Welcome to RIU and earth. You see what had happened was. . . . . .
Lev hired Rudy to help get rid of the American Ambassador to Ukraine. 45 also hired Rudy to help get rid of the American Ambassador to Ukraine. (I hear a lot about having to work two jobs, but it must be nice getting paid twice to do the same thing) That plan worked, so they went on to step two. Which was to pressure the new President of Ukraine into announcing investigations into Joe Biden and Crowdstrike in exchange for an oval office and those $400M in arm shipments. Rudy and Gorden Sondland had talking points drawn up, and set up airtime on CNN for the big announcement. Everything looked like it was going to work until someone spilled the beans. Apparently one of the planners blabbed about it on a line where Vindman and a dozen or so others were listening. If only they could have taken that one dummy out of the loop it could have worked.
But no need to fear for 45. 85% of GOP primary voters get most or all of their news from Fox, so they will never hear about it.