Trump starts a war with Iran

alright, after venting, i do not want the entire country destroyed, but i do think it would be a good idea to step in and destroy their ability to do any further uranium enrichment. they do not want to build power plants, they want to use it to build weapons, so they can become the persian empire again....and that's just not going to happen.
Iran has been a terrorist supporting state since the 1970s, they've never tried to hide it, they've done their best to be provocative about it. sometimes provocation has consequences. trump always does profoundly stupid things, for profoundly stupid reasons.... but i, for one, will not mourn soleimani's passing. not one of the politicians condemning his death denies that he was responsible for years of terrorist attacks that killed thousands....he should have been taken out years ago. Obama used the term "targeted killing", but his administration used the same tactics...

so...knowing full well that i detest trump and everything associated with is this any different than Obama doing the same thing for 8 years?
not condemning the Obama administration, but wondering how it was ok for them, and not for the current administration?
because Obama was taking out clear threats who were a real danger to the country? if soleimani did not constitute a clear, real threat, then there are no clear real threats....

so explain to me why its bad when an asshole does the same thing as a thoughtful, intelligent person?
Well if you are asking me? Thank you for the “thoughtful, intelligent person” if yes BTW! I never said I agreed with Obama carrying out drone kills either and have very mixed feelings about it being done at all. Now the why I think this was a bad ideal part. I think it was a mistake to take out the second in command of Iran for mostly logistical issues. They have basically left the Iranian government no choice but to react. This started as a killing of a private contractor keep in mind. Now as for my post, it was based on your saying you wanted to kill them all not just their nuclear facilities, speaking of which Obama did attack using a virus, taking out 3/4 of their centrifuges without any blood spilled. Basically that is agreeing with the hawks in the WH, and by pushing for this you are helping Trump with his re-election agenda. I’m glad to hear you hate Trump but are you a supporter of the republican parties ideology? Don’t have a stroke now, just trying to understand your stance a bit better.
Shame the General couldn't be removed one limb at a time, while making it look like a divide in the leadership, weakening the will of the people.

Maybe next time.

Trump is always thinking ahead for the good of others.
Haaaaaaard core. Just like this tool.
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"You can tell he's a hard-core warrior patriot, ready for the Second Civil War, because he's wearing a shemagh (as seen on teevee), toting a fanny pack full of bottled water, and has a Punisher logo on his tactical headgear."

shemaghs are very popular now..that dude looks like he's at the local mall:lol:
Sargon the great. There are other stories pre Babylonian with similar characters. Asian cultures have fewer. Probably due to the difficulty of getting over the rough terrain.

I did mix it up. Sargon and Gilgamesh were mashed together to make the Noah through Moses tale in the Bible, even though they're not ancestors like the Bible says.

But, the story came from an older story from the Hindu named Karna.

It's my belief pretty much all the stories are modifications of early stories from the Indus Valley, where Hindu comes from.

Brahma is the creation god, A(brahim) is the hebrew variant. Since ancient Hebrew lacks vowels, it could very well be the original name was, Abrahma.

Brahma's consort and sister was named Saraswati, the Hebrew variant was Sarai, Abraham's wife.

In Hindu myth there's a similar story which blends the story of Adam, Noah, and Jonah, with the main characters being Manu and a fish Mastya (the Avatar of Vishnu).

These Hindu myths come from variations of the Upanishads, which explain the poems in the Vedas.

The similarities make it so unlikely any are original. There's even speculation there's a PIE religion which predates all these and where the differences between the Vedas and the Avesta (Iranian holy text of Zoroaster).

So as you can see, it's real easy to mix things up.
alright, after venting, i do not want the entire country destroyed, but i do think it would be a good idea to step in and destroy their ability to do any further uranium enrichment. they do not want to build power plants, they want to use it to build weapons, so they can become the persian empire again....and that's just not going to happen.
Iran has been a terrorist supporting state since the 1970s, they've never tried to hide it, they've done their best to be provocative about it. sometimes provocation has consequences. trump always does profoundly stupid things, for profoundly stupid reasons.... but i, for one, will not mourn soleimani's passing. not one of the politicians condemning his death denies that he was responsible for years of terrorist attacks that killed thousands....he should have been taken out years ago. Obama used the term "targeted killing", but his administration used the same tactics...

so...knowing full well that i detest trump and everything associated with is this any different than Obama doing the same thing for 8 years?
not condemning the Obama administration, but wondering how it was ok for them, and not for the current administration?
because Obama was taking out clear threats who were a real danger to the country? if soleimani did not constitute a clear, real threat, then there are no clear real threats....

so explain to me why its bad when an asshole does the same thing as a thoughtful, intelligent person?
I am pro American, all the way. But I do not wish the Iranian people any harm. And I have a really hard time trusting Trump's intentions not being for Putin's benefit at the cost of America's. I am naive when it comes to a lot of foreign issues, but I can't believe that Iran doesn't want nuclear power plants, or that the science should not be able to be conducted because we say so. There is a lot that can be done before enriching to the 91% or whatever it needs to be to develop nuclear weapons.

Assassinating a high ranking general, an official of a government is not the same as taking out a terrorist. And now is this how he does things? Just take out government officials of other countries without congressional approval, and we have to trust that this ends well and he has a plan? Fuck that.
Like Trump, wants to start a war but bullshits his way out of service in Vietnam with another fake doctors letter.

Eric and Donald Trump Jr. Are Cowards Just Like Their Daddy — From A Military Family Member

I am pro American, all the way. But I do not wish the Iranian people any harm. And I have a really hard time trusting Trump's intentions not being for Putin's benefit at the cost of America's. I am naive when it comes to a lot of foreign issues, but I can't believe that Iran doesn't want nuclear power plants, or that the science should not be able to be conducted because we say so. There is a lot that can be done before enriching to the 91% or whatever it needs to be to develop nuclear weapons.

Assassinating a high ranking general, an official of a government is not the same as taking out a terrorist. And now is this how he does things? Just take out government officials of other countries without congressional approval, and we have to trust that this ends well and he has a plan? Fuck that.
In Rodgers defence the Obama administration designated him a terrorist ....... just saying.
I did mix it up. Sargon and Gilgamesh were mashed together to make the Noah through Moses tale in the Bible, even though they're not ancestors like the Bible says.

But, the story came from an older story from the Hindu named Karna.

It's my belief pretty much all the stories are modifications of early stories from the Indus Valley, where Hindu comes from.

Brahma is the creation god, A(brahim) is the hebrew variant. Since ancient Hebrew lacks vowels, it could very well be the original name was, Abrahma.

Brahma's consort and sister was named Saraswati, the Hebrew variant was Sarai, Abraham's wife.

In Hindu myth there's a similar story which blends the story of Adam, Noah, and Jonah, with the main characters being Manu and a fish Mastya (the Avatar of Vishnu).

These Hindu myths come from variations of the Upanishads, which explain the poems in the Vedas.

The similarities make it so unlikely any are original. There's even speculation there's a PIE religion which predates all these and where the differences between the Vedas and the Avesta (Iranian holy text of Zoroaster).

So as you can see, it's real easy to mix things up.
I’m so glad you clarified that ....... thank you ...... cough.
They are only rapist and molesters if they are hated by MSNBC. These guys follow and do what they are told. Russia is as much as threat to us as Canada but forget about the guy responsible for the deaths of 100s of American service men and women because he is in a middle.eastern state. Trump got us indepentedent from Iran's oil so fuck Iran. Regan put iran in check and Obama gave them billions to not build atomic weapons that they went back on. Iran houses more terrorist and funds terrorist groups. They are a radical state and I'm glad this president has the balls to deal with it. You trump haters still have your safe spaces and pumpkin spice lattes in case you get skeered into thinking this is the end of the world. The us will turn iran into a parking lot and still be back home in time for corn flakes.

I did mix it up. Sargon and Gilgamesh were mashed together to make the Noah through Moses tale in the Bible, even though they're not ancestors like the Bible says.

But, the story came from an older story from the Hindu named Karna.

It's my belief pretty much all the stories are modifications of early stories from the Indus Valley, where Hindu comes from.

Brahma is the creation god, A(brahim) is the hebrew variant. Since ancient Hebrew lacks vowels, it could very well be the original name was, Abrahma.

Brahma's consort and sister was named Saraswati, the Hebrew variant was Sarai, Abraham's wife.

In Hindu myth there's a similar story which blends the story of Adam, Noah, and Jonah, with the main characters being Manu and a fish Mastya (the Avatar of Vishnu).

These Hindu myths come from variations of the Upanishads, which explain the poems in the Vedas.

The similarities make it so unlikely any are original. There's even speculation there's a PIE religion which predates all these and where the differences between the Vedas and the Avesta (Iranian holy text of Zoroaster).

So as you can see, it's real easy to mix things up.
why do you chose the name communist dreamer ?
In Rodgers defence the Obama administration designated him a terrorist ....... just saying.
Like I said I am naive about a lot of world issues, especially warfare.

I guess we get to see how it goes now that countries get the green light on assassinating public officials who they don't like, by leaders who Russia is able to lift into office by attacking their electorate online.
I guess instead of M4A you're gonna get yourselves an albatross.

Vietnam, round three... FIGHT!!

Whew!! That was a close one, folks, you could almost taste the healthcare... but nah, let's fuck with Iran then pay corporations to rebuild it.

Lol, America, fuck yeah!!
Like I said I am naive about a lot of world issues, especially warfare.

I guess we get to see how it goes now that countries get the green light on assassinating public officials who they don't like, by leaders who Russia is able to lift into office by attacking their electorate online.
Yup and nor I. In this case my feelings are based on the fact that because one person was killed (a daily thing in every city in the US) mushroom dick has basically declared war, the exact same thing he has proclaimed he wants to end he has just doubled down on...... I wonder if it had anything to do with what’s happening at home....Na couldn’t be lol.