Trump's destruction of family during the Holidays.

Well I do find that a bit out there but I guess it could be possible . fuck I don't know man. But you do know Russia has paid the Clintons millions over the years . Bill made half a million giving a 20 minute speech about 8 or 9 years ago. Why would Donald sell us out . h3s already rich and is President for fun
For years the Republicans and Russians have been nonstop pushing out propaganda about Hillary Clinton because they knew she was going to run for President since the 90's.

Kim Kardashian got a million dollars for making a appearance at a party and taking a few pictures.

The Uranium one thing is debunked propaganda, there were something like 7 different agencies that had to sign off on it, one of which was under Clinton's department. If the Russians wanted to create a scandal, making a donation to the foundation is a easy way to do it.

That doesn't mean that that Clinton Foundation was not doing great work around the globe helping very desperate people. It is not a criminal enterprise that it was made out to be by the Russians/Republicans. Check this link out and click to 'jump to end' and follow the timeline forward.

As soon as he said this he was compromised:

Screen Shot 2019-12-28 at 9.28.39 AM.png


He also had been washing money for the Russians (apparently) for years through his properties.

I do not think that it is a coincidence that his businesses all dropped in profit by about 89% since he took office. My guess is that it got a lot harder to funnel those funds through them once he got the spotlight on him.
Must be part of the barbequeanon crowd. The late night backyard conspiracy grillers that sit around the smell of over cooked steaks, slamming domestic beer, ranting about the goverment, racist conspiracy theories, and of course, aliens.
Well I do like cook outs and beer and stuff . Busted
For years the Republicans and Russians have been nonstop pushing out propaganda about Hillary Clinton because they knew she was going to run for President since the 90's.

Kim Kardashian got a million dollars for making a appearance at a party and taking a few pictures.

The Uranium one thing is debunked propaganda, there were something like 7 different agencies that had to sign off on it, one of which was under Clinton's department. If the Russians wanted to create a scandal, making a donation to the foundation is a easy way to do it.

That doesn't mean that that Clinton Foundation was not doing great work around the globe helping very desperate people. It is not a criminal enterprise that it was made out to be by the Russians/Republicans. Check this link out and click to 'jump to end' and follow the timeline forward.

As soon as he said this he was compromised:

View attachment 4444727


He also had been washing money for the Russians (apparently) for years through his properties.

I do not think that it is a coincidence that his businesses all dropped in profit by about 89% since he took office. My guess is that it got a lot harder to funnel those funds through them once he got the spotlight on him.
Yeah man I know they are all crooked and evil and shit . I just feel like Trump is far less evil than his opponents . and far more honest too
Yeah man I know they are all crooked and evil and shit . I just feel like Trump is far less evil than his opponents . and far more honest too
He is a con artist. That is what they do.

He lies nonstop, has his people lie to the news (which is sent to the American public), and gets caught when they are under oath.

If you watch the politicians closely you will see they try to not lie, because they are usually trying to keep their public trust. A big tell about how much the Republicans know he is lying, when they defend him, they usually end with "Trump told me". That way they can just point at him when this all comes out how bad he has messed up working with foreign nations attacking us.

And I am not sure if Trump knew ahead of time what the Russians were doing, I think Trump was most likely working with the Saudi's/Netenyahu and the Russians co-opted him and he was just dirty enough to fall for it. Which got him caught. And everything since is him getting in more trouble trying to cover up his crime.
He is a con artist. That is what they do.

He lies nonstop, has his people lie to the news (which is sent to the American public), and gets caught when they are under oath.

If you watch the politicians closely you will see they try to not lie, because they are usually trying to keep their public trust. A big tell about how much the Republicans know he is lying, when they defend him, they usually end with "Trump told me". That way they can just point at him when this all comes out how bad he has messed up working with foreign nations attacking us.
Do you think Hillary Clinton would ever stand up there and tell the truth ? Is the other side any more trust worthy ? Fuck no
Do you think Hillary Clinton would ever stand up there and tell the truth ? Is the other side any more trust worthy ? Fuck no
What is the 'other side' Democrats? or not foreign puppets?

Have you guys ever heard of Bengazi ? Or why we were even there ?
We can rehash all of the propaganda leading to the 2016 election, but before we do, are you aware that Russia has been attacking our electorate since late 2013 when Edward Snowden smuggled the NSA data files to Russia. Immediately the Russians started setting up disinformation news sources like "OANN" and hundreds of other sites, opened up a Troll Farm to push the propaganda, and hired Bannon's Cambridge Analytica that used stolen data to create massive profiles on every American online that they used to attack us.

All designed to use actual horrific events and spin them so hard to do one thing, discredit Hillary Clinton and get Trump elected.
What is the 'other side' Democrats? or not foreign puppets?

We can rehash all of the propaganda leading to the 2016 election, but before we do, are you aware that Russia has been attacking our electorate since late 2013 when Edward Snowden smuggled the NSA data files to Russia. Immediately the Russians started setting up disinformation news sources like "OANN" and hundreds of other sites, opened up a Troll Farm to push the propaganda, and hired Bannon's Cambridge Analytica that used stolen data to create massive profiles on every American online that they used to attack us.

All designed to use actual horrific events and spin them so hard to do one thing, discredit Hillary Clinton and get Trump elected.
Dude Hillary's misdeeds go back since Donald was a teenager . you will not convince me other wise .
Not a political person in the slightest, but I can tell you the world is laughing.
It sucks, but every democracy is being attacked. Yellow Vest Riots, Brexit, Trump, on and on.

I would not be surprised if they helped push AOC and Ilan Omar into office to use as a foil for 2020. A great example is in Texas where Putins military trolled both sides of the Muslim community and set up protests on both sides.

They have hijacked and propagandized Black Lives Matters, Antifa, on and on.

It is to the point that until we deal with this noise they are creating with their trolling of our democracies we can't even get to the actual problem to work on it together.
What is the 'other side' Democrats? or not foreign puppets?

We can rehash all of the propaganda leading to the 2016 election, but before we do, are you aware that Russia has been attacking our electorate since late 2013 when Edward Snowden smuggled the NSA data files to Russia. Immediately the Russians started setting up disinformation news sources like "OANN" and hundreds of other sites, opened up a Troll Farm to push the propaganda, and hired Bannon's Cambridge Analytica that used stolen data to create massive profiles on every American online that they used to attack us.

All designed to use actual horrific events and spin them so hard to do one thing, discredit Hillary Clinton and get Trump elected.

And it's getting worse.

Dude Hillary's misdeeds go back since Donald was a teenager . you will not convince me other wise .
I have no idea how to wake people up from a cult I understand this.

But with Trump being 1 year older, your saying that a middle class girl is somehow the one to worry about over the spoiled rich white guy who was getting $3 million a year in allowance from daddy? I would point out that this is a little hilarious to me.
@Sleazyb I am dangerously close to starting to troll your responses and I think you might have hit your limit of conversation too. I am going to go get some shit done and will be back. My Kali Mist seed just hit the bottom of the glass of water.

Good talk. Hope you have a nice day.