Time to fire up the Campaign. Help Us Help You Abrogate Prohibition.

I am curious why Abrogate has not been working to get the word out. Why has there been no fundraisers etc?
milegalize is in full fundraiser/ public awareness mode. Come Dec. signature collecting will need to begin...
people not being aware will make this task more daunting for Abrogate imho.
Come on guys, gotta kick it into high gear!!!

We are. It is not a lack of want or desire, or drive. We need funds to pay for advertising We are fighting against the Money Players that are trying to corner the Michigan Market for themselves.

We are the underdog. We need people helping by talking about Full Repeal via Abrogate.
We dont have 1000s of dollars for phone banks, or 10s of thousands for advertising. Not yet anyways.
Now is the time.

You do, or you get done.

If you are going to do, you may as well do the right thing and get your cut too.
Otherwise you are going to be cut out and made nothing but a captured customer and you'll be done.

We are trying. We need Volunteers, County and Community Support Organizer Volunteers, Donations and Help on all fronts.

I will talk to anyone about full repeal and all that it solves.
we need everyone, but like Trump Said, Don't let anyone stop you.
I don't plan to.

So the question is, do you want recreational legalized dope? Or do you want full repeal?

If you want full repeal, and logical common sense again, your choice is clearly Abrogate.

We could use you too.
Join and donate if you can.
1st Abrogate Meeting 2017.

Sunday, February 5 at 2 PM - 5 PM
3867 E. Shaffer Rd, Midland, MI 48642-9794
FYI, I am about 10 miles West of I-75 for situational awareness.

If more than 40 confirm, we will be moving the meeting a few miles away (maybe 10) from my place to accommodate the larger crowd.

Will update if necessary.

Sunday, February 5th we are having a meeting at or near my home in Midland. Open public invite.
If we have more than 40 that want to show up, we will have to move down the road. There is a nice lil country bar we can go to that will fit a lil over a 100.
If we have more than 100 that want to show up, we can have 2 or 3 meetings on the following 2 Sundays, or we can try to find a larger place.

But I need some sort of a head count. This is just one of the forums this is posted on, and of course, Facebook where we created an event page and you can confirm you will be attending here:

However, if you're not on FB, just post here you will be coming next Sunday, Feb 5th. So I can get a general idea of how many will come to a meeting.

Trying to be as open and inclusive as possible, but I am just one person. 4 different websites, facebook twitter, email etc, too many variables. Please contact me directly by Phone. (989) 600-4760. 10am - 11pm any day.

You can give us your email address to put you on our emailer at www.agrogate.org and you can also read the language, get a feel for Abrogate if you are unfamiliar, contact info, tell us you want to be more involved, and even donate. A campaign takes Money, and we'll need it.

Last year we came out in shotgun formation and immediately had to throw a Hail Mary to try to get on Novembers Ballot.
That is not the case this time around, and we are running a full-court press campaign.

We are all in... Are you?

Do you want the bad legislation that has been cut up here already under the MMM Act, which Kesto and others in Legislation have clearly stated is the Framework for Recreational Pot Legislation or the other problem-ridden legislative messes any of the other states have now?

Or would you prefer Michigan bypass all that insanity and take control of this tiger ourselves?

Legalization is coming. Do you want Alcohol type legalization where 50,000 plus people are arrested for Drunk Driving,
Or do you want Carrot type Legalization where the only people arrested are those that tried to use the carrot to stab someone]s eye out with?

The State gets Legislative control over Cannabis in the Retail/Commercial world. But not in the Private sector.
Plenty of taxes by normal sales tax, business taxes, capital gains, and even income taxes from all the new jobs.
Plenty of state ability to legislate, They just can not arrest, fine, or legislate to diminish use under Abrogate.

The State Wants you to give them something under MPP/MiLegalize. They get full control then.
Is that what you want?

If not, then Abrogate is your only option.

Join us on February 5th if you can. We will have a conference call number in a few days, and we'll also do Skype and probably a Facebook Live cast for those that can't make it. Time is 2-5pm est.

So tell me. Are you ready to actually End Cannabis Prohibition in Michigan and stop the Arrests for nonviolent, victimless cannabis possession, commerce, and industry?
Or do you want to keep it the way it is going today?
1st Abrogate Meeting 2017.

Sunday, February 5 at 2 PM - 5 PM
3867 E. Shaffer Rd, Midland, MI 48642-9794
FYI, I am about 10 miles West of I-75 for situational awareness.

If more than 40 confirm, we will be moving the meeting a few miles away (maybe 10) from my place to accommodate the larger crowd.

Will update if necessary.

Sunday, February 5th we are having a meeting at or near my home in Midland. Open public invite.
If we have more than 40 that want to show up, we will have to move down the road. There is a nice lil country bar we can go to that will fit a lil over a 100.
If we have more than 100 that want to show up, we can have 2 or 3 meetings on the following 2 Sundays, or we can try to find a larger place.

But I need some sort of a head count. This is just one of the forums this is posted on, and of course, Facebook where we created an event page and you can confirm you will be attending here:

However, if you're not on FB, just post here you will be coming next Sunday, Feb 5th. So I can get a general idea of how many will come to a meeting.

Trying to be as open and inclusive as possible, but I am just one person. 4 different websites, facebook twitter, email etc, too many variables. Please contact me directly by Phone. (989) 600-4760. 10am - 11pm any day.

You can give us your email address to put you on our emailer at www.agrogate.org and you can also read the language, get a feel for Abrogate if you are unfamiliar, contact info, tell us you want to be more involved, and even donate. A campaign takes Money, and we'll need it.

Last year we came out in shotgun formation and immediately had to throw a Hail Mary to try to get on Novembers Ballot.
That is not the case this time around, and we are running a full-court press campaign.

We are all in... Are you?

Do you want the bad legislation that has been cut up here already under the MMM Act, which Kesto and others in Legislation have clearly stated is the Framework for Recreational Pot Legislation or the other problem-ridden legislative messes any of the other states have now?

Or would you prefer Michigan bypass all that insanity and take control of this tiger ourselves?

Legalization is coming. Do you want Alcohol type legalization where 50,000 plus people are arrested for Drunk Driving,
Or do you want Carrot type Legalization where the only people arrested are those that tried to use the carrot to stab someone]s eye out with?

The State gets Legislative control over Cannabis in the Retail/Commercial world. But not in the Private sector.
Plenty of taxes by normal sales tax, business taxes, capital gains, and even income taxes from all the new jobs.
Plenty of state ability to legislate, They just can not arrest, fine, or legislate to diminish use under Abrogate.

The State Wants you to give them something under MPP/MiLegalize. They get full control then.
Is that what you want?

If not, then Abrogate is your only option.

Join us on February 5th if you can. We will have a conference call number in a few days, and we'll also do Skype and probably a Facebook Live cast for those that can't make it. Time is 2-5pm est.

So tell me. Are you ready to actually End Cannabis Prohibition in Michigan and stop the Arrests for nonviolent, victimless cannabis possession, commerce, and industry?
Or do you want to keep it the way it is going today?
Timmahh, is my information in my signature still correct or do I need to change it?
Timmahh, is my information in my signature still correct or do I need to change it?
Doc, So far so good. If you would use 989 600-4760 for my contact info.
I am not sure where Ben stands atm. But he is supposed to be attending our meeting tomorrow.