Communist Dreamer
Well-Known Member
All that text is irrelevant to what's potentially occurred. Donald Trump ordering an attack to better his election chances, mistakenly commits a war crime, then denies responsibility.
Your deflection is obvious as well.
When are you going to realize the guy's playing you for a fool?
Or you just don't care, to the extent of denying all possibility?
You two give me a headache.
Again, have a good day,
Your muslim phobia and islamofibia are trolling. It might exist but is quite rare. What most realize is the terrorists do it in the name of the fake god, Allah. Most of them who spew hate are just misinformed idiots like you. Trump doesn't care about anyone but himself, and will do whatever it takes. He knows fear is a great motivator.
If what you say is mostly true, people will overlook the lies, or possibly not notice. That's what's dangerous. Cause then the cult followers will repeat the truths, and not mention the lies.
You do the same by making it out all Trumpers are these racists who don't know the difference between a Sikh that's Indian, and the fact Muslims don't wear a head wrappings anymore very often. What you do is deflection, which is how you can accuse others of it so easily.
What good is your riling up their hate even more? Is it your goal to piss someone off enough so they go out and do something stupid?
Have a good day to you too!