Trump starts a war with Iran

Yup and nor I. In this case my feelings are based on the fact that because one person was killed (a daily thing in every city in the US) mushroom dick has basically declared war, the exact same thing he has proclaimed he wants to end he has just doubled down on...... I wonder if it had anything to do with what’s happening at home....Na couldn’t be lol.
They are only rapist and molesters if they are hated by MSNBC. These guys follow and do what they are told. Russia is as much as threat to us as Canada but forget about the guy responsible for the deaths of 100s of American service men and women because he is in a middle.eastern state. Trump got us indepentedent from Iran's oil so fuck Iran. Regan put iran in check and Obama gave them billions to not build atomic weapons that they went back on. Iran houses more terrorist and funds terrorist groups. They are a radical state and I'm glad this president has the balls to deal with it. You trump haters still have your safe spaces and pumpkin spice lattes in case you get skeered into thinking this is the end of the world. The us will turn iran into a parking lot and still be back home in time for corn flakes.
When are you going to enlist
Muslim phobia is stupid, but islamofibia is made up. A phobia is an irrational fear. Just read the Quran and Hadis, then come back.

They're badly written horror but will none-the-less give you nightmares. Full of homophobic propaganda, and anti-women sexism to the extreme, which make even the most questionable portions of the Bible look good. Also anyone who doesn't believe in any sort of version of The Good Book, is fair game to be executed, which includes me. A polytheist (which includes atheists for some strange reason) is worse than Kafir and called a Mushrik.

Muslims are good people (except the terrorists ones), but Islam is a batshit scary "philosophy" written by an uneducated idiot who thought the Sun dove into a well each night because some angel showed him! Even though mankind understood thousands of years prior through the Mesopotamians that the Sun was a heavenly body which the "ten" *planets circled.

*Nibiru is a hypothetical planet which may exist and could take 20,000 years for a complete orbit. That comes close enough to see about every 3,600 years.
Methposting all night again I see
Trump got us indepentedent from Iran's oil so fuck Iran.

Over 3000 US corps. in china would disagree.

As of January 2012, Iran exports 22% of its oil to China, 14% to Japan, 13% to India, 10% to South Korea, 7% to Italy, 7% to Turkey, 6% to Spain and the remainder to France, Greece (& other European countries), Taiwan, Sri Lanka, South Africa.
Glad to see you made it off clean up detail. Must have been a messy night for you since you were gone quite a while. Weekends are busy for you? Some out of towners come for a visit? I would pay top dollar to watch you and Rachel maddow sit together in your safe space and talk about trump. Would be priceless.
That wasn’t even directed at you but I guess the shoe fits

when you going to enlist?
As of January 2012, Iran exports 22% of its oil to China, 14% to Japan, 13% to India, 10% to South Korea, 7% to Italy, 7% to Turkey, 6% to Spain and the remainder to France, Greece (& other European countries), Taiwan, Sri Lanka, South Africa.
Did everyone notice which country is absent from that list?
It is the largest economy in the world, and it doesn't need or want their oil.
Did everyone notice which country is absent from that list?
It is the largest economy in the world, and it doesn't need or want their oil.

because we steal it, moron.

you really should stay off FOX State teevee.
Did everyone notice which country is absent from that list?
It is the largest economy in the world, and it doesn't need or want their oil.
For fuck sakes are you really that stupid? I wonder how much the price of gas will go up when the shit hits the fan. Yes I guess you could frack some more out of the ground, that seems to be working quite excellent and beautiful.
Muslim phobia is stupid, but islamofibia is made up. A phobia is an irrational fear. Just read the Quran and Hadis, then come back.

They're badly written horror but will none-the-less give you nightmares. Full of homophobic propaganda, and anti-women sexism to the extreme, which make even the most questionable portions of the Bible look good. Also anyone who doesn't believe in any sort of version of The Good Book, is fair game to be executed, which includes me. A polytheist (which includes atheists for some strange reason) is worse than Kafir and called a Mushrik.

Muslims are good people (except the terrorists ones), but Islam is a batshit scary "philosophy" written by an uneducated idiot who thought the Sun dove into a well each night because some angel showed him! Even though mankind understood thousands of years prior through the Mesopotamians that the Sun was a heavenly body which the "ten" *planets circled.

*Nibiru is a hypothetical planet which may exist and could take 20,000 years for a complete orbit. That comes close enough to see about every 3,600 years.
It's official..

White Rabbit
Jefferson Airplane
One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall
And if you go chasing rabbits, and you know you're going to fall
Tell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillar has given you the call
And call Alice, when she was just small
When the men on the chessboard get up and tell you where to go
And you've just had some kind of mushroom, and your mind is moving low
Go ask Alice, I think she'll know
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead
And the white knight is talking backwards
And the red queen's off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said
Feed your head, feed your head

I don't think you understand the song. The white rabbit is a symbol of The Goddess, in this case Ostara, because her symbol is the snow rabbit. Rabbits symbolize fertility. The reason for all the animals is this is the Underworld, where she goes to reclaim her lover. The Amanita Muscara mushroom is an allegory to the Eucharist. I think you can get what's going on from there.
I don't think you understand the song. The white rabbit is a symbol of The Goddess, in this case Ostara, because her symbol is the snow rabbit. Rabbits symbolize fertility. The reason for all the animals is this is the Underworld, where she goes to reclaim her lover. The Amanita Muscara mushroom is an allegory to the Eucharist. I think you can get what's going on from there.
No, you don't understand the song. It was written after Grace Slick had an acid trip. The White Rabbit represents your curiosity, and the song is about following curiosity.
I don't think you understand the song. The white rabbit is a symbol of The Goddess, in this case Ostara, because her symbol is the snow rabbit. Rabbits symbolize fertility. The reason for all the animals is this is the Underworld, where she goes to reclaim her lover. The Amanita Muscara mushroom is an allegory to the Eucharist. I think you can get what's going on from there.
Huh I guess you knew what was subconsciously in Grace Slicks mind even when she was not thinking of it. Your amazing!!!