Trump has Coronavirus

If this is a lie by the serves a couple helpful purposes for him.
1. He doesn't have to debate Biden because he's in matter what he says.......he came off as an un-hinged maniac.
2. He can claim that covid is not bad or deadly because he came through it without issue and proves to the deplorables he was right.
I wouldn't be too concerned if Trump croaks, America has medieval rule and when the King dies the war is over, his troops lose heart and flee the field as the Lords scramble for the crown. Remember in Lord of the Rings when Sauron was killed in battle and his armies lost purpose?

This at least will throw any plans in disarray and perhaps delay or kill the SCOTUS nomination, his entire team is forced into isolation, Donald will be forced onto the air and he is broke. This is the October surprise and it's Donald's, welcome to the herd, MOOO!
Ronna Romney McDaniel (Mitt's Niece) just tested positive..her last statements:

I wouldn't be too concerned if Trump croaks, America has medieval rule and when the King dies the war is over, his troops lose heart and flee the field as the Lords scramble for the crown. Remember in Lord of the Rings when Sauron was killed in battle and his armies lost purpose?

This at least will throw any plans in disarray and perhaps delay or kill the SCOTUS nomination, his entire team is forced into isolation, Donald will be forced onto the air and he is broke. This is the October surprise and it's Donald's, welcome to the herd, MOOO!

Ronna Romney McDaniel (Mitt's Niece) just tested positive..her last statements:

Chuck better get tested too, as should anybody, including the press, who comes into contact with this plague infected cult. World War Z and the infected zombies' are in the White House.
Would be fitting if trump died while his administration is trying to strip affordable health care from 20 million Americans, 2020 is looking up.
Possible scenarios:
Trump dies from covid
Trump infects trumpkids and they all die
Melania dies from covid
Ivanka recovers from the first infection but then dies anyway
Kimberly infects Fox News and everybody at Fox dies.

I hope (Hicks) I’m wrong
Nuclear strike on China.
Rumors of a planeload of infected Antifa Supersoldiers headed to DC