Trump has Coronavirus

I dont hink they have a decent candidate either and I won't disagree, but that's not the point. They only have to convince the votes they lost BECAUSE of Trump to come back. Maybe Trump has done enough damage to repell the most sensible of Republicans for good, but then again, maybe not.
Cross dressing Lindsay graham put it best, if we elect trump he will destroy the party and we will deserve it.
If this is true and he can't run again, where does this leave the Democrats and their "But Trump" campaign? As legitimate a campaign as any in light of his abysmal leadership, but seriously? Is there time to pivot to an actual policy based campaign where Biden has to debate an actual candidate that doesn't grenade himself?

I'm not so sure this is a political win.
If 45 dies quickly and they pick a lesser dick to replace him, Joe would lose all his GOP supporters. It would be harmful if that happened.
As someone who cannot stand Trump, I only see downsides from this.

If he remains asymptomatic, he will be the conquering hero who proves COVID is no big deal.

If he gets sick and survives, he will elicit sympathy and votes.

If he dies, he will inspire countless QAnon theories about assassination that will keep the legend alive forever.

I would much prefer he just lost the election.

And now I will wait for the ad hominem attacks to begin while RIU admins applaud.

Yeah this might be a publicity stunt to prove that covid isn't that bad. Or if he dies, Pence will blame China and try to start a war.
Supposedly he only has mild symptoms so far, if things go as they have for the last 4 years he'll recover but he also infects Biden and he dies from it.

oh don't you worry- the plague make you think certain things including getting better the day before you die..i've read many stories like that from family members who thought their loved one 'rounded the corner' only to succumb a day or two later.