trayvan martin

You see it as living in fear. i see it as being prepared. How often do you crash your car? Do you still wear a seatbelt? How often do you step on glass? Do you wear shoes? How often does an unexpected bill pop up? Do you have a savings account? ow often does a computer really crash? Do you use backup? How often does someone steal your identity? Do you protect your info?

None of those scenarios require me to end another persons life.
yeah i think that its funny Zimmerman lawyer has drop him as a client cause they lost contact with him.... no they just know hes guilty and deserve what ever he get .... the worst thing is if you look into cases like this there been a couple so called self defense cases this year that are just as shady just haven't got the news coverage as this case ..... just the world going to crap
yeah i think that its funny Zimmerman lawyer has drop him as a client cause they lost contact with him.... no they just know hes guilty and deserve what ever he get ....

he made a phone call to corey, the special prosecutor, against their advice. and hannity, too.

hannity won't say what he was told, and corey refused to take the call based on ethics.

this whole thing is like an onion: the more layers you unwrap, the worse it stinks.

i bet that the lawyers got word from corey about the evidence (disclosure) and the lawyers informed zimmerman that he is dead man walking (or at least 5-30 years for manslaughter with a deadly weapon). zimmerman is losing it, now that papa zimmerman can't get him out of this mess.

the guy with the long history of temper tantrums and violence is finally going to meet his punishment.
he made a phone call to corey, the special prosecutor, against their advice. and hannity, too.

hannity won't say what he was told, and corey refused to take the call based on ethics.

this whole thing is like an onion: the more layers you unwrap, the worse it stinks.

i bet that the lawyers got word from corey about the evidence (disclosure) and the lawyers informed zimmerman that he is dead man walking (or at least 5-30 years for manslaughter with a deadly weapon). zimmerman is losing it, now that papa zimmerman can't get him out of this mess.

the guy with the long history of temper tantrums and violence is finally going to meet his punishment.

LOL You have to find him first.
because the sweeter is unraveling and Z doesnt want to be left out in the cold . .. . . .. . prosecutor has special plea sweeter for him to cry on . . . . . . just it was last week and now he gets nothing
I was mugged once by a couple of kids. I fought back WITH MY FISTS but they overwhelmed me and took my walkman. Fought, didnt need a gun.
I was in a pool hall when the cops raided it for two guys who robbed the Vera Wang store at gunpoint. Ducked, didnt need a gun.

What situations have you been in that you need a fucking gun all the time? Really come on Suburban Cowboy.
I live on a farm 27 miles from the nearest town. I don't carry a gun with me unless I am hunting or target practice. I served 8 years in the Marine corpse, 4 years in the Army National Guard. I have an infinite amount of training and experience with firearms compared to you. Want me to relate the many situations in which I needed a gun? Mogadishu? Kuwait? Iraq? How about that time I was sound asleep in my bed when a home invasion happened (23 years ago) but kept a fully loaded 1911 under my mattress? Guess who came out on top of that one?

Of course you fought , but a couple of children kicked your ass and stole your stuff. If you would have had a gun you could have simply flashed it and went on your way unaccosted.
Why would I live in fear? I am the one with the gun.

People have guns for many reasons- personal protection, home defense, wild animals and snakes which are very common around here. We killed a 7 foot rattlesnake and two smaller 4-5 foot ones last year right on the side of the house we were working at. The biggest rattler I ever saw. The Z man probably shouldnt have been walking around the neighborhood packing. Some feel tough cause they have guns, these are dangerous people. Some just have them. How many people have a hammer around just in case they are going to drive in a nail? A gun is also a tool. Some people target shoot because they enjoy it. Guns dont scare me, stupid people on the other hand.
Now he's super easy to kill because no one knows...All of my posts are for entertainment purposes only. Any similarity to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental and is in no way a relation to the events and persons in my posts.
I understand its a tool but for the right situation such as hunting or defending your home. To walk around with it all the time is pointless and an invitation to confrontation, especially the way some people act around here. And the mugging was 15 years ago. I was 18 the kids were 17. Zimmerman didnt need a gun to go to the grocery store or to do neighborhood watch.
I understand its a tool but for the right situation such as hunting or defending your home. To walk around with it all the time is pointless and an invitation to confrontation, especially the way some people act around here. And the mugging was 15 years ago. I was 18 the kids were 17. Zimmerman didnt need a gun to go to the grocery store or to do neighborhood watch.
HOW the FUCK can it be an invitation to confrontation? Its CONCEALED, check the dictionary, concealed means NOT VISIBLE!!!!! IF I can't see your gun, how would that make me confrontational?

When was the last time you saw someone with a gun and decided that would be the guy to fuck with? Has this EVER happened as far as you are concerned?

You have no logical thought beyond the first guess do you?

Why do cops wear guns? Most never shoot them except in practice. I mean why should they carry a gun into a donut shop? Got any answers?

When you were mugged you had several hours of forewarning that it was going to happen right? I mean it wasn't like you were caught off guard or anything and happened to be the victim of random violence right?

Guns are only used to hunt and defend your home, but not your life? Or are you saying that your life is only put into danger when you are at home?
The yelling for help was confirmed as coming from the shooter. Eye witnesses placed trayvon as the aggressor. His actal current photos seem to portray a different 'vicim' than the media does.
Obviously the so called, "news" loves poking the 'black people are misunderstood' and everyone white is just 'racist', into the public's eye.*A fifty year old white old man is on life support after a near fatal beating.*Police have arrested two black teens. The attack occurred near the community where the Trayvon Martin self-defense shooting took place.The two suspects face charges of attempted first-degree murder, burglary with assault or battery and armed burglary.*They are accused of beating the man in the head with a hammer. The suspects are 18 and 19. and not a blip from Al Sharpton, the "news" or, anyone else for that matter.
I understand its a tool but for the right situation such as hunting or defending your home. To walk around with it all the time is pointless and an invitation to confrontation, especially the way some people act around here. And the mugging was 15 years ago. I was 18 the kids were 17. Zimmerman didnt need a gun to go to the grocery store or to do neighborhood watch.

Good for you. Stand up for your beliefs and refuse to carry a firearm. That is an entirely legal and ethical choice.

Please stop with the finger pointing and moralizing about people who make the opposite choice, which is also entirely legal and ethical. Zimmerman very much needed a gun to go shopping that fateful night; his brains would have probably been smeared over the sidewalk and grass in that gated community otherwise.
The yelling for help was confirmed as coming from the shooter. Eye witnesses placed trayvon as the aggressor. His actal current photos seem to portray a different 'vicim' than the media does.
Obviously the so called, "news" loves poking the 'black people are misunderstood' and everyone white is just 'racist', into the public's eye.*A fifty year old white old man is on life support after a near fatal beating.*Police have arrested two black teens. The attack occurred near the community where the Trayvon Martin self-defense shooting took place.The two suspects face charges of attempted first-degree murder, burglary with assault or battery and armed burglary.*They are accused of beating the man in the head with a hammer. The suspects are 18 and 19. and not a blip from Al Sharpton, the "news" or, anyone else for that matter.

Sorry. Does not fit the narrative, we are talking about potential hate crimes here and that incident just does not sound properly hateful. Would be interesting to see a link to the story though, if you have one?
Good for you. Stand up for your beliefs and refuse to carry a firearm. That is an entirely legal and ethical choice.

Please stop with the finger pointing and moralizing about people who make the opposite choice, which is also entirely legal and ethical. Zimmerman very much needed a gun to go shopping that fateful night; his brains would have probably been smeared over the sidewalk and grass in that gated community otherwise.
Zimmerboy should have just took his no fighting ass home. Had he done so he would have not killed Trayvon. Freakin coward loser wannabe cop. Now look at him. About to find himself in a nice cell that he can patrol... doubt he will ever go out on the yard. Your type of guy