Orange dummy held in Contempt again today.....this is number 10, most people would be in jail right now.......

well that's not all......Oh Merchan think you missed one, and this one is a doozey too

and after this hearing Judge Merchan had some words for the Orange Dummy:

“Going forward this court will have to consider a jail sanction,"
Merchan says, noting the $1,000 fine is not stopping him.
"Mr. Trump its important you understand the last thing I want to do is put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States and possibly the next president as well,"
Merchan said. "The magnitude of this decision is not lost on me but at the end of the day I have a job to do,"
Merchan said. "So as much as I don't want to impose a jail sanction...I want you to understand that I will if necessary and appropriate."

The trail is now going forward we'll see if there is any new bombshells happening today...
Orange dummy held in Contempt again today.....this is number 10, most people would be in jail right now.......

well that's not all......Oh Merchan think you missed one, and this one is a doozey too

and after this hearing Judge Merchan had some words for the Orange Dummy:

“Going forward this court will have to consider a jail sanction,"
Merchan says, noting the $1,000 fine is not stopping him.
"Mr. Trump its important you understand the last thing I want to do is put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States and possibly the next president as well,"
Merchan said. "The magnitude of this decision is not lost on me but at the end of the day I have a job to do,"
Merchan said. "So as much as I don't want to impose a jail sanction...I want you to understand that I will if necessary and appropriate."

The trail is now going forward we'll see if there is any new bombshells happening today...
A few hours timeout for the orange POS is forthcoming.

noun [ C usually singular ]

a short period in which a child has to stop an activity as a punishment for behaving badly :
The little boy's mother gave him a timeout after he hit his friend.
A few hours timeout for the orange POS is forthcoming.
You just beat me.

Orange dummy held in Contempt again today.....this is number 10, most people would be in jail right now.......

well that's not all......Oh Merchan think you missed one, and this one is a doozey too

and after this hearing Judge Merchan had some words for the Orange Dummy:

“Going forward this court will have to consider a jail sanction,"
Merchan says, noting the $1,000 fine is not stopping him.
"Mr. Trump its important you understand the last thing I want to do is put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States and possibly the next president as well,"
Merchan said. "The magnitude of this decision is not lost on me but at the end of the day I have a job to do,"
Merchan said. "So as much as I don't want to impose a jail sanction...I want you to understand that I will if necessary and appropriate."

The trail is now going forward we'll see if there is any new bombshells happening today...
I liked some talking heads idea on MSNBC earlier today, they said something about putting him in time out cell that the court houses all have for all the other people having temper tantrums have to sit in from time to time.

Let him sell his Mandela shit because he was put in detention for a few hours for being the abusive asshole troll he is.
You just beat me.

I liked some talking heads idea on MSNBC earlier today, they said something about putting him in time out cell that the court houses all have for all the other people having temper tantrums have to sit in from time to time.

Let him sell his Mandela shit because he was put in detention for a few hours for being the abusive asshole troll he is.

I forget which legal expert MSNBC had on about a week ago that said the judge could impose a 30 day sentence for each count but make them suspended sentences to be served after the trial is over. That way even if he gets off he still would spend some time in a cell.

well as per usual the orange whiner comes out and does his little turkey feather show........couple of interesting things that happened though....


TARASOFF ON POST-JAN 20 2017 PROCEDURE: “We would send the checks to the White House for Trump to sign.”
CONROY: Did you prepare the checks for signature the same way?
DEBORAH TARASOFF: Yes, we sent the checks by Federal Express.

boy if that doesn't sound like a conflict of interest i dunno what does....sheesh

on the back side of the orange turkey as he stepped out of court and does his usual feather showing and whining.....he says this:

Trump: "This judge is giving me a gag order and said you'll go to jail if you violate it. And frankly, our constitution is much more important than jail. It's not even close. I'll do that sacrifice any day. "

ok i'll admit it, i had a giggle when he said that. imo you orange idiot, do it, violated it again and see what happens. It will be a wake up call for ya. Wants to be a martyr so he can grift again.....sheesh...
well as per usual the orange whiner comes out and does his little turkey feather show........couple of interesting things that happened though....


TARASOFF ON POST-JAN 20 2017 PROCEDURE: “We would send the checks to the White House for Trump to sign.”
CONROY: Did you prepare the checks for signature the same way?
DEBORAH TARASOFF: Yes, we sent the checks by Federal Express.

boy if that doesn't sound like a conflict of interest i dunno what does....sheesh

on the back side of the orange turkey as he stepped out of court and does his usual feather showing and whining.....he says this:

Trump: "This judge is giving me a gag order and said you'll go to jail if you violate it. And frankly, our constitution is much more important than jail. It's not even close. I'll do that sacrifice any day. "

ok i'll admit it, i had a giggle when he said that. imo you orange idiot, do it, violated it again and see what happens. It will be a wake up call for ya. Wants to be a martyr so he can grift again.....sheesh...
Your post triggered my memory of this scene.

From the little I saw of it today it sounds like there will be the next great goal post shift from Trump.

After crying about it being political hit job, then trolling how it is perfectly legal to make hush money payments, he will have to now try to get his cult to believe that somehow its also cool to take tax write-offs on them.

Oh and that is only if he first can convince at least one of the 12 Americans sitting on his trial that he should be allowed to cheat his taxes to pay off porn stars.

Well the orange man who ran the country did have us in wars, didn't offer to pay ILLEGALS to pour into our country for more votes and cheap labor. You see companies getting in trouble for NOT hiring illegals even though it is criminally illegal. Did fight a war in a country giving 100's of BILLIONS to hide his illegal bio labs. Using left biased news to prove points is like using a book you wrote as proof. Use a VPN read the world news and views get real news not controlled propaganda. Vets on the streets but illegals getting housing. Vets going hungry but illegals getting cash and food allowance. Jumping the border without naturalization is illegal not migrants, not undocumented , but ILLEGAL! Also not saying trump is the answer. Need a guy like in Argentina who cut all the letter agencies. Those are the bane of our country.

According to the constitution we should have overthrown this government when they started taxing wages or set up centralized bank(federal reserve that's not controlled by government) all warned of in constitution and declaration of independence. Our forefathers must be spinning in their graves.
Well the orange man who ran the country did have us in wars, didn't offer to pay ILLEGALS to pour into our country for more votes and cheap labor. You see companies getting in trouble for NOT hiring illegals even though it is criminally illegal. Did fight a war in a country giving 100's of BILLIONS to hide his illegal bio labs. Using left biased news to prove points is like using a book you wrote as proof. Use a VPN read the world news and views get real news not controlled propaganda. Vets on the streets but illegals getting housing. Vets going hungry but illegals getting cash and food allowance. Jumping the border without naturalization is illegal not migrants, not undocumented , but ILLEGAL! Also not saying trump is the answer. Need a guy like in Argentina who cut all the letter agencies. Those are the bane of our country.

According to the constitution we should have overthrown this government when they started taxing wages or set up centralized bank(federal reserve that's not controlled by government) all warned of in constitution and declaration of independence. Our forefathers must be spinning in their graves.

To the underlined: welcome to religion!

To the italicized, please quote the relevant text.

To the bolded: without either of these institutions, who would pay veterans’ benefits?
Well the orange man who ran the country did have us in wars, didn't offer to pay ILLEGALS to pour into our country for more votes and cheap labor. You see companies getting in trouble for NOT hiring illegals even though it is criminally illegal. Did fight a war in a country giving 100's of BILLIONS to hide his illegal bio labs. Using left biased news to prove points is like using a book you wrote as proof. Use a VPN read the world news and views get real news not controlled propaganda. Vets on the streets but illegals getting housing. Vets going hungry but illegals getting cash and food allowance. Jumping the border without naturalization is illegal not migrants, not undocumented , but ILLEGAL! Also not saying trump is the answer. Need a guy like in Argentina who cut all the letter agencies. Those are the bane of our country.

According to the constitution we should have overthrown this government when they started taxing wages or set up centralized bank(federal reserve that's not controlled by government) all warned of in constitution and declaration of independence. Our forefathers must be spinning in their graves.
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I'm guessing youre trying to say anyone is doing those things you listed and are trying to make some kind of point?

OK ill bite,

Well the orange man who ran the country did have us in wars,
True. He had us in Afghanistan his entire term and wasn't until he knew he was screwed that he sent Pompeo to go give Afghanistan to the Taliban, release a shit ton of their militants, and withdraw so many troops it put Biden in a very shit position to not live up to Trump's agreement with the Taliban for us to withdraw.

He also was in Syria prior to bailing on our Kurdish allies, and wanted to bomb Iran but had to settle with killing their general. He also allowed Russia to attack Ukraine with nothing but trying to force a leader of an allied nation into manufacturing dirt on his political opponent.

didn't offer to pay ILLEGALS to pour into our country for more votes and cheap labor.
lmao you do know that Trump is literally paying illegal immigrants his entire business career for cheap labor right? Like there are interviews with them and everything lol.

The vote thing is a kick though, pure straight up right wing propaganda, non-american citizens can vote in a federal election, no matter how much some talking head tries to convince you otherwise.
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Former President Donald Trump turned to one of his favorite themes on Friday — the specter of immigrants improperly voting in federal elections. House Speaker Mike Johnson came to the former president’s Florida compound to announce that he would introduce a bill to stop those who are not citizens from voting in elections.

Trump has made baseless claims about this subject before, like in 2016, when he blamed his loss of the popular vote on voting by immigrants, and then appointed a commission to investigate the issue. It disbanded without identifying a single case of a noncitizen casting a vote.

(......too much to post)

Did fight a war in a country giving 100's of BILLIONS to hide his illegal bio labs.
Are you trying to say this like Russia propaganda about Ukraine is real? What's next going to try to use the trigger phrase "gain of function"? Or is this about China? Because I an not sure about a war in either unless you meant Trump's stupid trade war that cost our economy over a trillion dollars and led to a lot of the shit relationship between our nations that would have been very helpful to have had prior to the pandemic.

Using left biased news to prove points is like using a book you wrote as proof.
Pee-Wee Herman troll or just admitting that sticking to AP news is the best option, because I agree whole heartedly with he second.

Use a VPN read the world news and views get real news not controlled propaganda.
Stick to Ap news, you won't need to worry about that.

Vets on the streets but illegals getting housing. Vets going hungry but illegals getting cash and food allowance.
So few words containing so much right wing propaganda. Have anything outside of cherry picked misleading 'facts' from some alt right troll website?

Still fewer homeless vets in every year of Biden's presidency than any of Trump's, and that is with us dealing with the impacts of Trump's wrecking of our economy.

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It is a real shame Trump wasn't able to maintain the drop in vet homelessness that Obama did after getting us out of the previous Republican president's economic collapse.

Trump is shit. And has no respect for Vets who don't murder kids so he can pardon them to own the libs.

Jumping the border without naturalization is illegal not migrants, not undocumented , but ILLEGAL!
I mean you have it in all caps so it must be true right?

Notice you said an act is illegal, it doesn't make the person illegal.

Also not saying trump is the answer.
Never know, the question could be "POTUS that oversaw the shit national response to a pandemic that killed over a million people by muddying the water and turning masks into a culture war".

Need a guy like in Argentina who cut all the letter agencies. Those are the bane of our country.

The only thing that would help is uber rich people and people who do crimes large enough to scare regular people enough to let them.

According to the constitution we should have overthrown this government when they started taxing wages or set up centralized bank(federal reserve that's not controlled by government) all warned of in constitution and declaration of independence. Our forefathers must be spinning in their graves.

Lets just go back to when there was a severe recession every couple years instead of the decade give or take between them we now experience because you bought into the rich white mans' lies that not just giving them complete control to tank our economy so they can vacuum up all the built up wealth of the working man when they get in trouble when the economy goes tits up like it was prior to the fed started to use their tools to keep our economy stable after the Great Depression.

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man i knew we should have started an office pool......

I thought they weren't holding court on Fridays at all so I don't understand why he needed a pass to go to the graduation ceremony in the first place.

After all the crap he's heaped on that judge I think it shows that the judge is not quite the a-hole tRump makes him out to be seeing that he actually gave him permission to attend. I would have told him to fack right off.

Would be funny if tRump continues to break his gag order and ends up sitting in a cage on that date.

I thought they weren't holding court on Fridays at all so I don't understand why he needed a pass to go to the graduation ceremony in the first place.

After all the crap he's heaped on that judge I think it shows that the judge is not quite the a-hole tRump makes him out to be seeing that he actually gave him permission to attend. I would have told him to fack right off.

Would be funny if tRump continues to break his gag order and ends up sitting in a cage on that date.


it's really not a pass, as a defendant in a criminal trial out of bond, he has to notify the courts that he has to go out of state, the judge is allowed to grant it or not. Otherwise he has to stay in that state while the trial is on going. No Largo, no nowhere for that length of time as the trial goes on.

on the idea of the gag order, he still has one outstanding, think i put it in this thread not to long ago.......but today after the stormy testimony, things might get a little interesting on his truth social or even as he steps out in the court room after we'll personally that's what i'm waiting for.

PS: i'm currently following the trail right now....

so lets see what happens
This trial opened the door concerning filing charges on Presidents - NOW any it's the norm many Presidents deserved a legal trial (Clinton, Nixon are just a few
This trial opened the door concerning filing charges on Presidents - NOW any it's the norm many Presidents deserved a legal trial (Clinton, Nixon are just a few
I believe the damage to the country would be far worse if the DOJ ignored ALL of dumpy's illegality. Just my 2 cents. Kind of hard to turn a blind eye.

Kind of like dumpy's two impeachments I guess. Hard to ignore what he was impeached for. You may be right to a degree. Bad actors in the Repugnant party have tried to impeach Biden, Mayorkas, but it seems you need some evidence first. REAL evidence.
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