Trove of 1970's 'bag seed' ...this could be fun.

did these seeds ever grow???? where's the pictures. i would throw any seed into soil and give it a shot. most likely if they are 50 year old seeds the germination rates are going to be shit. if you try though what is there to lose. 78F and a jiffypot seedling dome and some really good soil or even coco coir coins would probably be sufficient. if they sprout they sprout if not, just try again. and if nothing happens it was never meant to be anyway. who knows what kind of pesticides were used back then. so just try and put pictures!!!!
did these seeds ever grow???? where's the pictures. i would throw any seed into soil and give it a shot. most likely if they are 50 year old seeds the germination rates are going to be shit. if you try though what is there to lose. 78F and a jiffypot seedling dome and some really good soil or even coco coir coins would probably be sufficient. if they sprout they sprout if not, just try again. and if nothing happens it was never meant to be anyway. who knows what kind of pesticides were used back then. so just try and put pictures!!!!

The two test runs (of about 30 seeds each) didn't do anything. After I finish my current grow, I'm probably going to take the several hundred or so I have and do a big mass planting to see if the numbers overcome the er...'low rate' of germination. Hopefully with that many going, I might get a few viable ones.
You should get some out, post a picture, fire it up and give a report on that 12 year aged
Lol i aint ever smoked any 12 year old bud i have smoked hash that was 20 yo or more i found a bit of my dads in a film container when clearing out some stuff it was fine even after all that time it smoked great i dont think bud would hold up so good but there is only one way to find out
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What you guys think about this method? Like tissue culturing, but with seeds instead. Not trying to advertise for the kit, but i could see it being cheaper to put your own kit together.. Either way, You probably want to work in a still air box, or a hepa flow hood.

It helps give back the nutrients that broke down in the seed over the years, in a sterile envoronment so it doesn't contaminate.. yadda, yadda... Sound like a legit way to revive 10-20 or even 40 yo seeds?
Embryo rescue can work even if u can't pop old seeds using regular germination methods i would still reccomend folks hold onto them cos someone more clued up with these methods might have better luck they have popped seeds from several other plant species using this method that are thousands of years old so its definitely worth looking into
I still hold on to a huge stack of dead/clicking un-backed up hard disk drives that all crapped out years ago, with irreplaceable pictures & data. Its possible to open them in a clean room using sophisticated forensic equipment to try and extract the data from the platters, but they still charge an arm and a leg these days. I know someday maybe 30+ years from now I'll get it all back, with some new scanner like device we haven't came up with yet, that everyone can afford.. I'm sure the CIA already can scan all the drives in your house from the sky, lol. Hurry up and make that tech available already!