Well-Known Member
For years the Republicans and Russians have been nonstop pushing out propaganda about Hillary Clinton because they knew she was going to run for President since the 90's.Well I do find that a bit out there but I guess it could be possible . fuck I don't know man. But you do know Russia has paid the Clintons millions over the years . Bill made half a million giving a 20 minute speech about 8 or 9 years ago. Why would Donald sell us out . h3s already rich and is President for fun
Kim Kardashian got a million dollars for making a appearance at a party and taking a few pictures.
The Uranium one thing is debunked propaganda, there were something like 7 different agencies that had to sign off on it, one of which was under Clinton's department. If the Russians wanted to create a scandal, making a donation to the foundation is a easy way to do it.
That doesn't mean that that Clinton Foundation was not doing great work around the globe helping very desperate people. It is not a criminal enterprise that it was made out to be by the Russians/Republicans.
https://themoscowproject.org/collusion-timeline Check this link out and click to 'jump to end' and follow the timeline forward.
As soon as he said this he was compromised:

He also had been washing money for the Russians (apparently) for years through his properties.
I do not think that it is a coincidence that his businesses all dropped in profit by about 89% since he took office. My guess is that it got a lot harder to funnel those funds through them once he got the spotlight on him.