Transplant shock in hawaii help

Hey there.. so I'm not a super newbie at this but I've always grown with other people helping and or running the show.. I was gifted 3 pretty mamas... only thing is I was gifted them in cups of water... they had roots and all looks healthy. Last night I transplanted them before sunset then this morning I moved to partial shade and 2 out of 3 will totally recover from the transfer but this one I'm very unsure of.
Advice on what to do?
We are in hawaii and just entering the long season.
Also trying to figure out if it's too late to top them.
A friend also said the moment they are outside they will start flowering which doesnt fully make sense to me..
But yeah help me save this mama..
I dont have grow lights so..
All you can really do, is transplant into it's new home, trying not to break/crush the roots in the process, water her in, give her support... and wait.

Either she'll love or she'll die. Not much else you can do really. But MJ is pretty resilient.. shell likely take some time to truly recover, but I'm sure in the end you'll have some good smoke
All you can really do, is transplant into it's new home, trying not to break/crush the roots in the process, water her in, give her support... and wait.

Either she'll love or she'll die. Not much else you can do really. But MJ is pretty resilient.. shell likely take some time to truly recover, but I'm sure in the end you'll have some good smoke
I really hope she pulls through... not sure how to even support her.. any ideas? Shes currently out of the direct sun/breeze we have today..