Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop


Well-Known Member
You'll want the filter on the exhaust side so as to "scrub" the stinky air as it exits your growing space.

Inspect your dwc reservoir thoroughly, as the gnat larvae quickly invaded mine. Look for white spots that appear to be moving. Best bet is to just take it out of the room if you're done with it.


Well-Known Member
For gnats, the best prevention that works for me is waiting until the leaves start to droop before watering. I did a bit of reading into their life cycle and found interrupt the time between the ones you see flying around laying eggs on moist soil, and those eggs hatching into larvae which burrow down to the roots, you can stop them from reproducing. I started putting a couple inches of perlite on top of the soil so they have to get through that barren wasteland (compared to their size) before reaching the soil and it has worked great. I use the yellow sticky strips to keep an eye on 'em and haven't had more than one or two adults per square inch during any three month cycle in the last few years. The other thing about perlite is that watering doesn't cut troughs into the soil. Sounds like the same deal as diatomaceous earth (haven't tried that, personally, just read about it)

Like anything botanical, I think it's all about gradually getting the environment to that fine line between what the plants want and the pests don't. I don't remember the last time I even had mites (knock on wood!)

I hear you on the noise problem with the fan :)
I use bathroom fans for my little 3 X 3 X 6 flowering booth. They're specifically designed to be quiet ( measured in sones) and they exhaust to a round duct that's easy to adapt to a filter.

Completely different than the Millford Milligan you mentioned but I was working down in the shop earlier and chilling to this guy so I figured I'd share:


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;uJtw7SP0oN4][/video] Hey 2RS!!! Those fungus gnats are pesky little fuckers art they??? Ive always used sticky traps like neo said and/or neem. The neem has burnt a few of my plants before so I understand your reluctance to use it. As far as the filter goes, if it was me I would pull with the exhaust fan if you are not having any issues with heat. Best of luck!!! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Check this out - classic blues... popular enough that they play here all the time but small enough that the venues are still intimate:


Well-Known Member
These were all supposed to be in the same post, but that one video-per-post rule caught me out...
If you're into rockabilly (and who isn't ?!?)...I think I was actually at this show but I don't really remember so it must have been a good time :smile:


Well-Known Member
Ok you really got on my good side playing Curtis Mayfield Exile! So so great!!

PS Hempy I appreciate you always being here you have contributed a lot of fine tunes and good vibes here. Thank you for being a friend!


Well-Known Member
what do you guys do to control the run off from watering the plants?
I built on a concrete floor with a drain so I can't speak to that. Just musing out loud here, but what about putting a couple inches of something inert like perlite, styrofoam pieces, broken clay pots, etc in the bottom of the bags then draining the runoff with a piece of tubing? That way you'd be able to steer it into a bucket. You'd still need drip trays to catch the inevitable little leaks, but they wouldn't fill up every time you water.
If you have the headroom, maybe a low table built with a shower pan and a bucket under the drain ?
I've been keeping an eye on the local Habitat store for one to do that with. I don't have the ceiling height to do it when the girls are in flower but until they're about 18" tall it'll get them to a more comfortable working height.

I watched Lawless the other night. It's a Prohibition-era gangster film that was generally panned but we enjoyed it. The music was great. If you saw the Cohen Bros' O Brother, Where Art Thou then you heard Ralph Stanley (O, Death). He's part of the band formed for this film, The Bootleggers. (Nick Cave is in it too...).
The a capella stuff like O Death is Ralph Stanley's thing and he does some of it in this film as well. Here's some good ol' foot stomping that was also covered (and done well) by the movie's soundtrack project...


Well-Known Member
Exile, really your music taste - dig it muchly, this Link Wray is awesome.

I want to thank each and every one of you here that hang out, post great tunes and stay so mellow. It means a lot to have a peaceful place here on the forum.

Please continue to share!



Well-Known Member
This is for my friend James, he is not feeling well lately, and I miss him here with his beautiful photographs. He is the biggest example of how life can throw you unexpected curve balls and don't sweat the small shit.

Much love to you James, I miss you being here, my first friend on this forum and I am sending you all the good karma and get well vibes I can muster up!

I know you like JB so this is for you... I just want you FEELING GOOD again SOON!



Well-Known Member
This band was nice and funky at the Las Vegas show I just went to, their guitar player can wail too....

Orgone -Say Goodbye



Well-Known Member
Just bought Jonny Lang's new cd and Buddy Guy's new cd.

Jonny's is good but my man Buddy Guy is still the baddest blues man today imo.



Well-Known Member
Just gotta post one more, this cd, its really great!! Saw Buddy many times live and he is still a huge thrill every single time. The man is a beast on guitar.

This is a duet with Steven Tyler



Well-Known Member
I've been "digging in the dirt" all afternoon...



Well-Known Member
^^^^Your girls are gonna luv you for that so much!....and all that love will come back to you in the end.:-D



Well-Known Member
Hehe, I was blown away when I started using MH - I used flouros for veg and CFLs for flower for a long time cause I'm a po' boy :)
They just exploded and they didn't need to have the light right on top of 'em.
Even my avocado loves it - given the latitude I live at, one would be hard pressed to grow an avocado even in a south window. My aloe needs it this time of year too but there isn't room.

Saw Buddy many times live and he is still a huge thrill every single time.
He and BB King are two that I never miss when they come to town. It saddens me to think that every time I see them might be the last.
Speaking of killer duets, this one's always in my 'mix tapes': Buddy Guy and Son House, nuff said.

I think it's gonna be a YouTube night, lol.


Well-Known Member
You would really love Buddy Guy's autobiography its so full of incredible info about the old school guys he idolized and learned from. BB is his best friend.

Every time I see your avatar I envy that chicks boobs lol I wish I could say they were mine haha! Ah just an old lady rambling about the good old days and perky tatas!

Exile did you grow your avocado from a pit? I am growing a pineapple plant I started from the top half of a pineapple its growing really well.

Listening to my favorite two man band tonite! Love them



Well-Known Member
[video=youtube_share;ukXCfOXMtZU][/video] I use flo's for seedlings, MH for veg and HPS for flower........... this is an excellent rotation, I recently ordered a cmh 400 mh I cant wait to throw into the t-5, 600 hps mix! I had a dream about the oldschool 80's smokey and the bandit 400 big block 6.6 liter driver my uncle had last night and of course this tape was always handy! So yeah I know loverboy? lol yeah!


Well-Known Member
Good morning folks, hope all of you are having an excellent morning. Really like this album, what a great power trio.



Well-Known Member
Loverboy, lol...haven't heard that in a long time.
Had Judas Priest come up on my playlist the other day. Aah, memories of a misspent youth being young and dumb :)
Never thought I would get so....old.
My first car was a 77 Aspen with a slant 6 and it WAS that Trans Am more than once...

Every time I see your avatar I envy that chicks boobs lol
Lol, the only reason us men don't have 'em is because we'd never get anything done :)

I'll check out Buddy's autobio - sounds like something right up my alley.

Yeah, I grew my avocado from a pit - stuck some toothpicks in it and suspended it in a glass of water till it rooted but it took a looong time. I've got two more on the go now (~6 weeks?) and one has a taproot that's just starting to poke out. I tried the pineapple thing but they just rotted.
I used the top and maybe 1/2" or so of the fruit body - do you need to leave more of the core attached ?
It's something I'm definitely going to try again, but not until I get more lights...which means after I move to a bigger place.
Thanks for posting the Cold Stares earlier - I was listening to them (Cold Wet Night...) and Monophonics while you were in Vegas.

Here's another forgotten oldie from the vault: Lucille Bogan...1935...NSFW, lol.