trayvan martin

doubt it man...only way if they have been training in mma for a long time ..and this kid clearly has not been training in any mma ....i bet you would feel differently if this kid was an A student..had no facebook or twitter and was 7 inches shorter...right????...none of that matters...zimmerman initiated this whole thing..if zimm was scared he should have stayed in his car or drove away...not get out armed and go looking for this kid...not to mention the kid ran initially from zimmerman ...martin was scared ...zimm is to blame for this ...zimm started this and ended this and now zimm is to be believed on what went down?..i say f that..
I never shot an unarmed man, they were all armed. I hope most of the other Vets around here were the same way, I hope.

This ^^^ wasn't intended as a dig on you or disrespect to your service-
I just think of the victims of Dresden or Hiroshima or all the D.U. were left in Iraq and Afghanistan
The post was more an attempt to stir it up and troll the OP that was quoted, but these are some of the events that inspired me
Yeah really.... At 155 I'm shredded and can throw a mean beating... Standing at 6 foot... That argument just doesn't hold weight. Zimmerman went and looked for the altercation, It's over. He'll get the death sentence! He fucked up when he stalked Trayvon and realllyy fucked up his life when he stepped out of his vehicle.
Ahh, another "mma" fighter. Lol. You know how many people here and around the net claim to be an mma fighter? You a local amateur, or a professional? Too many people get into mma and think they're tough guys but can't fight for shit, sorry but that shit doesn't carry any weight in my book. If you were a real badass mma fighter, you wouldn't name drop it like you did and brush off someone's fighting skill because they weigh 150 lbs., I call bullshit.
The smashed skull was avoided by putting a bullet in Travan....

But the lacerations to the back of zimmerman's head have been reported by the police and confirmed by doctors and eye-witnesses.

It is hard to kill someone after they have smashed your skull... Get it?

Really? And those medical reports and police reports are where? Golly gee when did Zimmerman get out of the hospital for that fractured skull?
But your honor! Through my scope at 200 yards I clearly saw the victim charge at me with something in his hand, I had no choice!
it's happened on more than one occasion. this is actually a normal happening. Only difference this time is somebody died.

I detailed 2 instances it happened to me and it just gets ignored. People talk too much about ideas but when you present them with personal experiences and fact, they skip over it. No racism doesnt exist in America, why do you keep bringing it up. But guess what race those people are?
doubt it man...only way if they have been training in mma for a long time ..and this kid clearly has not been training in any mma ....i bet you would feel differently if this kid was an A student..had no facebook or twitter and was 7 inches shorter...right????...none of that matters...zimmerman initiated this whole thing..if zimm was scared he should have stayed in his car or drove away...not get out armed and go looking for this kid...not to mention the kid ran initially from zimmerman ...martin was scared ...zimm is to blame for this ...zimm started this and ended this and now zimm is to be believed on what went down?..i say f that..

UUhhhhhh , you do know that MMA is *not* the only " training " around don't you? And you do know that it's a *sport form*? And don't get me wrong , the techniques are effective , but it's sport oriented. And in point of fact GJJ is not Jiu Jitsu , Gastao Gracie originally brought Maeda over from the Kodokan for *Judo* demonstrations , what Carlos Gracie and then subsequently Helio Gracie learned was *Judo* , though it was the Kodokan syllabus from the early part of the century , which means the combat techniques and things like Dojime were still in the system.

And it doesn't take all that " long time " you're refering to , not in Judo and not in any of the true combat Jiu Jitsu systems or the modern Judo based brazilian ones.

And if you're instructing , you teach that "lock" for the ring , in the *original* systems that lock is a mere prelude to the *break* , the modern world of course dictates a case by case application of force and control through application of pain , example: Wally Jay's ' Small Circle' theories and the stuff that came down from Okazaki through Sig Kufferath within Danzan-Ryu.
Yeah really.... At 155 I'm shredded and can throw a mean beating... Standing at 6 foot... That argument just doesn't hold weight. Zimmerman went and looked for the altercation, It's over. He'll get the death sentence! He fucked up when he stalked Trayvon and realllyy fucked up his life when he stepped out of his vehicle.

Egggg zackly.............again No Follow No fight.
Maybe the ghetto need more people like zimmerman.People who are willing to volunteer their time to help change things in the community.Why should you have to be be scared to go out at night and scared to talk to people in your community?If people had the guts to report criminal activity than maybe something would be done about it.I don't think zimmerman looked at trayvon like a "hood rat".Im sure he is used to seeing black teens in the neighborhood.I seen somewhere that this neighborhood was 51% black.

Dont even pretend its about community when you're in a gated community you've said fuck it normal living has failed and Im keeping you lowlife away from my toys and Ill shoot you if you want to take my PS3. GTFO

What you consider hood actually have decent people who've found a way to deal with the shitty conditions they're in. They dont resort to blasting innocent people who mind their own business. At least in the hood we know who and where the criminals are and we stay away, we dont have to guess at it.
Dont even pretend its about community when you're in a gated community you've said fuck it normal living has failed and Im keeping you lowlife away from my toys and Ill shoot you if you want to take my PS3. GTFO

What you consider hood actually have decent people who've found a way to deal with the shitty conditions they're in. They dont resort to blasting innocent people who mind their own business. At least in the hood we know who and where the criminals are and we stay away, we dont have to guess at it.

Plus about a million................
Really? And those medical reports and police reports are where? Golly gee when did Zimmerman get out of the hospital for that fractured skull?

Well, the police report is online and viewable by anyone...... and by law, the medical reports are confidential and probably won't come out until a trial is set.
Now in response to you being half white, are you seen as white by other people all the time, or is it just when you shoot a black person? But in all seriousness folks, of course I won''t hop on a plane and meet up with your gay ass, TOO MUCH MONEY! And don't you think it would be ridiculous for me to commit a crime after talking about it on the internet? No man, I got better things to do.

One more thing, being half-white hasn't stopped any mixed race I know of from still hating White people. Besides, even White democratic liberals hate other White people.
Thats not what im saying at all.Im from a small town I've never been to a "ghetto" in my life.What Im saying is if you walk past drug dealers,pimps,witness murders, and whatever else and don't do anything then who's to blame? Is the system failing you? If your not a part of the solution your a part of the problem.

This is what Ive been saying all along. You all come in here from the isolation of the suburbs and pretend to know what its like to live in the real world. At least live in both places before making a comparison.

You know how to handle that situation BRING IN THE POLICE!!!!!!

My neighborhood was filled with crackheads, gangs, and prostitutes on every corner. I use to have to walk past them all the time on my way home from work. The cops put mobile police stations every 10 blocks with floodlights in all directions and assigned PARTNERED foot patrols. They targeted the gangs and you know what it worked. The police did their job and its a million times safer now, so safe white yuppies are buying up all the apartments and pricing everyone out, but the POLICE handled it. They handled it better than the kid who was robbed at the pet store around the corner. He found the guy who robbed him and stabbed him. Now who's in jail?