Trove of 1970's 'bag seed' ...this could be fun.

Just wear an William f Buckley mask

I'm thinking about something that would be at home in a fine publication like this.

What if, these older seeds + the additional stresses of modern equipment = waaaaay stronger shit than the weed these seeds came from? Did your buddy smoke the weed these came from and can he recall at all the quality of any?

This sounds like fun, good luck. Definitely chuck some next to sprinklers at your local drive thru!
Love this! I have my own mixed bag, also dating from the 70s, when every seed and roach was sacred. In the 80s I began to keep bags/batches separate, and to keep notes of what they were reported as being.

Goal, once I have control of my living space, is to begin a serious effort to sprout, tend, interpollinate, and harvest as many of them as possible (‘70s Vibe IBL? ‘84 Maybe Lambsbread?).

I plan to grow other stuff, too, but I’m dazzled by the possibilities in bringing back pre-indoor, pre-‘boutique’ lines/names/profiles (and preserving existing landrace lines).

there’s a very smart woman @ icmag, search members for ‘Frozen’(Queen, maybe, or Princess?), she’s been doing (is doing?) a lot on this.
I bet it would improve your chances if you got good’n’high and *sorted* those seeds - by which I mean, get rid of the cracked, rotten, immature, & empties in that bag. You’ll have much less afterward, but you’ll have the best-chance stuff to work with.
And the round ones cuz they’re the females:eyesmoke:
Was back and forth texting with a cousin of mine...he's an old head from the height of the 70's...and he's been interested in what I've been growing. It's been fun sharing and discussing, and LOVE to get him on some stories of his exploits during that era; he is an inveterate music lover/concert goer & experienced much of the 70's counter-culture I was too young to see or be a part of. He's got me by about 15 years, so this would probably be stuff from probably 1975 onward.

...anyway, when I mentioned that I was interested in messing more with seeds that are truer to the landrace/sativas of yore, he dropped that he's been collecting and saving all his bag-seed from back in the 70's onward. And send me this picture of one of his bags:

View attachment 5162786

...for reference, that's an 8.5x11" piece of paper. Says he's got a bunch more bags piled up too.

He's going to send me 'a few spoonfuls' to see if I can get anything to germinate...we'll go from there.

So yeah, deep end of the pool, but could be interesting if I can get things to green up.

That ziplock is clearly not from the 70’s. I think your cousin is lying.
I'm in the design stages of workin on a space age looking acoustic seed levitator, with 2 opposing arrays of sonic transducers that create a focal point like a satelite dish does, to try and germinate seeds while they literally hover in mid air (despite gravity). All while being blasted with the ultra sonic frequencies (almost too high to hear) which creates the layers of standing wave nodes for it to rest in. Should help to stimulate the growth, while increasing the success rate.

There is already a patent on using sonic vibrations\electro culture to stimulate seed germination, but not exactly the way i'm trying to do it!

Maybe it can trick the nonviable seeds into coming back to life again?


These ready to go kits that are online are too weak to hold up a seed and water together, so need someone to 3d print a larger setup for me to work with:
Bite me, i’ve tried it all peroxide, sandpaper, gibberellic, banana; not one popped over many attempts.
I got a seed to germinate that was from the late 80s and another from the very early 90s (fall of 90 if I'm not mistaken). the success rate was abysmal, but I did get 2 to pop and I've been cross breeding with both ever since. it's unlikely but not impossible.
I'm in the design stages of workin on a space age looking acoustic seed levitator, with 2 opposing arrays of sonic transducers that create a focal point like a satelite dish does, to try and germinate seeds while they literally hover in mid air (despite gravity). All while being blasted with the ultra sonic frequencies (almost too high to hear) which creates the layers of standing wave nodes for it to rest in. Should help to stimulate the growth, while increasing the success rate.

There is already a patent on using sonic vibrations\electro culture to stimulate seed germination, but not exactly the way i'm trying to do it!

Maybe it can trick the nonviable seeds into coming back to life again?


These ready to go kits that are online are too weak to hold up a seed and water together, so need someone to 3d print a larger setup for me to work with:
View attachment 5162882

Cool idea. I have no idea if it would work, but the concept is neat. I'm aware of some of the standing wave & wave-node general research as someone who had passing interest in acoustics and instruments. In terms of seed viability, I think once a seed is too far gone, there's no bringing it back...its probably a matter of the genetic material losing coherence.
I got a seed to germinate that was from the late 80s and another from the very early 90s (fall of 90 if I'm not mistaken). the success rate was abysmal, but I did get 2 to pop and I've been cross breeding with both ever since. it's unlikely but not impossible.

We'll see. He asked how much I want and I literally said 'a few spoonfuls' just to try out and see what happens. We'll go from there. This may be the only time I don't just plant in damp soil, but use paper towel method to see what I can get, rather than planting flats of seeds in medium.