foreign was able to "fuck" with you in any way, then it's not their fault, but your game was weak in the first place. Those who succeed in life never got ahead from blaming others, and instead examine their own faults, and improve from there.
explain to me this "insulation" you have to be immune to the effects of political decisions? you don't have to pay more taxes if they raise taxes? you don't have to follow the same rules the rest of us are supposed to follow? they sent you a pass?
some of those who succeed in life do get there without blaming anyone...and then you have people like trump, who has attained the office of the president of the united states of america by doing nothing but blaming others for their own faults....