So what rights are you radicalized enough to give up?

Honestly, it’s not the blowjob or even the cheating, and I understand the act in itself was a small thing on any political scale, but it opened my eyes to other truths I had ignored and myths I had bought into. I felt quite liberated as soon as I no longer felt pressure to fall in line with any political party.

More concerning to me in the Clinton incident was a man taking advantage of his position of leadership and mentorship over a young and impressionable person to get sexual favors. I fire that dude if he works for me, no questions asked. I’m also big on owning your errors. He lied and lied and lied. Sure it was only a blowjob, but it also revealed his character, which was clearly quite poor.
now do trump....
now do trump....
I’m sorry people keep making this connection. I’ve got nothing nice to say about Trump or the direction of the conservative movement. The discussions are completely unrelated.

I’ll duck out. Small impetus can propel large conclusions in all realms of thought. I’m proud to be a liberal leaning independent. Crazy to me that folk would peer pressure others into making one of two weak choices. Weak and much much weaker, sure, but I’m not flying the flag of either one. I’ll vote for Biden. I agree he has a good team. I’m not real enthusiastic about the party though.
Honestly, it’s not the blowjob or even the cheating, and I understand the act in itself was a small thing on any political scale, but it opened my eyes to other truths I had ignored and myths I had bought into. I felt quite liberated as soon as I no longer felt pressure to fall in line with any political party.

More concerning to me in the Clinton incident was a man taking advantage of his position of leadership and mentorship over a young and impressionable person to get sexual favors. I fire that dude if he works for me, no questions asked. I’m also big on owning your errors. He lied and lied and lied. Sure it was only a blowjob, but it also revealed his character, which was clearly quite poor.
Clinton lost the support of my mother, a life long Democrat over that. It wasn't the affair that he had with Monica that bothered her. It was that he lied directly to the people of the US. He lost a lot of trust, not only for himself but the Democratic Party leadership, who clutched pearls and complained about how unjust his treatment was. The baggage he created with his "Slick Willie" persona tarred Al Gore and was in part why Shrub won. I have no doubt that 9/11, the 20 years war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq were all due to Shrub winning the election and not Gore. So, there were consequences to everybody in the world for his actions, even if Bill was never held personally accountable.

Personally, I think its absurd to expect a married man to tell the truth in a public forum about an extramarital affair. He shouldn't have lied under oath. That was a step too far. I had no issues with him being impeached for that. But still, in the grand scheme of all the truly shitty things presidents have done over the past 50 years, that's small beer.
Honestly, it’s not the blowjob or even the cheating, and I understand the act in itself was a small thing on any political scale, but it opened my eyes to other truths I had ignored and myths I had bought into. I felt quite liberated as soon as I no longer felt pressure to fall in line with any political party.

More concerning to me in the Clinton incident was a man taking advantage of his position of leadership and mentorship over a young and impressionable person to get sexual favors. I fire that dude if he works for me, no questions asked. I’m also big on owning your errors. He lied and lied and lied. Sure it was only a blowjob, but it also revealed his character, which was clearly quite poor.
I don't have a big of an issue with the getting it on, but I really did think it was a douche move to not ever apologize/try to make things right for the poor girl. I am a big fan of accountability and when you screw up, you should own up to it and not try to hide it like he did. I think 'chicken shit' is the best way to describe how he handled it.
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Monica Lewinsky is content without an apology from former President Bill Clinton.

The 48-year-old appeared on the Today show Tuesday to promote her new FX limited series Impeachment: American Crime Story, for which she served as executive producer.

Lewinsky reflected on the period of her life that's chronicled in the drama, when she was a 22-year-old White House intern who had a sexual relationship with then-President Clinton — a late-'90s scandal that captivated the nation and led to the president's impeachment.

"I'm nervous for people to see some of the worst moments of my life and a lot of behavior that I regret. If you remember your 20s not that long ago, it's pretty cringe-worthy," she told Savannah Guthrie with a laugh.

Asked whether she feels former President Clinton, now 75, owes her an apology, Lewinsky explained, "I think there was a long period before my life changed in the last six or seven years where I felt a lot in terms of there not being this resolution. I'm very grateful that I don't have that feeling anymore."

"And I don't need it," she added of an apology. "He should wannaapologize, in the same way that I wanna apologize any chance I get to people that I've hurt and my actions have hurt."

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In 2018, the former president was pressed in a Today interview about whether he has privately apologized to Lewinsky. He said he had not spoken to Lewinsky — and did not feel he owed her a personal apology.

"I apologized to everybody in the world," he said, adding, "No, I do, I, I, I do not. I've never talked to her. But I did say, publicly, on more than one occasion, that I was sorry. That's very different. The apology was public."

In the four-part Hillary docuseries that premiered on Hulu last year, former President Clinton opened up about the affair scandal, including the moment he came clean to his wife Hillary Clinton and their daughter Chelsea, who was a teenager at the time.

"I went and sat on the bed and talked to [Hillary]," he recalled in Hillary. "I told her exactly what happened, when it happened. I said, 'I feel terrible about it.' I said, 'We've been through quite a bit in the last few years. I have no defense. This is inexcusable, what I did.' "

Nobody, he said, "sits down and thinks, 'I think I'll take a really irresponsible risk. It's bad for my family, bad for my country, bad for the people who work with me.' "

"That's not what happens," he continued. "It's … you feel like you're staggering around. You've been in a 15-round prize fight that's been extended to 30 rounds and here's something that will take your mind off it for a while. Everybody's life has pressures and disappointments, terrors and fears of whatever. Things I did to manage my anxieties for years — I'm a totally different person than I was."

"What I did, it was bad, but it wasn't like I thought, 'Let's see, how can I think about the most stupid thing I could possibly do and do it.' It's just not a defense," he added.

In Impeachment, Clive Owen stars as President Clinton, and Sarah Paulsonplays U.S. civil servant Linda Tripp, whom Lewinsky (played by Beanie Feldstein) confides in, ultimately leading to the affair coming to light. Edie Falco stars as the then-First Lady, Billy Eichner as reporter Matt Drudge and Cobie Smulders as conservative commentator Ann Coulter.
The series is based on Jeffrey Toobin's book A Vast Conspiracy: The Real Story of the Sex Scandal That Nearly Brought Down a President.

Feldstein, 28, said during a Television Critics Association panel last month, according to Entertainment Weekly, that Lewinsky had a say in "every word" and "every script page."

"When I received the scripts, I knew that every word that I was saying was approved and had been to Monica first," she said. "... [The producers] would go through the scripts with her and [she would] give all her feedback and her notes. And by the time it got to me, I was sure that everything in there was something that she felt comfortable with, she felt was real to her life and represented her."

Clinton lost the support of my mother, a life long Democrat over that. It wasn't the affair that he had with Monica that bothered her. It was that he lied directly to the people of the US. He lost a lot of trust, not only for himself but the Democratic Party leadership, who clutched pearls and complained about how unjust his treatment was. The baggage he created with his "Slick Willie" persona tarred Al Gore and was in part why Shrub won. I have no doubt that 9/11, the 20 years war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq were all due to Shrub winning the election and not Gore. So, there were consequences to everybody in the world for his actions, even if Bill was never held personally accountable.

Personally, I think its absurd to expect a married man to tell the truth in a public forum about an extramarital affair. He shouldn't have lied under oath. That was a step too far. I had no issues with him being impeached for that. But still, in the grand scheme of all the truly shitty things presidents have done over the past 50 years, that's small beer.
I think there is also something to be said about him compromising a lot too much during the period around his reelection to come across as 'getting things done', because a lot of stupid shit filtered through the cracks that undid a lot of the things like banking regulations that while they didn't break anything, did weaken them so that when Bush and the Republicans started pulling on threads shit went sideways.
I don't have a big of an issue with the getting it on, but I really did think it was a douche move to not ever apologize/try to make things right for the poor girl. I am a big fan of accountability and when you screw up, you should own up to it and not try to hide it like he did. I think 'chicken shit' is the best way to describe how he handled it.
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I think there is also something to be said about him compromising a lot too much during the period around his reelection to come across as 'getting things done', because a lot of stupid shit filtered through the cracks that undid a lot of the things like banking regulations that while they didn't break anything, did weaken them so that when Bush and the Republicans started pulling on threads shit went sideways.
Not disagreeing but putting it into perspective. I think his role in stepping up policing that targeted Black men is much worse and affects this country much more than what happened in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. That said, Nixon's Watergate, Reagan's deal with Iran to help him get elected, followed by the Iran-Contra scandal, Shrub's lies to get support for the invasion of Iraq and the use of drone strikes to project US power under Obama were all much worse and seem to get less attention. Then again, Trump's many crimes are leagues worse than all of them.

If I could trade, I'd swap one more Clinton peccadillo for one less 9/11 security lapse on Shrub's part.

Taken together, I think Clinton's presidency should be considered one of the best. We don't have to like our presidents but we have to live with the consequences of their actions or inaction.
Not disagreeing but putting it into perspective. I think his role in stepping up policing that targeted Black men is much worse and affects this country much more than what happened in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. That said, Nixon's Watergate, Reagan's deal with Iran to help him get elected, followed by the Iran-Contra scandal, Shrub's lies to get support for the invasion of Iraq and the use of drone strikes to project US power under Obama were all much worse and seem to get less attention. Then again, Trump's many crimes are leagues worse than all of them.

If I could trade, I'd swap one more Clinton peccadillo for one less 9/11 security lapse on Shrub's part.

Taken together, I think Clinton's presidency should be considered one of the best. We don't have to like our presidents but we have to live with the consequences of their actions or inaction.
It has been a pretty stellar 20 years of Democratic presidency when the only real scandals are someone being chicken shit about a blow job and trying to not put American troops in danger during a war.

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