look schmendrick...people CANNOT be trusted to do the right thing. so you HAVE to have some kind of system to keep them from doing incredibly stupid shit and fucking things up for EVERYONE around them.
people talk about a "revolution" like things will be different afterwards....
can you stage a global revolution? because if we change things in America, that changes fuck all in the rest of the world, where the establishment is still in control, and who ever we pick to lead us into the "brave new world" will have to deal with the establishment of the rest of the world. how long do you think it will be till the corruption creeps back into our pristine paradise? probably worse than it is now, because we will have broken up all those institutions that protect us now, like the f.b.i., the c.i.a., military intelligence.....
so, you get a good group of people started up in each country in the world, get them armed, organized, and coordinated, then get back to me about revolution....