Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

I don't have anything too constructive to say, other than it's Friday night and I'm sitting here in the shop getting all fucked up and jammin.:smile:

Hey 2rs, if you like digging into blues history you probably know all about Robert Johnson already.
For anyone not familiar - as hard as that is to believe :) - look him up.


Listening to Edgar Winters right now....good stuff :)
this song is about the making of whiskey, john barleycorn

grew up on that album! I love traffic, lol I remember signing the low spark of high heel boys in elementary school getting weird looks from my teachers! Anyone here that can help me figure out why when I got online today and I try to see pics people have posted they show up as thumnails I can see? I tried to upload a pic gfrom my computer and it didn't show up either? initially it showed a thumbnail being downloaded but NOTHING! Can anyone help me figure this out?
There's so much great old stuff around, I wonder why "classic rock" stations play the same 100 songs or so over and over again...
That Ozric Tentacles is cool - thanks for posting it.

20 minutes of pure prog rock goodness while I'm waiting for the lights to come on to go say good morning to the girls:
Afternoon friends!

Been busy, there is a never ending giant honey do list when you get a new house. Still moving stuff, still buying furniture for it. When you buy new (very large) furniture you have to rearrange everything. Still unpacking, still tending to the garden and trying to organize. Full time job in itself.

Exile my friend, I do indeed know who Robert Johnson is. I've literally been "down to the crossroads" many times, have lots of photos and went to Robert Johnson's 100th bday party. An all day and half the night blues celebration with many talented folks like Ruthie Foster and Warren Haynes.

Robert set the standard for many generations to come. It all started with the blues....

Having some watermelon and grapes for lunch. Then a bowl of blue cheese. Listened to a new tune from my favorite two man band the Cold Stares and dig it.

Great show here with one of my favorite super groups Renegade Creation. I absolutely love Robben Ford, he is an incredible guitar player.


Hope you all have a splendid day, gotta get busy again, still so much left to do.

Just playing a few old groove tunes that I still dig...

Wish I had a dolla for everytime I shook a tailfeather to Gap Band. Sho do love me some Charlie Wilson....

Long time fan of Eric Gales and Dug Pinnick - their power trio is just that... POWERFUL.


whats up man? I gotta throw some Dio on speakers of the shop,this tune sums up the vibe of the day for me.Hope everything is going well for your move.
Just noticed my favorite one man band is coming to town!


Its a WWxBB kind of morning
Love Vintage Trouble, gonna see them for the 3rd time soon....

Kicking it old school in the very best way.... belly rubbing music woo hoo

Malford Milligan was on "The Voice" last nite and none of those dummies turned their chair around and he didn't make it past the audition. Dammit man. This guy puts on an incredible show, we just saw him in Vegas and the guy is the real deal. He grew up in the cotton fields, a blue eyed black albino with really bad vision. I think all these things made him the singer he is because he is really a passionate great performer. Still a big fan and will just go to Austin to check out his show.

This guy sings better than any male sitting there on the judge's panel on the Voice!

Some nice delta flavor with a comical twist, Paul Thorn. His song It's a great day to whip somebody's ass - always makes me laugh

Curtis Salgado put on one of the best stage shows at Vegas. He also kicked much ass during an acoustic set and late night impromptu jams. The inspiration for the Blues Brothers is the coolest of the cool....
