Pulling completely out and leaving millions worth of equipment for terrorist to get. Smart move for sure.
More child sniffing and death jabs are in store

Right let potus stand to a jury of his peers. Wait the supreme court said current prez isn't of sound mind to press charges but can lead the country.
Pulling completely out and leaving millions worth of equipment for terrorist to get. Smart move for sure.
Screen Shot 2024-05-07 at 4.51.28 PM.png

Trump withdrew us down to what 2500 troops there and released something like 5000 Taliban fighters right before he lost to Biden.
Screen Shot 2024-05-07 at 4.56.07 PM.png

Biden also executed the largest civilian airlift in human history after Trump screwed the pooch.
Screen Shot 2024-05-07 at 4.58.20 PM.png

More child sniffing and death jabs are in store
Toss in a Putin loving poetry writing woman saying Biden came on to her and that is about all they got to shit talk Biden. So I am not surprised that is going to pretty be spam filler for the right wing propagandists trying to scare Trump's cult into voting for the people who have put us into recessions every time they have the power to (the Republicans).

Right let potus stand to a jury of his peers. Wait the supreme court said current prez isn't of sound mind to press charges but can lead the country.
lmao this the same guy that said Bidens memory was bad, then when the actual transcript came out it praised his memory in it.

Lol yeah that dude was a Trump cultist stooge that burnt his credibility so Dear Leader could bury some shit that was going on in the news cycle for his cuck base.

Just incase you want to watch the actual hearing and not the clip on a credible source that Trump likes to demonize to keep his cult from learning actual facts that blow up his stupid troll narratives:
Pulling completely out and leaving millions worth of equipment for terrorist to get. Smart move for sure.
More child sniffing and death jabs are in store

Right let potus stand to a jury of his peers. Wait the supreme court said current prez isn't of sound mind to press charges but can lead the country.
I understand, it's OK, I get it. Trump's supporters and propaganda machine don't have a single valid complaint or policy issue to use against Biden so they just make shit up or distort history in order to fill the silence when people ask the question about who they should vote for.

Still, though, just repeating the same old lies and distortions time and again regardless of the facts and how many times those facts make statements like yours seem foolish to the people you are trying to convince. That's boring and nobody is listening to it anyway. How about making up something new, like saying Biden sucks octopus dicks or maybe he has some strange fetish and then get one of your meme generators to post some dumbass joke about it.

So, how about getting a little creative when it's clear you have nothing factual to base your complaints on. I mean, you guys are getting crushed by the good economic news that keeps coming out, month after month showing how well Biden is managing this economy out of the mire Trump left it in. And that wannabe Nazi white supremacist schitick isn't making your side any new friends. Also, just saying "let the states decide" when the Republican controlled states are going full on Handmaids Tale when it comes to Trump's boast that he ended the national protection of women's right to bodily autonomy. That's a losing policy, just admit it and find something new.

I mean, take a cue from Noem. Start pointing out which dog Trump will shoot when he takes office. Or if shooting dogs sounds too copycat, how about river otters? I hear they bite too.
is homophobia
Think you mean homosexuality not homophobia. Never said that was in the constitution just pointing out the current potus changes his morales and convictions to placate others. Again not a trump fan supporter, voter don't like him either.

My bad the people that wrote the constitution said this in another important document
Doesn't equal unless they sleep the same sex.


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Think you mean homosexuality not homophobia. Never said that was in the constitution just pointing out the current potus changes his morales and convictions to placate others. Again not a trump fan supporter, voter don't like him either.

My bad the people that wrote the constitution said this in another important document
Doesn't equal unless they sleep the same sex.
The trouble with this is that scripture does not classify homosexuality, or even generic homosexual acts, as a sin. That idea comes from a faulty exegesis that has been enthusiastically consumed by early and subsequent churches, to humanity’s great and lasting detriment. The resultant false and quite cruel doctrines unrepentantly spit in the face of the core principle that “God is love” and “the Gospel disables the oppressive strictures of the previous Law.”

Try to imagine what judgment the notional God of the Bible has in store for toxic evangelical pastors who continue to preach hate and division in direct contempt of the core values recorded in the things the text ascribes to the direct sayings of Jesus.

Of course, since today’s concept of God is built around kindness, love and the essential equality of all people before [him], Hell is a cynical fabrication with one single purpose: to usurp absolute and unappealable divine power for the clergy as a tool of totalitarian social control.

These ugly and inhumane bits of ecclesiastical history provide the basis for the framers (of the Constitution) adopting the iron principle that church and state must be held separate. The only meaningful freedom of religion includes, as a position in no way inferior or conditional, freedom from religion.
at least he sticks to his morals and convictions.
Not a R or a D. Want the country government to follow and stick to the constitution.
Wait are you upset that he voted against banning gay marriage but pulled the states rights' troll that the Republicans are currently using to dodge questions about their banning abortion?

Not a R or a D. Want the country government to follow and stick to the constitution.
Where do see this? Read reports? In real cities people are broke, living in cars in record numbers, inflation is out of control grocery stores are charging crazy prices. These aren't signs of a good economy. Printing more money doesn't make it have value.
Good doesn't equal perfect. White men underfunding and gerrymandering away power to do anything about it from cities since the suburban sprawl that occurred in the post ww2 era have harmed a lot of our cities ability to effectively govern themselves. Especially in citied with high minority populations.

Also people living in 'real cities' are extremely wealthy too, it is a bummer that the propaganda only focuses on the bad parts. But scaring their followers into fearing people that they really are never around is the point right?

, living in cars in record numbers,
This sounds like one of those 'people say' things.

inflation is out of control grocery stores are charging crazy prices.
Peoples' paychecks are also increasing at a faster rate than inflation and stores are actually stocked unlike when Trump left office with the nation in a broken mess.

These aren't signs of a good economy.
No what you listed are cherry picked items that sound bad when you take out all context and how much better it is now than it was when Trump was president telling people to inject light and appointing drs that believe demon sperm is a thing.

Printing more money doesn't make it have value.
lol oh boy.
When James Carville said "It’s the economy, stupid" he had no clue how stupid stupid would get. The medical society says there's a virus potentially deadly or with lasting damaging results and people go nah, I'm in charge of my own reality. Meteorologist and millions of scientist raise the alarm about climate change and people go nah, it's all just something 'they' want us to believe. Economists across the globe are astonished by the surprising recovery of the US economy, avoiding unlike many others a much with near-certainty predicted recession, showing some of the best real-world numbers ever, and people again just make shit up instead of listening to authoritative sources.

Normally one would suggest 'would you listen to a plumber for advice on your heart surgery?', rhetorically, to point out the ridiculousness of the suggestion these are matters of opinion rather than fact. But now, they would, and double-down on it.

I hope to live long enough just to see what comes after this post-truth era. It really makes me curious. When/if people will again value truth and facts and dismiss claims that are not substantiated by fact. Right now, it's not the economy, it's... it's... it's ironic how humans accuse AI LLM of merely spitting out words without understanding them.

"I know words, I know the best words. But there's no better word than stupid." - Trump

Quite possibly more true than he realized. When I think 'best words' I think articulate, but best is only relative. Best words to con hundreds of millions (globally) maybe.
Printing more money doesn't make it have value.

lol oh boy.

Oh boy indeed. Or more like oh boy oh boy oh boy... .... ...., oh boy.

If we are living in a simulation (bear with me lol) we are still limited by the by the simulation imposed limits, making it a non-issue. The same thing applies to the whole money system, it's simulated, it's not real. It's fiat money. We are told it has value but in a way it becomes undeniably the reality we just have to deal with. Money is rarely printed, or minted. Only 8%, the rest is digital, numbers on a screen. Fictional numbers imposing real-world limitations. One can rightfully argue the financial situation of not every group is what it should be, that some are more limited than others, but fact is, by the time money is printed, it already has value, and fact is, the US economy is doing well under Biden and much better than what authoritative sources project it might become under Trump.
Where do see this? Read reports? In real cities people are broke, living in cars in record numbers, inflation is out of control grocery stores are charging crazy prices. These aren't signs of a good economy. Printing more money doesn't make it have value.
You've been listening to the orange con man too much. Facts, my man. The facts say I'm right in what I said.

Biden says U.S. economy is world’s best. Trump calls it a ‘cesspool.’ Data is clear.

President Joe Biden is fighting to convince inflation-weary voters that the U.S. economy is healthy.
“America has the best economy in the world,” he told NBC’s “TODAY” on Monday, laying out an argument that is central to his reelection campaign.

America’s economic standing in the world is becoming an early flashpoint on the campaign trail, where former President Donald Trump routinely depicts the United States as a commercial wasteland. “We are a nation whose economy is collapsing into a cesspool of ruin, whose supply chain is broken, whose stores are not stocked, whose deliveries are not coming,” Trump shouted at a Georgia rally last month.

But the numbers (are) more in line with Biden’s narrative of American economic dominance than Trump’s apocalyptic warnings.

Inflation has fallen sharply from its 2022 highs, although it has ticked back up in the past several months.
“On inflation, it is too soon to say whether the recent readings represent more than just a bump,” Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said Wednesday.

Meanwhile, U.S. gross domestic product grew 2.5% in 2023, significantly outpacing that of other developed economies, according to a January report from the International Monetary Fund. The IMF projected that the U.S. will hold that lead in 2024, though it expects the rate to come down to 2.1%.
Two other large advanced economies, Canada and Germany, lagged with 2023 GDP growth at 1.1% and negative 0.3%, respectively.
“The U.S. economy is leading the way for the global economy. It’s driving the global economic train,” Moody’s chief economist Mark Zandi told CNBC.
Oh boy indeed. Or more like oh boy oh boy oh boy... .... ...., oh boy.

If we are living in a simulation (bear with me lol) we are still limited by the by the simulation imposed limits, making it a non-issue. The same thing applies to the whole money system, it's simulated, it's not real. It's fiat money. We are told it has value but in a way it becomes undeniably the reality we just have to deal with. Money is rarely printed, or minted. Only 8%, the rest is digital, numbers on a screen. Fictional numbers imposing real-world limitations. One can rightfully argue the financial situation of not every group is what it should be, that some are more limited than others, but fact is, by the time money is printed, it already has value, and fact is, the US economy is doing well under Biden and much better than what authoritative sources project it might become under Trump.
I tend to think it is easier to just think of money as the value of a unit of time that varies over time on a per person basis.

I still am not completely confident in the economy, but Biden and his team have consistently made very smart well thought out decisions when dealing with it so I do have hope. I just worry about what shit Trump's handlers (like the Saudi's who the Orange menace sold a lot of our American gas production to here in America, and Putin and his band of terrorist dictator pals do to try to destabilize things further everywhere else) are going to do the closer we get to the election.But luckily for us Biden has proven to be far wiser in his hiring decisions than Trump has been.
Oh boy indeed. Or more like oh boy oh boy oh boy... .... ...., oh boy.

If we are living in a simulation (bear with me lol) we are still limited by the by the simulation imposed limits, making it a non-issue. The same thing applies to the whole money system, it's simulated, it's not real. It's fiat money. We are told it has value but in a way it becomes undeniably the reality we just have to deal with. Money is rarely printed, or minted. Only 8%, the rest is digital, numbers on a screen. Fictional numbers imposing real-world limitations. One can rightfully argue the financial situation of not every group is what it should be, that some are more limited than others, but fact is, by the time money is printed, it already has value, and fact is, the US economy is doing well under Biden and much better than what authoritative sources project it might become under Trump.
What you say is true. We are living in a world and economy that doesn't make sense to people who want things to be simple. Like gold bugs who prefer to have an economy based upon bars of gold held in a vault, something they can understand except that system fell apart due to cycles of financial collapse and why would the price of something dug out of the ground and is otherwise useless to bankers be held to such a standard? Why does that make sense? I think we could spend a lot of time discussing the ins and outs of the current economy and how it works. I'd rather not, because, it is working, just like Bidenomics is.

But I digress. The topic of this thread is "Trump's indictments" and the MAGA member of this forum, who deflected the topic to the economy, had a purpose for doing so or maybe they were just behaving like the people they follow. The same people who deny the science behind vaccines. The same people who deny the science behind human caused global climate change. The same people who deny that women have equal rights to bodily autonomy as men because the bible says so. What credibility do those people have?

Trump is being tried in NY for something he obviously did. The guy is a convicted rapist, he has been convicted on a civil charge of financial fraud and is apparently about to be convicted for financial fraud and conspiracy to commit election fraud. So really, MAGA Rollitup member isn't speaking with the intent to discuss Biden's economy, he's deflecting away from the topic of this thread. Why they are OK with the idea of putting into the office of POTUS, a convicted rapist and proven serial financial fraudster who is also under indictment for stealing secret documents and conspiracy to interfere with the 2020 election is something I also don't understand. But those people are trying to tell us that Biden's economy is failing despite the facts and Trump is being falsely treated despite mountains of evidence against him? Really? What credibility do those people have?
What you say is true. We are living in a world and economy that doesn't make sense to people who want things to be simple. Like gold bugs who prefer to have an economy based upon bars of gold held in a vault, something they can understand except that system fell apart due to cycles of financial collapse and why would the price of something dug out of the ground and is otherwise useless to bankers be held to such a standard? Why does that make sense? I think we could spend a lot of time discussing the ins and outs of the current economy and how it works. I'd rather not, because, it is working, just like Bidenomics is.

But I digress. The topic of this thread is "Trump's indictments" and the MAGA member of this forum, who deflected the topic to the economy, had a purpose for doing so or maybe they were just behaving like the people they follow. The same people who deny the science behind vaccines. The same people who deny the science behind human caused global climate change. The same people who deny that women have equal rights to bodily autonomy as men because the bible says so. What credibility do those people have?

Trump is being tried in NY for something he obviously did. The guy is a convicted rapist, he has been convicted on a civil charge of financial fraud and is apparently about to be convicted for financial fraud and conspiracy to commit election fraud. So really, MAGA Rollitup member isn't speaking with the intent to discuss Biden's economy, he's deflecting away from the topic of this thread. Why they are OK with the idea of putting into the office of POTUS, a convicted rapist and proven serial financial fraudster who is also under indictment for stealing secret documents and conspiracy to interfere with the 2020 election is something I also don't understand. But those people are trying to tell us that Biden's economy is failing despite the facts and Trump is being falsely treated despite mountains of evidence against him? Really? What credibility do those people have?
To the last, it is telling that they trot out the old, debunked calumnies as tribal-identity slogans, e. g.
child-sniffing and death jabs
current pres (sic!) is not of sound mind
and that neoliberal passion for attacking those parts of our Federal government that actually work:
letter agencies are the bane of our country
like EPA, BLM (the agency, not the movement), IRS, FBI, DOJ, FDA, SEC, FEC, CBP, SSA, FEMA, USDA, DOT, OSHA, USDT, FWS, FRB and on and on … which department has not come under sustained sedition-caucus attack?

Healthy Federal agencies are standing in the way of the coup the freedomers are still committed to carrying out — because if they don’t, the majority of R legislators have accumulated so many crimes collectively that, should the Nuclear Scenario* obtain, they’re headed for disgrace and the rest of their lives in prison.

*Rs lose elections — and cannot fudge the results. These folks have crossed the Rubicon and then some. Their *rump card is in full play: corrupt appellate and trial judges. What Scotus does and does not do over the next year could be decisive.
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