Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

ROFL this song is hilarious Exile!! What a gem she is.

I totally forgot about those Aspen cars! My first car was a 66 Comet Caliente! V8 and would move on down the road at a pretty good clip. Paid 500 for it, got 500 trade in!

I sliced the pineapple down a few inches and had a nice little chunk on the bottom and sat it in a glass of water on the windowsill. I changed the water every few days or it will get stagnant and stinky. But it rooted after maybe 2 weeks or so and its grown well all summer by the back door. It may never produce a pineapple but it is a pretty plant.

I have quite a few house plants and thinking about starting an indoor vegetable garden for winter.

Might I suggest "Snatch and The Poontangs"

Coffee and a bowl, about to head to class.. This song always gets me in a good mood:

Hi Bombur welcome and here is how you post the vid.... copy your video link, click the filmstrip and paste it in and voila!! Video!!!

Have a great day at class!!
Hey Beech glad to see you here, we post all kinds of music here so if you don't see something you like, share something that you are into. I learn about so many new bands because of the good folks posting here. The music is all over the place, country, rock, blues, trance, something for everyone. When I was in Amsterdam one of my favorite coffee shops "Siberie" (Siberia) they played all kinds of tunes to make everyone happy. When I walked in they were playing Flowers on the Wall and I laughed my ass off cause I had just flew 10 hours and hear an old country standard from my childhood. I think they were playing the Pulp Fiction soundtrack. It was surreal as hell, ordering weed on a menu listening to Statler Brothers.

Beech this is one of my favorite performers in the entire world. Every time I hear him sing I think of my mother. She played his greatest hits on 8 track every single day for years. I can picture us dancing in the living room. She died a couple of years ago and as I went thru her things I found a photo of me she took dancing in the living room and I thought to myself that was probably when Marvin Gaye was on! Thanks for playing him today, he makes me happy just hearing him.

What a beautiful fall day. Sun is shining, temps are cool outside and all is well in the world. Hope all of you are having such beautiful weather!

Gonna go walk the dogs and enjoy. Ready for the leaves to start changing so I can take photos!

Peace and be well.

This is great, I literally JUST found an old drive I lost that had a bunch of movies and music on it....stuff I'd forgotten about, like these guys (but I really gotta get some work done so I'm gonna turn the 'puter off and walk away...right after lunch...probably, lol)

It ain't a Comet, nor an 'bout a Galaxy 500 ?
I loved the Galaxy 500, had a close friend that drove a powder blue one. He would load a bunch of folks in the car after school in the afternoons and we would hang out and smoke nappy homegrown. Long ago but good times and memories. Thanks for making me remember those days for a few. Wish I had known then those were some of the best times I would ever have in my life. I would have appreciated them more and spent more time with friends who are either moved far away or passed on.

Couldn't ask for a more perfect day outside! 79 and low humidity. Perfection. Dropped the top on the car and ran some errands. Had to replace our push mower cause it bit the dirt. Now the riding mower won't start, if it isn't one thing its another.

I noticed leaves are starting to fall already and it seems like this year has flown by and just yesterday was spring!

Found a nifty show from Orgone...

oh and Exile here is a whole show from Monophonics. They were one of the best shows at Vegas, I am glad you like them much as I do!


Time to get some dinner cooking and get some more things done around here...
just traded some spriritual punk (mazar x northern lights) to my buddy for some trainwreck... i love trainwreck its always been my favorite strain :)
now im really stoned playing this on an acoustic hahahahahahaha
SRH88 you always post good stuff!

I never heard of the punk strain but I smoked trainwreck about a year ago and it was a great buzz.
Sorry rap haters, in the mood for some cube :bigjoint:

Blue cheese and a cocktail. I had Dogfish head 90 minute IPA in Vegas 9.1% it was kick ass in a glass! Wish I had some now.

Exile, the dirty singing little blues woman really has quite a cool story, looked her up today...

Found this nifty little ditty.

Lucille Bogan - Pot Hound Blues

The most important things in life are inner peace, happiness and love. Everything else will fall into place as it is meant to be. Wishing you all the very best today and always.
