Trump's destruction of family during the Holidays.

Well I don't know but they sure wouldn't have died starved , naked , and defenseless . they could of at least went down blazing. Seeing how you are coward I don't expect you to understand UncleBitch lol

@Sleazyb , I apologize for harassing you. I didn't know that you were intellectually disabled. You hang in there and I think it's just wonderful that you found a job that you can do.

See you around (actually, I won't but I don't want to hurt your feelings any more than I have already)
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They do, but I don't care. It's just funny why you're allowed to be racist but others aren't. Fair is fair. To you, your racism is justified, because it's just "fighting back." The problem is you're just fighting windmills.
if you don’t care about this imaginary racism, why are you so constantly triggered by it
You do realize that the socialist democrats are far closer to Nazis than conservatives ? Do you guys have jobs or d
Should I post all the assaults that have occurred because innocent people were wearing MAGA hats ? Lol your not too bright are ya lol
Hitler disarmed his people you dumb fuck . and he said he would never try to invade America because we have to many Guns . I own a pitbull smarter than you lol.
Tootaloo UncleBitch
Where did you hear this?
Hey UncleBitch I'm on my way home from work at the 7/11 . ask your mom what flavor slurpy does she want . and you better clean your room too son
It's this little thing called history . check it out sometime

No for real, where do you get your information. "History" and an insult is not really answering.

No for real, where do you get your information. "History" and an insult is not really answering.
Ok I'm sorry I'm used to talking to them other dudes. I learned history in school , reading books , and watching tv . probably same as u I would imagine .
You are the one who made the assertion. Your move.

Go ahead and post whatever Breitbart-grade bullshit you want and then I will take my turn.

Don't worry - Trump loves you. He loves the poorly-educated.
So because my views are different than yours I am not educated ?
Awfully strange UncleDingleBerry shows up right after I holler at UncleBitch ain't it? How many accounts do u have dude ?
So because my views are different than yours I am not educated ?
No, it is because your views are just plain wrong.

Your post seems to imply that what factually happened in history depends on what your opinion is. That is the sign of somebody with limited intellect. Not that we needed any further evidence to know that about you.

Put up or shut up, dumbass. Post your proof.
Ok I'm sorry I'm used to talking to them other dudes. I learned history in school , reading books , and watching tv . probably same as u I would imagine .
Ive lived in a bit of it too.

The Nazi/gun thing was debunked here a few times (I am not sure which threads, without doing a quick search and finding them) by members in the recent months. I was curious why this propaganda is being pushed and where you read it to find the source material of it.

I am not sure how much you have used data analysis, but if you are an American, understand all of your online chat/data/movements/clicks/etc have likely been tracked by Putin's military trolls and they have a full profile about what propaganda to attack you with. Understanding this is important to popping information bubbles that they have created.

It sounds paranoid AF, but it is unbelievably easy for them to do with Trump looking the other way while our citizens are under attack.
Ive lived in a bit of it too.

The Nazi/gun thing was debunked here a few times (I am not sure which threads, without doing a quick search and finding them) by members in the recent months. I was curious why this propaganda is being pushed and where you read it to find the source material of it.

I am not sure how much you have used data analysis, but if you are an American, understand all of your online chat/data/movements/clicks/etc have likely been tracked by Putin's military trolls and they have a full profile about what propaganda to attack you with. Understanding this is important to popping information bubbles that they have created.

It sounds paranoid AF, but it is unbelievably easy for them to do with Trump looking the other way while our citizens are under attack.
Well I do find that a bit out there but I guess it could be possible . fuck I don't know man. But you do know Russia has paid the Clintons millions over the years . Bill made half a million giving a 20 minute speech about 8 or 9 years ago. Why would Donald sell us out . h3s already rich and is President for fun
Well I do find that a bit out there but I guess it could be possible . fuck I don't know man. But you do know Russia has paid the Clintons millions over the years . Bill made half a million giving a 20 minute speech about 8 or 9 years ago. Why would Donald sell us out . h3s already rich and is President for fun
You can't post proof of your Hitler-Gun-Control bullshit so you will move on to regurgitating some other line of bullshit innuendo that "you believe". You are a garden variety Trump-wad of sub par intelligence.

It's funny.
Next thing POTUS will give advice on how to perform in the bedroom, "check his phone after he rolls over, he might be a closet Democrat". Regardless America needs their pride back, we don't need that from our leader, he's a lying self serving douche too, but he's gorgeous and the world is envious. Must admit, having 2 abject fucking rookies running the free world has been interesting. We do give countries the choice of trading with an aggresive jerk, or a self absorbed beautiful man-whore. Either way they get into the north american market with an illusion of choice. Good 1-2 punch NA.