Trump starts a war with Iran

All that text is irrelevant to what's potentially occurred. Donald Trump ordering an attack to better his election chances, mistakenly commits a war crime, then denies responsibility.

Your deflection is obvious as well.

When are you going to realize the guy's playing you for a fool?
Or you just don't care, to the extent of denying all possibility?

You two give me a headache.

Again, have a good day,

Your muslim phobia and islamofibia are trolling. It might exist but is quite rare. What most realize is the terrorists do it in the name of the fake god, Allah. Most of them who spew hate are just misinformed idiots like you. Trump doesn't care about anyone but himself, and will do whatever it takes. He knows fear is a great motivator.

If what you say is mostly true, people will overlook the lies, or possibly not notice. That's what's dangerous. Cause then the cult followers will repeat the truths, and not mention the lies.

You do the same by making it out all Trumpers are these racists who don't know the difference between a Sikh that's Indian, and the fact Muslims don't wear a head wrappings anymore very often. What you do is deflection, which is how you can accuse others of it so easily.

What good is your riling up their hate even more? Is it your goal to piss someone off enough so they go out and do something stupid?

Have a good day to you too!
Late night plane drops with pallets of cash of taxpayers hard earned dollars. GTF
lmao, you know that was Iran's money, so I guess it was their hard working tax payers money that America 'gave to them.
They are only rapist and molesters if they are hated by MSNBC. These guys follow and do what they are told. Russia is as much as threat to us as Canada but forget about the guy responsible for the deaths of 100s of American service men and women because he is in a middle.eastern state. Trump got us indepentedent from Iran's oil so fuck Iran. Regan put iran in check and Obama gave them billions to not build atomic weapons that they went back on. Iran houses more terrorist and funds terrorist groups. They are a radical state and I'm glad this president has the balls to deal with it. You trump haters still have your safe spaces and pumpkin spice lattes in case you get skeered into thinking this is the end of the world. The us will turn iran into a parking lot and still be back home in time for corn flakes.
You are empty of facts and just rant bullshit that has no
I just can't believe the liberal mindset that we should pay a country off to keep them from blowing other people up or building atomic weapons to destroy nations. Iran finally over played there hand. Nothing more to see. They are no longer the oil superpower.
Every person here uses oil and gas but would rather see it refined somewhere else. That liberal mindset blows me away. Let's shut down all usa refining and ship the oil to China so they can refine it and ship it back. Trump freed us from foreign oil dependence. Boat loads of liberal hypocrites though pumping that shit into there tanks, using up gigawatts of electricity, shopping at grocery stores and living high on the good life but will be the first in line to protest for clean energy. Shit makes me sick

In the last 3 years, libs have openly sided with Mexican cartels, MS-13, Lil Kim, the Castros, and Iran, the world's leading sponsor of terror.....

But Russia is the real enemy cause msnbc told them so.
Well quit listening to what the 'libs' are doing from liars that want you to vote for Republicans.
lmao, you know that was Iran's money, so I guess it was their hard working tax payers money that America 'gave to them.

You are empty of facts and just rant bullshit that has no


Well quit listening to what the 'libs' are doing from liars that want you to vote for Republicans.
And this is why mushroom dick loves the uneducated and when he said uneducated he didn’t mean in a school way, he meant in a dumb as stump’s just fucking incredible what comes out of this mouth. The more they talk the more I shudder to think what is going to happen if he gets in again. It will validate all that is stupid and dumb. I think it’s the Freon from leaky trailer window shakers myself lol.
Maybe if them libs were so worried about the environment Obama could have gave research development dollars instead of the billions he pissed away to these middle eastern countries so they wouldn't blow each other up.
Iran backed militias attempt to overthrow a US embassy. That is an act of war. You can't tell these squares shit. They still think Russia stole the election from Hillary. No way it could have just been her untrustworthy ass. I was watching an episode of the Sopranos from back in 2001. The women were talking about hillary. They didn't trust that bitch back then and no one trusted her now. Her fake hot sauce loving ass, please.
You mean like the 7.5 trillion we ended up dropping because bush invaded Iraq? You fucking pathetic idiot!
Muslim phobia is stupid, but islamofibia is made up. A phobia is an irrational fear. Just read the Quran and Hadis, then come back.

They're badly written horror but will none-the-less give you nightmares. Full of homophobic propaganda, and anti-women sexism to the extreme, which make even the most questionable portions of the Bible look good. Also anyone who doesn't believe in any sort of version of The Good Book, is fair game to be executed, which includes me. A polytheist (which includes atheists for some strange reason) is worse than Kafir and called a Mushrik.

Muslims are good people (except the terrorists ones), but Islam is a batshit scary "philosophy" written by an uneducated idiot who thought the Sun dove into a well each night because some angel showed him! Even though mankind understood thousands of years prior through the Mesopotamians that the Sun was a heavenly body which the "ten" *planets circled.

*Nibiru is a hypothetical planet which may exist and could take 20,000 years for a complete orbit. That comes close enough to see about every 3,600 years.
Talk about fuk up your argument with the Nibiru ending, isn’t it coming to wipe us out in 2012?
alright, after venting, i do not want the entire country destroyed, but i do think it would be a good idea to step in and destroy their ability to do any further uranium enrichment. they do not want to build power plants, they want to use it to build weapons, so they can become the persian empire again....and that's just not going to happen.
Iran has been a terrorist supporting state since the 1970s, they've never tried to hide it, they've done their best to be provocative about it. sometimes provocation has consequences. trump always does profoundly stupid things, for profoundly stupid reasons.... but i, for one, will not mourn soleimani's passing. not one of the politicians condemning his death denies that he was responsible for years of terrorist attacks that killed thousands....he should have been taken out years ago. Obama used the term "targeted killing", but his administration used the same tactics...

so...knowing full well that i detest trump and everything associated with is this any different than Obama doing the same thing for 8 years?
not condemning the Obama administration, but wondering how it was ok for them, and not for the current administration?
because Obama was taking out clear threats who were a real danger to the country? if soleimani did not constitute a clear, real threat, then there are no clear real threats....

so explain to me why its bad when an asshole does the same thing as a thoughtful, intelligent person?
They are only rapist and molesters if they are hated by MSNBC. These guys follow and do what they are told. Russia is as much as threat to us as Canada but forget about the guy responsible for the deaths of 100s of American service men and women because he is in a middle.eastern state. Trump got us indepentedent from Iran's oil so fuck Iran. Regan put iran in check and Obama gave them billions to not build atomic weapons that they went back on. Iran houses more terrorist and funds terrorist groups. They are a radical state and I'm glad this president has the balls to deal with it. You trump haters still have your safe spaces and pumpkin spice lattes in case you get skeered into thinking this is the end of the world. The us will turn iran into a parking lot and still be back home in time for corn flakes.
What branch were you in? USAF here. 68
Muslim phobia is stupid, but islamofibia is made up. A phobia is an irrational fear. Just read the Quran and Hadis, then come back.

They're badly written horror but will none-the-less give you nightmares. Full of homophobic propaganda, and anti-women sexism to the extreme, which make even the most questionable portions of the Bible look good. Also anyone who doesn't believe in any sort of version of The Good Book, is fair game to be executed, which includes me. A polytheist (which includes atheists for some strange reason) is worse than Kafir and called a Mushrik.

Muslims are good people (except the terrorists ones), but Islam is a batshit scary "philosophy" written by an uneducated idiot who thought the Sun dove into a well each night because some angel showed him! Even though mankind understood thousands of years prior through the Mesopotamians that the Sun was a heavenly body which the "ten" *planets circled.

*Nibiru is a hypothetical planet which may exist and could take 20,000 years for a complete orbit. That comes close enough to see about every 3,600 years.
Don't you love Greek literature. I prefer the earliest writings of Ur. Especially the one about Akkad. Same story before the Moses story. Strange isn't it.
alright, after venting, i do not want the entire country destroyed, but i do think it would be a good idea to step in and destroy their ability to do any further uranium enrichment. they do not want to build power plants, they want to use it to build weapons, so they can become the persian empire again....and that's just not going to happen.
Iran has been a terrorist supporting state since the 1970s, they've never tried to hide it, they've done their best to be provocative about it. sometimes provocation has consequences. trump always does profoundly stupid things, for profoundly stupid reasons.... but i, for one, will not mourn soleimani's passing. not one of the politicians condemning his death denies that he was responsible for years of terrorist attacks that killed thousands....he should have been taken out years ago. Obama used the term "targeted killing", but his administration used the same tactics...

so...knowing full well that i detest trump and everything associated with is this any different than Obama doing the same thing for 8 years?
not condemning the Obama administration, but wondering how it was ok for them, and not for the current administration?
because Obama was taking out clear threats who were a real danger to the country? if soleimani did not constitute a clear, real threat, then there are no clear real threats....

so explain to me why its bad when an asshole does the same thing as a thoughtful, intelligent person?
Depending on which side of the fence you stand on the view is different. But the guy behind the horse drawn plow always has the same view. Never let emotions get in the way of logic. I'm not pro Iranian or pro USA.
And this is why mushroom dick loves the uneducated and when he said uneducated he didn’t mean in a school way, he meant in a dumb as stump’s just fucking incredible what comes out of this mouth. The more they talk the more I shudder to think what is going to happen if he gets in again. It will validate all that is stupid and dumb. I think it’s the Freon from leaky trailer window shakers myself lol.
He'll get in again.
Talk about fuk up your argument with the Nibiru ending, isn’t it coming to wipe us out in 2012?

You're talking about 5,000 years before Pluto was discovered the Sumerians had clay tablets showing all nine planets. The point is the idiot "prophet of Allah" got information from a god, but this all knowing creator couldn't send an angel who knew the Sun didn't splash into a spring on the far side of the Earth? Talk about not being able to hire good help.

If Nibiru doesn't exist, it's strange they would get the other nine planets right. It's so interesting, that even NASA has info about Nibiru on their website. They still haven't given up on it being real. So I'd hardly call it "fuk up" in my argument. Just stating the facts.

9 out of 10 planets vs idiot who has a "*god" send an "*angel" with completely false information. I put my bet on the Sumerians over Allah.

*At best hallucinations or at worst an outright lie.
You're talking about 5,000 years before Pluto was discovered the Sumerians had clay tablets showing all nine planets. The point is the idiot "prophet of Allah" got information from a god, but this all knowing creator couldn't send an angel who knew the Sun didn't splash into a spring on the far side of the Earth? Talk about not being able to hire good help.

If Nibiru doesn't exist, it's strange they would get the other nine planets right. It's so interesting, that even NASA has info about Nibiru on their website. They still haven't given up on it being real. So I'd hardly call it "fuk up" in my argument. Just stating the facts.

9 out of 10 planets vs idiot who has a "*god" send an "*angel" with completely false information. I put my bet on the Sumerians over Allah.

*At best hallucinations or at worst an outright lie.
Praise the Lord....
Don't you love Greek literature. I prefer the earliest writings of Ur. Especially the one about Akkad. Same story before the Moses story. Strange isn't it.

Yeah. They're very interesting. I love reading about myths. But are you sure you aren't mistaking that for "The Epic of Gilgamesh?" I thought it was the story of Noah all the way to Moses? It's been a few decades since I read the thing though. So I might be misremembering.
Yeah. They're very interesting. I love reading about myths. But are you sure you aren't mistaking that for "The Epic of Gilgamesh?" I thought it was the story of Noah all the way to Moses? It's been a few decades since I read the thing though. So I might be misremembering.
No I can link it.
Sargon the great. There are other stories pre Babylonian with similar characters. Asian cultures have fewer. Probably due to the difficulty of getting over the rough terrain.
Sargon the great. There are other stories pre Babylonian with similar characters. Asian cultures have fewer. Probably due to the difficulty of getting over the rough terrain.

Neat. I'll read it sometime today when I have time, and get back to you on what I think.
We are digging up more information every day. The "tells" or villages built on villages over in the meso area etc. have tons of info under them. The problem is you have to tear down the small villages that are built on top of each other. So either convince them to move or buy them out or both.