Well-Known Member
i hate you. so deep.
i didn't mention, but i'm selling the house out in stv.. that fucking town sucks huge pedo balls.
i hate you. so deep.
Yes I agree, he is an anti-semite windbag. However is overuse of $10 words was merely pointing out how our basic banking system works and why we raise and lower the fed fund rate. It didn't really go to show how he is in fact a jew hater. But we already knew he was.
Quit projecting your pedophile thoughts on me, it's clear what you are mr middle school teacherHey it's still more than @Bublonichronic will ever make.
He got fired from a gas station for touching young girls in exchange for cigarettes. It's a fact.
@UncleBuck did @Bublonichronic ever send you those pics of his mom's rockin tits?
his number includes anyone and everyone ages 16-68, able-bodied or not, seeking employment or not.
if i worried about forcing that many people into the workforce my dick would be limp too.
Why do you like dependency so much?
Dancing. An honorable profession. Someone's gotta build and fix shit too. We need that now in this country. Jobs.
ouch. I've literally made that since December 19th.
LolPrime in government employment parlance means age 25-54!
another lie of the left. he's signed over all business interests to his sons. c'mon libbie, set up another lie to get knocked out of the park sore loser.Such a patriot, he is refusing to divest from his companies. Donald J Trump does not respect America.
avoiding regulation means I can fuck up the environment be not disposing my chemicals properly. Just dump them wherever I wish.
How stupid are you really ?
I think he has a heart for the citizens of this country. I also think he truly wants to make jobs available.
Then you don't know the first thing about Donald Trump.
Not one single product he has ever sold (his clothing, meat and more) was ever, repeat EVER, made in the United States. The only "jobs" he ever created were in the unemployment office from all his bankruptcies that put thousands out of work in order to take a tax write off so he wouldn't have to pay taxes for the next 15 years.
Trump has absolutely zero room in his heart for anybody but Trump. What's so funny is that not only is he already back pedaling on every red-neck issue (immigration, building a wall, getting tough with China) that you people voted him into office for, he's already planning to screw you over by taking away your insurance and drug plans with NOTHING to replace them and supporting even more outsourcing of American jobs.
Enjoy your man. By the time he's done fucking you, you'll have no choice but to keep loving him.