Trump is a Patriot

WTF hell yes.
My daughter is about to leave Emory with her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. She has jobs offers already with her grad date still being in May and still awaiting to take her state licensure exam. Her lowest offer thus far is 76,000 a year. Her highest thus far is 81,200.
That is just from hospital recruiting. She has yet to start sending in her resume on her own.
I will have the funds to send my children to college. If they decide to do something else that is on them, but Daddy and Mommy does have the college money to send them. Thankfully they all have dreams of graduating college.
My middle excited to be going this year. Sounds like you are limiting your childs options.
But some aren't interested and make good welders let's say. I know a young lady that is a certified welder who makes $125k a year. She has purple hair. She welds production on very thin aircraft metal. Some .020 thick. She is very good.
the list of everyone who has complained about "fiat" currency lately:

arctic spaghetti noodle
rob roy

it's definitely a list you don't want to be on.

Fiat, in terms of actual meaning, is a derived Latin word which I think means, "let it be so". The Euro is fiat currency. So is the US dollar, and the Yen, and Real, and on. It's just a $10 word.

But yea, I agree, that list is not a good list. Mostly pedos and nazi apologists from what I can tell.