trayvan martin

zimmerman is a cop beater.

Yeah resisting WITHOUT violence sure makes it look like Zimmerman beat that cop to near death doesn't it? Most likely they pressed for the highest charge they could possibly think of in order to use it as a intimidation tactic? Prosecutors are known to do this almost universally. We already know how corrupt police and prosecutors are and how sometimes politics changes things.
do people box on the ground?

by the way, witnesses who saw the scuffle at any point, and it was a short scuffle, all saw it happening in the grass.

zimmerman said he was inching towards the grass when he shot.

does not compute.

Inching while his arms were pinned under Trayvon's knees AS Trayvon was "smashing his head into the sidewalk" and then reached behind him to try and grab Zimmerman's concealed weapon that somehow he knew was there with the eye in the back of his head which can see through fabric. ::deep breath:: (I hate run-on sentences)
so the cop just made up some story about zimmerman assaulting him?

according to the zimmerman defenders, cops NEVER lie and their police reports are the acme of honesty.

AS an ex-cop, i can honestly say that there IS such a thing as creative report writing. ESPECIALLY when the report writer is trying to make his position look as favorable to his claim as possible ;)
do people box on the ground?

by the way, witnesses who saw the scuffle at any point, and it was a short scuffle, all saw it happening in the grass.

zimmerman said he was inching towards the grass when he shot.

does not compute.

People don't box on the ground because a referee usually breaks it up at that point. In a street fight there are no rules, acting honorably with a stranger will only get you killed.

BTW can you link the statement Zimmerman made where he states where he was in relation to the sidewalk? I can't seem to find anything.
Yeah resisting WITHOUT violence sure makes it look like Zimmerman beat that cop to near death doesn't it? Most likely they pressed for the highest charge they could possibly think of in order to use it as a intimidation tactic? Prosecutors are known to do this almost universally. We already know how corrupt police and prosecutors are and how sometimes politics changes things.

Cops almost ALWAYS pursue the highest charge as prosecutors are then given leverage in the plea process.
Cops almost ALWAYS pursue the highest charge as prosecutors are then given leverage in the plea process.
I rest my case. Its not what you can say they did, it's what you can PROVE, I think Buck sometimes doesn't realize this when he jumps on these character assasination attempts, which are nothing more than thinly veiled attempts to stir the hornet's nest.
You are at the grocery store, the guy in front of you pulls out a gun and starts shooting. What you gonna do? You gonna punch him after he ventilates you?

Women hold CCW permits also, do they have small dicks too, or small vaginas?

where the fuck do you live that this happens on a regular basis?
Oh I see, Violence needs to happen to you on a regular basis in order to justify the carrying of a firearm. Jesus, are you really that stupid? Do you need someone to kill you before you realize that leaving the gun at home because you haven't been killed yet kind of defeats the whole purpose?

Its kind of like saying, "you shouldn't lock the doors on your house unless you have been robbed a few times."

You all must have ASSHOLE written on your foreheads to constantly live in fear of being shot by a robber during everything you do.
I was mugged once by a couple of kids. I fought back WITH MY FISTS but they overwhelmed me and took my walkman. Fought, didnt need a gun.
I was in a pool hall when the cops raided it for two guys who robbed the Vera Wang store at gunpoint. Ducked, didnt need a gun.

What situations have you been in that you need a fucking gun all the time? Really come on Suburban Cowboy.
Again where do you live that this is a possibility? This is what happens when you live your life for that "one time it might happen".

You see it as living in fear. i see it as being prepared. How often do you crash your car? Do you still wear a seatbelt? How often do you step on glass? Do you wear shoes? How often does an unexpected bill pop up? Do you have a savings account? ow often does a computer really crash? Do you use backup? How often does someone steal your identity? Do you protect your info?
I was mugged once by a couple of kids. I fought back WITH MY FISTS but they overwhelmed me and took my walkman. Fought, didnt need a gun.
I was in a pool hall when the cops raided it for two guys who robbed the Vera Wang store at gunpoint. Ducked, didnt need a gun.

What situations have you been in that you need a fucking gun all the time? Really come on Suburban Cowboy.
A few actually. Granted all but two were because i put myself into them (as a cop, trying to protect and serve others). But it worked out well in the two i didn't choose also.
You were a cop who had training and the judgment to know when to use force of any kind. Im talking to the other schmucks and Zimmerman.

Desert Dude, and NoDrama.

Ive been in some really grimy places. You don't creep up on people, no one gets shot.

Zimmerman was worried about break-ins. Were they home invasions that required an armed confrontation? Or was someone's Flatscreen taken while they were at work?